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Mr Trevor Raymond Sprigg MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
SPRIGG, Trevor Raymond, MLA
Member for Murdoch
Liberal Party

Elected to the Thirty-seventh Parliament for Murdoch on 26 February 2005 in succession to Hon. Michael Francis Board (retired). Died 17 January 2008.

Standing Committees

Member Parliamentary Services Committee from 7 April 2005 - 17 January 2008.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

Opposition Whip from 22 August 2006 - 17 January 2008.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Opposition Spokesperson on Sport and Recreation.

Born 10 August 1946, Wagin, WA. Died 17 January 2008.

Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament
Diploma of Teaching. Management Consultant

Murdoch is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Bateman, Brentwooed, Murdoch, North Lake, and Winthrop and parts of the suburbs Bibra Lake, Booragoon, Bull Creek, Jandakot, Kardinya, Leeming, Mount Pleasant and Rossmoyne.
Enrolment (31 January 2005) 28,372; area 27 sq kms.