179 | 28/11/2012 | 90 | Better Rail and Bus Services between Mandurah, Fremantle, Armadale and Perth | James Mumme | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
178 | 27/11/2012 | 1560 | Swan Valley Planning Act 1995 | John Griffiths | Hon Matt Benson Lidholm | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
177 | 13/11/2012 | 94 | Lack of Affordable Housing | Christina Ward | Hon Alyssa Hayden | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
176 | 6/11/2012 | 141 | Banning of Smoking at Sporting Grounds | Simon Keemink | Hon Wendy Duncan | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
175 | 7/11/2012 | 120 | Redevelopment of Laverton Hospital | Patrick Hill | Hon Wendy Duncan | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
175 | 16/10/2012 | 276 | Redevelopment of Laverton Hospital | Patrick Hill | Hon Wendy Duncan | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
175 | 13/11/2012 | 73 | Redevelopment of Laverton Hospital | Patrick Hill | Hon Wendy Duncan | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
174 | 27/09/2012 | 237 | Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts Program | Dawn Barrington | Hon Colin Holt | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
174 | 16/10/2012 | 183 | Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts Program | Dawn Barrington | Hon Sally Talbot | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
174 | 13/11/2012 | 536 | Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts Program | Dawn Barrington | Hon Colin Holt | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
174 | 16/10/2012 | 219 | Great Southern Institute of TAFE Music and Arts Program | Dawn Barrington | Hon Giz Watson | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
173 | 25/09/2012 | 18 | End Live Cattle Exports | Sandra Rawnley | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 14/11/12 |
172 | 18/09/2012 | 185 | First Click and Second Click Computer Funding | Maria Rabbone | Hon Ljiljanna Ravlich | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
171 | 19/09/2012 | 1 | Reverse the Decision to Send Year Seven Children to High School | Brian Christie | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 14/11/12 |
170 | 19/09/2012 | 1 | Australian Plague Locust Program | Brian Christie | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 14/11/12 |
169 | 22/08/2012 | 15 | Burrup Peninsular and Islands of the Dampier Archipelago | Peter Schultz | Lynn MacLaren | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
168 | 21/08/2012 | 982 | Closure of the Cockburn Police Station | Mary Jenkins | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 28 /11/12 |
167 | 15/08/2012 | 222 | Opposing the Destruction of Public Green Spaces | Alexandra Jones | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 07/11/12 |
166 | 14/08/2012 | 7232 | Cessation of the Chlorination of Busselton’s Water Supply | Diana Michaels | Hon Adele Farina | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
166 | 14/08/2012 | 969 | Cessation of the Chlorination of Busselton's Water Supply | Maya Spilsbury-Slee | Hon Adele Farina | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
165 | 14/08/2012 | 26 | Toxic Odour in Geraldton | Brian Ferguson | Hon Brian Ellis | Finalised 26/09/12 |
164 | 28/06/2012 | 5454 | Protection of Endangered Species Indigenous to WA | Jess Beckerling | Hon Giz Watson | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
163 | 24/05/2012 | 155 | Red Cross Blood Services in Regional Hospitals | Judith Caudwell | Hon Brian Ellis | Finalised 15/08/12 |
162 | 13/06/2012 | 79 | Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 | Gavin Jackson | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 26/09/12 |
162 | 22/08/2012 | 28 | Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 | Gvin Jackson | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 29/09/12 |
162 | 22/05/2012 | 2666 | Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 | Gavin Jackson | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 26/09/12 |
161 | 16/05/2012 | 2666 | Review of the Laws Pertaining to Domestic Violence | Angela Hartwig | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 13/09/12 |
161 | 12/09/2012 | 250 | Review of the laws Pertaining to Domestic Violence | Terri Aldridge | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 13/09/12 |
160 | 19/06/2012 | 130 | Amelioration of Energy Costs Levied on Senior Citizens | Jennie Hunt | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 15/08/12 |
160 | 3/05/2012 | 4409 | Amelioration of Energy Costs Levied on Senior Citizens | June Mac Donald | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 15/08/12 |
