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Frederick (Fred) Charles Tubby MLA

B.Ed., M.A.C.E., JP

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
TUBBY, Frederick Charles, MLA
Member for Roleystone


Elected to the Thirty-second Parliament for Dale at the by-election on 7 May 1988 held to fill the vacancy consequent upon the resignation of Edgar Cyril Rushton. Electorate abolished in redistribution 1988. Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament for Roleystone (new seat) on 4 February 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996. Defeated 10 February 2001.

Parliamentary Appointments
Acting Speaker of the Legilsative Assembly 8 August 2000 – 10 January 2001.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education, Employment and Training, Minister Assisting the Minister for Commerce and Trade (until 10 February 1995), Sport and Recreation (from 31 August 1993), and Parliamentary and Electoral Affairs (from 10 February 1995) 16 February 1993 – 21 December 1995; and to the Minister for Resources Development, Energy, Education (until 22 December 1999) and Leader of the House (until 9 January 1997) from 21 December 1995 - 10 February 2001.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for The Family, Seniors and Consumer Affairs 7 March 1989 – 17 June 1990; for Education, and Business and Consumer Affairs (until August 1991) 17 June 1990 – 24 November 1992. Coalition Shadow Minister for Education 24 November 1992 – 16 February 1993.

Standing Committees

Member Joint House Committee 10 May 1994 - 11 June 1998; Joint Parliamentary Services Committee 11 June 1998 - 10 January 2001; Procedure and Privileges Committee 14 March 2000 - 10 January 2001.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Chairman Select Committee on Heavy Transport 27 September 1994 – 13 November 1996; and on Perth’s Air Quality 29 May 1997 - 21 May 1998. Member Select Committee on Science and Technology 4 August 1993 – 24 November 1994.



Born 23 January 1947, Morawa, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

B Ed., MACE, MIEA. School principal.


Roleystone is located in the East Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Baldivis, Bedfordale, Bickley, Cardup, Carmel, Jarrahdale, Karragullen, Kenwick, Keysbrook, Mardella, Mundijong, Orange Grove, Peel Estate, Pickering Brook, Roleystone, Serpentine, Walliston, Wattle Grove, Wellard and Whitby, and parts of Beckenham, Byford, Maddington, Martin, Oakford and Wungong. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 24,322; area 1,648 sq km.
