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Mr Rodney (Rod) Noel Sweetman MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
SWEETMAN, Rodney Noel, MLA
Member for Ningaloo

Elected to the Thirty–fifth Parliament for Ningaloo (new seat) on 14 December 1996. Re-elected 2001. Electorate abolished in redistribution 2003. Did not contest the general election 2005. Contested the general election for North West on 6 September 2008 but was defeated by Hon. Vincent Catania.

Parliamentary Appointments
Deputy Chairman of Committees 14 May 1997 – 7 September 1999. Acting Speaker of the Legislative Assembly from 8 September 1999 – 10 January 2001.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Minister for Regional Transport; Fisheries and Gascoyne 9 March - 31 December 2001. Shadow Minister for Agriculture and the Gascoyne 1 January 2002 - 24 February 2003. Shadow Minister for Mines; Salinity and Gascoyne 24 February 2003 - 27 May 2004.

Standing Committees
Member Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and Intergovernmental Agreements 18 March – 15 May 1997. Member Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation from 28 June 2001.


Born 21 June 1953, Subiaco, Western Australia.

Marital Status

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament
Business proprietor — building contractor.

Ningaloo is located in the Mining and Pastoral Region and includes the Shires of Carnarvon, Cue, Exmouth, Mount Magnet, Murchison, Northampton, Sandstone, Shark Bay, Upper Gascoyne and Yalgoo, and parts of Ashburton, East Pilbara, and Meekatharra. Enrolment (10 February 2001) 10,100; area 437,927 sq km.
