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The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
Assembly sit 08/04/2025
The Legislative Council meets on 08/04/2025 (02:45 PM)
Council sit 08/04/2025
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Hon. Donald Terrence (Terry) Redman MLA
BSc, DipEd
Legislative Assembly
The Nationals WA
Inaugural Speech:
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Speeches by Hon. Donald Terrence (Terry) Redman
Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
REDMAN, Hon. Donald Terrence (Terry), MLA
Former Member for Warren-Blackwood
The Nationals WA
Elected to the Thirty-Seventh Parliament for Stirling on 26 February 2005 in succession to
Montague (Monty) Grant House
(retired). Electorate abolished in the redistribution of 2007.
Elected to the Thirty-Eighth Parliament for Blackwood-Stirling (new seat) on 6 September 2008. Electorate abolished in the redistribution of 2011.
Elected to the Thirty-Ninth Parliament for Warren-Blackwood (new seat) on 9 March 2013.
Re-elected 2017.
Defeated at the general election of 13 March 2021 by
Elizabeth (Jane) Jane Kelsbie
Ministerial Appointments
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Minister Assisting the Minister for Education from 23 September 2008 to 14 December 2010.
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Corrective Services from 14 December 2010 to 29 June 2012.
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry from 29 June 2012 to 12 July 2012.
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Housing from 12 July 2012 to 21 March 2013.
Minister for Training and Workforce Development; Water; Forestry from 21 March 2013 to 11 December 2013.
Minister for Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development from 11 December 2013 to 17 March 2017.
Standing Committees
Member, Public Accounts Committee from 7 April 2005 to 7 August 2008.
Co-opted member to the Economics and Industry Standing Committee inquiry into the Production and Marketing of Foodstuffs from 1 June 2005 to 30 March 2006.
Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 23 May 2017 to 29 January 2021 (Deputy Chair from 4 February 2020).
Parliamentary Party Appointments
Deputy Leader of the National Party of Australia (WA) from 19 March to 19 November 2013.
Leader of the National Party of Australia (WA) from 19 November 2013 to 9 August 2016.
Born 16 April 1963, Subiaco, Western Australia.
Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament
BSc; DipEd.
Businessman; former teacher.
The electorate of Warren-Blackwood is located in the South West Region and includes all or parts of the Shires of Augusta-Margaret River; Boyup-Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Denmark, Manjimup, Nannup, and Platagenet.
Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Alexandra Bridge, Augusta, Balbarrup, Barrabup, Beedelup, Benjinup, Biddelia, Boorara Brook, Boranup, Bow Bridge, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown, Broke, Burnside, Callcup, Carlotta, Catterick, Channybearup, Chowerup, Collins, Courtenay, Crowea, Cundinup, Darradup, Deanmill, Deepdene, Denbarker, Denmark, Diamond Tree, Dingup, Dinninup, Dixvale, Donnelly River, East Augusta, East Nannup, Eastbrook, Forest Grove, Forest Hill, Glenlynn, Glenoran, Gnarabup, Greenbushes, Hamelin Bay, Hay, Hazelvale, Hester, Hester Brook, Jalbarragup, Jardee, Kangaroo Gully, Karridale, Kendenup, Kentdale, Kingston, Kordabup, Kudardup, Kulikup, Lake Jasper, Lake Muir, Leeuwin, Linfarne, Manjimup, Maranup, Margaret River, Mayanup, McAlinden, Meerup, Middlesex, Molloy Island, Mordalup, Mt Barker, Nannup, Narrikup, Nillup, Nornalup, North Greenbushes, North Walpole, Northcliffe, Ocean Beach, Palgarup, Parryville, Peaceful Bay, Peerabeelup, Pemberton, Perillup, Perup, Porongurup, Prevelly, Quinninup, Redgate, Ringbark, Rocky Gully, Scotsdale, Scott River, Scott River East, Scotts Brook, Shadforth, Shannon, Smith Brook, Sunnyside, Takalarup, Tingledale, Tonebridge, Upper Warren, Walpole, Wandillup, Warner Glen, Wilga, Wilgarrup, William Bay, Windy Harbour, Winnejup, Witchcliffe, Woogenellup, Yanmah, Yeagarup, and Yornup.
Enrolment (2017) 27,667; area 22,708 sq kms.