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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
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Hon. Barbara Mary Scott MLC

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
SCOTT, Hon. Barbara Mary, MLC
Member for South Metropolitan Region


Elected to the Thirty-fourth Parliament for South Metropolitan Region on 6 February 1993 for term commencing 22 May 1993. Re-elected 1996, 2001, 2005 (for term commencing 22 May 2005). Retired 21 May 2009.

Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Minister for Education and Women's Interest: 16 February 2001 - 31 December 2001.
Shadow Minister for Culture and the Arts and Children: 1 January 2002 - 20 March 2005.
Shadow Minister for Culture and the Arts: 20 March 2005 - 8 April 2006.
Shadow Minister for Censorship; Children: 20 March 2005 - 23 September 2008.
Shadow Minister for Arts: 8 April 2006 - 23 September 2008.

Standing Committees
Note: It is anticipated that membership of standing committees will be reviewed following the commencement of the New Legislative Council on 22 May 2009.
Member, Standing Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Statutes Revision: 3 August 1993 - 14 November 1996.
Member, Printing Committee: 23 June 1993 - 29 October 1993.
Member, Standing Committee on Government Agencies: 11 May 1994 - 14 November 1996.
Member, Standing Committee on Public Administration (formerly Government Agencies): 10 April 1997 - 21 May 2001.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation: 13 May 1997 - 30 June 1998. Reappointed 26 May 2005 - 21 May 2009.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Anti-Corruption Commission: 27 June 2001 - 13 May 2004.

[1. The House was prorogued from 10 January 2001 - 1 May 2001]

Select Committees/Royal Commissions
Note: Select Committee cease to exist on Prorogation
Chairman, Select Committee on Immunisation and Vaccination Rates in Children: 25 September 1997 - 23 June 1999.
Chairman, Select Committee on Advocacy for Children: 26 June 2003 - 2 July 2004.


Born (Barbara Mary Barnett) 21 July 1939, Merredin, Western Australia.

Marital Status

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament
Teacher, company director and early childhood education consultant.


South Metropolitan Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Alfred Cove, Cockburn, Fremantle, Murdoch, Peel, Riverton, Rockingham, South Perth, Victoria Park and Willagee. Enrolment (30 June 2005) 272,943; 577 sq km.