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Hon. Murray Scott Montgomery MLC


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
MONTGOMERY, Hon. Murray Scott, MLC
Member for South West Region
National Party of Australia


Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament from 22 May 1989 for South West Region. Re-elected 1993, 1996 (for term commencing 22 May 1997). Retired 22 May 2001.

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Chairman of Committees from 22 June 1993.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

NPA Spokesperson for Sport and Recreation, Youth and South West March 1989 – 24 November 1992. Coalition Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation 24 November 1992 – 16 February 1993.

Standing Committees

Chairman Estimates and Financial Operations Committee (member from 17 March 1992) from 3 August 1993. Member Standing Committee on Government Agencies September 1989 – 17 March 1992; Standing Orders Committee from 23 June 1993; Joint Standing Committee on the Commission on Government 17 August 1994 – 14 November 1996; and Joint Standing Committee on the Anti-Corruption Commission from 12 June 1997.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Select Committees on Aquaculture and Mariculture 1989–1990; on Spread of Dieback in National Parks and Conservation Reserves May 1991 – 22 September 1992; on a Matter of Privilege relating to Police Surveillance of Hon Reg Davies 22 October – 1 December 1992; on Western Australian Police Service 25 November 1993 – 14 November 1996; and to consider the Release of Documents from the Select Committee on the WA Police Service 26 June – 16 September 1997.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, Delegations etc.

Represented WA branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association for the Parliamentary Visit, London, May 1992; and at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Perth, May 1993.



Born 15 January 1943, Mount Barker, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Farmer — Kalgan.


South West Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Albany, Bunbury, Collie, Dawesville, Mandurah, Mitchell, Murray–Wellington, Stirling, Vasse and Warren–Blackwood. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 134,939; area 44,518 sq km.