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Hon. Phillip George Pendal MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
PENDAL, Hon. Phillip George, MLA
Member for South Perth
Independent Liberal (Liberal 1980 – 30 March 1995)


Elected to the Thirtieth Parliament for South-East Metropolitan Region from 22 May 1980 in succession to Grace Sydney Vaughan (defeated). Appointed to the South Central Metropolitan Province (new Province) from 22 May 1983. Elected to the Thirty-third Parliament for South Metropolitan Region from 22 May 1989. Resigned 14 January 1993. Elected to the Thirty-fourth Parliament for South Perth (Legislative Assembly) 6 February 1993 in succession to William Leonard Grayden (retired). Resigned from Parliamentary Liberal Party 30 March 1995. Re-elected 1996, 2001. Did not contest the general election 2005 and succeeded by John Edwin McGrath (Liberal).

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Lands and Surveys, and Tourism March 1983 – 13 March 1984; for Tourism, Arts, America's Cup, Multicultural Affairs and Ethnic Affairs, Sport and Recreation 19 March – December 1986; for Tourism, Arts, the Family, and the Elderly and Retired (from 26 April 1988) December 1986 – 7 March 1989; for Tourism Economics, Cultural Affairs and Heritage, and Youth 7 March 1989 – 17 June 1990; for The Environment, Cultural Affairs (until 24 May 1992), Heritage, and Federal Affairs (until 24 May 1992) 17 June 1990 – 16 February 1993.

Standing Committees

Member Library Committee 29 September 1982 – January 1993; Standing Committee on Government Agencies 1982–1983; Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee 22 – 29 June 1993. Chairman Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Agreements and Uniform Legislation Schemes 9 February 1994 – 14 November 1996.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Select Committee on the desirability of establishing a Standing Committee on Government Agencies 1980 – 1981; Joint Select Committee on the Constitution December 1989 – August 1990 (resigned); on a Matter of Privilege relating to a Petition presented by Hon John Halden 11 November – 14 December 1992. Chairman Select Committee on Batavia Relics 23 September – 1 December 1992; on Heritage Laws 8 September 1993 – 27 February 1995; and on Ancient Shipwrecks 3 November 1993 – 17 October 1995.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, delegations etc

Represented WA branch Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at the 16th Australasian and Pacific Regional Conference, Cook Islands, 1981.


4 February 1947 - 3 June 2008


Bunbury, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

Journalist and Press secretary.


South Perth is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Karawara, Kensington, Manning, Salter Point, South Perth and Waterford. Enrolment (10 February 2001) 23,877; 28 sq km.