159 | 2/05/2012 | 463 | Regional Resource Recovery Centre Canningvale Operating Licence | Danielle Bandt | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 13/06/12 |
158 | 28/06/2012 | 12 | Shire of Kalamunda Local Planning Scheme No. 3 | Jane Genovese | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 14/11/12 |
158 | 2/05/2012 | 79 | Shire of Kalamunda Local Planning Scheme No. 3 | Norma Iredell | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 20/06/12 |
157 | 1/05/2012 | 84 | Actively Oppose Anti Association Legislation | United Motorcycle Council of WA | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 13/06/12 |
156 | 15/05/2012 | 614 | Criminal Organisation Control Bill 2011 | Anthony Shepherd | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/05/12 |
156 | 1/05/2012 | 25 | Criminal Organisation Control Bill 2011 | Anthony Shepherd | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/05/12 |
155 | 1/05/2012 | 493 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 17/05/2012 | 491 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 15/05/2012 | 534 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 19/06/2012 | 66 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 16/05/2012 | 209 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 1/05/2012 | 97 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Danielle Griffen | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 15/05/2012 | 166 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 19/06/2012 | 66 | Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 15/08/12 |
155 | 28/06/2012 | 58 | Hydraulic Fracturing of Unconventional Gas | Daniel Griffen | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 15/08/12 |
154 | 21/03/2012 | 51 | Requesting a Review of the Retirement Village Legislation Act | Peter Boam | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 12/09/12 |
153 | 6/03/2012 | 766 | Against Legalised Abortion | Warner Spyker | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 07/11/12 |
152 | 20/03/2012 | 1936 | Request for a Royal Commission into the Forest Products Commission | Keith Mader | Hon Wendy Duncan | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
151 | 20/03/2012 | 395 | Closure of the Denmark Centre for Sustainable Living | Peter Polini | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 24/10/12 |
151 | 16/05/2012 | 482 | Closure of the Denmark Centre for Sustainable Living | Peter Polini | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 14/12/12 |
150 | 7/03/2012 | 153 | Kwinana Industry Air Buffer Zone Extension - Munster | Robyn O'Brien | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 30/11/12 |
149 | 6/03/2012 | 170 | Wajarri People’s Trust | Victor Mourambine | Hon Brian Ellis | Finalised 23/05/12 |
148 | 6/03/2012 | 13 | Perth Waterfront Project | Mayor Max Hipkins | Hon Michael Mischin | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | 6/03/2012 | 662 | Perth Waterfront Project | Gregory Smith | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | 20/06/2012 | 774 | Perth Waterfront Project | Lise Summers | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | 27/09/2012 | 395 | Perth Waterfront Project | Hilda Turnbull | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | 13/11/2012 | 58 | Perth Waterfront Project | Hilda Turnbull | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | 6/03/2012 | 8677 | Perth Waterfront Project | Linley Lutton | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
148 | | | | | | |
148 | 29/03/2012 | 1117 | Perth Waterfront Project | Linley Lutton | Hon Kate Doust | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
147 | 1/12/2011 | 376 | Opposing a Ban on Commercial Dermesal Gillnet Fishing | WA Fishing Industry Council | Hon Nigel Hallett | Finalised 7/03/12 |
146 | 22/11/2011 | 76 | Pedestrian Safety near Kingsway Shopping Centre | Madge Powell | Hon Ed Dermer | Finalised 07/03/12 |
145 | 10/11/2011 | 14 | Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Bill Cowan | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 21/06/12 |
145 | 22/11/2011 | 2518 | Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Bill Cowan | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 21/06/12 |
145 | 6/03/2012 | 47 | Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Bill Cowan | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 21/06/12 |
145 | 22/11/2011 | 1637 | Closure of Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Bill Cowan | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 21/06/12 |
144 | 10/11/2011 | 134 | Joining Henley Street Como to Jackson Road Karawara | Audrey Francis | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 23/05/12 |
