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William (Bill) Ian Thomas MLA

B.A., JP

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
Hide details for Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary HandbookExtract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
THOMAS, William Ian, MLA
Member for Cockburn
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-second Parliament for Welshpool on 8 February 1986 in succession to Colin John Jamieson (retired). Electorate abolished in redistribution 1988. Elected to Thirty-third Parliament for Cockburn on 4 February 1989 in succession to Norman Richard Marlborough (elected for Peel). Re-elected 1993, 1996. Did not contest general election 10 February 2001.

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Chairman of Committees 1986–1989; 4 November 1992 – January 1993.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet 28 February 1989 – 20 October 1992.

Shadow Ministerial Positions

Shadow Minister for Water Resources (until 7 February 1994), Science and Technology, and Energy (from 7 February 1994) 17 February 1993 – 23 January 1995; Energy, Science and Technology; Commerce and Trade 23 January 1995 – 15 January 1997; Energy; Higher Education; Science and Technology 15 January 1997 – 4 August 1999.

Standing Committees

Member Standing Orders Committee 1988 – January 1993, Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee 22 June 1993 – 19 August 1993; Deputy Chairman Joint Standing Committee on Anti-Corruption Commission 12 November 1996 – 10 January 2001. Member Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation 2 December 1998 – 10 January 2001; Uniform Legislation and Intergovernmental Agreements 11 May 2000 – 10 January 2001.

Select Committees/Royal Commissions

Member Select Committees on a Matter of Privilege 1986, on a Matter of Privilege 1988, on the Official Corruption Commission Act 27 November 1991 – 5 March 1992, on the Recommendations of that Committee 26 May – 24 September 1992, and on a Matter of Privilege on the Premature Release of Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Draft Report on the Notre Dame Land Grant 16 September 1992 – 12 November 1992. Chairman Select Committee on Science and Technology 4 August 1993 – 24 November 1994.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

Deputy Government Whip 1986–1989,

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences, delegations etc.

Represented WA branch Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at 24th Australasian and Pacific Regional Conference, Victoria, Canada, 1997.



Born 18 September 1950, Perth, Western Australia.

Marital Status


Qualifications and Occupation before entering Parliament

BA. Union official and ministerial officer.


Cockburn is included in the South Metropolitan Region and includes the suburbs of Beeliar, Hope Valley, Munster, South Lake, Spearwood, Success, Wattleup and Yangebup, and parts of Bibra Lake, Coogee and Hamilton Hill. Enrolment (14 December 1996) 23,460; area 106 sq km.
