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Hon. Bob Thomas MLC

Government Whip

BA (Soc Sc)

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
THOMAS, Hon. Robert (Bob) John, MLC
Member for South West Region
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament for South West Region from 22 May 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996. Retiring 21 May 2001.

Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Regional Spokesperson for Great Southern: 18 October 1994 - 10 February 2001.
Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council: 15 January 1997 - 10 February 2001.
Government Whip in the Legislative Council: 16 February 2001 - 21 May 2001.

Standing Committees

Member Printing Committee September 1989 – January 1993, and from 18 March 1997 – 10 June 1998; Estimates and Financial Operations Committee from July 1990 – 21 March 2000.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Joint Select Committee on the Constitution May 1990 – 24 October 1991; on Spread of Dieback in National Parks and Conservation Reserves May 1991 – 22 September 1992.

Parliamentary Party Appointments



Born 17 October 1954, Sydney, N.S.W. Arrived in Western Australia 1955.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

BA (Soc. Sc.). Clerk.


South West Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Albany, Bunbury, Collie, Dawesville, Mandurah, Mitchell, Murray–Wellington, Stirling, Vasse and Warren–Blackwood. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 134,939; area 44,518 sq km.