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Hon. John Halden MLC

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
HALDEN, Hon. Stanley (John), MLC
Member for South Metropolitan Region
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-second Parliament for North Metropolitan Province from 22 May 1986 in succession to Peter Henry Wells (defeated). Elected for South Metropolitan Region from 22 May 1989. Re-elected 1993, 1996 (for term commencing 22 May 1997). Resigned 20 January 2000.

Ministerial Appointments
Parliamentary Secretary assisting the Minister for Education, and Parliamentary and Electoral Reform (20 November 1990 – 19 March 1991); and for Productivity and Labour Relations, and Consumer Affairs (from 19 March 1991) 30 April 1990 – 16 February 1993.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council 17 February 1993 – 30 November 1993; Leader of the Opposition 30 November 1993 – 15 October 1996. Shadow Minister for Transport 17 February 1993 –7 February 1994; for Education, Employment and Training, and Youth (from 23 January 1995) 7 February 1994 – 18 March 1996; for Employment and Training, Federal Affairs, Finance, and South West 18 March 1996 – 15 October 1996; for Finance 15 January – April 1997. Shadow Minister for Prisons 6 January 1999 to 20 January 2000.

Standing Committees
Member Standing Committee on Government Agencies September 1989 – January 1993; and Constitutional Affairs and Statutes Revision Committee 25 August 1992 – January 1993. Chairperson Estimates and Financial Operations Committee 10 April – 29 April 1997; additional member to consider the Estimates for 1990–91 and for 1991–92.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions
Chairman Joint Select Committee on Parole 7 September 1989 – 28 August 1991. Member Select Committee on West Australian Police Service 2 December 1992 – 8 January 1993.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, Delegations etc
Represented WA Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at the 22nd Australasian and Pacific Region Conference, New Zealand, September 1991.


Born 21 January 1954, Fremantle, Western Australia. Educated in Western Australia.

Marital Status

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament
BA (Soc. Wk). Social Worker and Family Court counsellor.


South Metropolitan Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Alfred Cove, Cockburn, Fremantle, Murdoch, Peel, Riverton, Rockingham, South Perth, Victoria Park and Willagee. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 238,150; area 590 sq km.