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Ms Dianne Joy Guise MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
GUISE, Dianne Joy, MLA
Member for Wanneroo (10 February 2001 - 6 September 2008)
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-sixth Parliament for Wanneroo on 10 February 2001 in succession of Iain Douglas Maclean (defeated).
Re-elected 2005. Defeated at the general election of 6 September 2008 for Wanneroo and succeeded by Mr Paul Terrence Miles (Liberal).

Parliamentary Appointments
Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly 1 May 2001 - 6 September 2008.

Standing Committees
Member Procedure and Privileges Committee from 30 May 2001 - 23 January 2005; and from 7 April 2005 - 6 September 2008.
Member of Education and Health Standing Committee from 7 April 2005 - 6 September 2008.


Born 29 October 1952, Melbourne, Victoria. Arrived in Western Australia 1970.

Marital Status

Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament
Electorate Officer


Wanneroo is located in the North Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Ashby, Banskia Grove, Butler, Carabooda, Carramar, Darch, Eglinton, Gnangara, Hocking, Jandabup, Madeley, Margininup, Merriwa, Nowerup, Pearsall, Pinjar, Ridgewood, Sinagra, Tapping, Two Rocks, Wangara, Wanneroo and Yanchep and parts of Landsdale, Neerabup and Quinns Rock..
Enrolment (30 January 2005) 31,413; area 637 sq kms.