143 | 9/11/2011 | 211 | The Environmental Legacy of Mining in Western Australia | Piers Verstegen | Hon Robin Chapple | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
142 | 3/11/2011 | 325 | Request for Department of Public Prosectutions, Inquiry Rex Bellotti Jnr | Shilo Harrison | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 28/03/12 |
141 | 1/11/2011 | 98 | Better Bus Services Ellenbrook to Midland | Kathleen Mitchell | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 23/05/12 |
140 | 20/10/2011 | 23 | Overhead Powerlines Beachlands, Geraldton | Harold Copley | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 07/03/12 |
139 | 20/10/2011 | 624 | Bassett Road Senior Village Karratha | Llyrus Weightman | Hon Helen Bullock | Finalised 23/05/12 |
138 | 22/11/2011 | 571 | Model Workplace Health and Safety Bill | Linda Morich | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 02/11/11 |
138 | 29/09/2011 | 432 | Model Workplace Health and Safety Bill | Linda Morich | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 02/11/11 |
137 | 27/09/2011 | 562 | Emergency Accommodation for the Homeless | John Hamersley | Hon Colin Holt | Finalised 27/11/12 see Report 28 |
136 | 27/09/2011 | 434 | Kwinana Air Buffer Zone Extension | Philip Lin | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 30/11/12 see Report 31 |
135 | 22/09/2011 | 249 | Shenton College Catchment Area | Caroline Crisp | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 07/03/12 |
135 | 22/09/2011 | 3 | Shenton College Catchment Area | Caroline Crisp | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 07/03/12 |
134 | 22/09/2011 | 140 | Violence in the Community of Geraldton and the Midwest Region | Jennifer Clayton | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 28/03/12 |
133 | 20/09/2011 | 108 | Proposed Purchase of Untitled Reserve for Urban Development, High Wycombe | Mark Gilks | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 30/11/11 |
132 | 20/09/2011 | 415 | Electronic School Signage Balcatta | Chris Hatton | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 02/11/11 |
131 | 1/12/2011 | 5 | Cement and Lime Manufacturing, Nowergup | Sabine Winton | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 16/05/12 |
131 | 6/09/2011 | 6 | Cement and Lime Manufacturing, Nowergup | Sabine Winton | Hon Michael Mischin | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
130 | 1/09/2011 | 3918 | Commercial Gill Net Fishing in the Southern Ocean | Jack Jennings | Hon Nigel Hallett | Finalised 23/11/11 |
129 | 18/08/2011 | 880 | Lack of Reticulated Electricity to Remote Communities | Lurlyne Bennett | Hon Nigel Hallett on behalf of the Hon Robyn McSweeney | Finalised 02/11/11 |
128 | 16/08/2011 | 299 | Bus services for Yanchep and Two Rocks | John Quigley | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 19/10/11 |
127 | 6/09/2011 | 199 | Request to Inquire into Late Term Abortion | Richard Egan | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 09/11/11 |
127 | 16/08/2011 | 4945 | Request to Inquire into Late Term Abortion | Richard Egan | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 09/11/11 |
126 | 10/08/2011 | 4 | Proposed Site Mundaring Weir Water Treatment Facility | Myles Harmer | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 07/03/12 |
125 | 10/08/2011 | 249 | Restoration of the Electricity Net Feed in Tariff | Anthony Ryan | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 23/05/12 |
125 | 8/09/2011 | 210 | Restoration of the Electricity Net Feed in Tariff | Anthony Ryan | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 23/05/12 |
124 | 10/08/2011 | 187 | Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer Archipelago | Troy Thomas | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 09/11/11 |
124 | 28/09/2011 | 326 | Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer Archipelago | Troy Thomas | Hon Giz Watson on behalf of Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 09/11/11 |
124 | 22/08/2012 | 4 | Proposed Mining near the Horizontal Falls, Buccaneer Archipelago | Troy Thomas | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 09/11/11 |
123 | 30/06/2011 | 144 | Plans for new Overhead Powerlines in Beachlands, Geraldton | Robert Hall | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 10/08/11 |
123 | 29/09/2011 | 18 | Plans for New Overhead Powerlines in Beachlands, Geraldton | Harold Copely | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 10/08/11 |
122 | 28/06/2011 | 694 | Dental Health Services in Newman | Michael Nielson | Hon Jon Ford | Finalised 10/08/11 |
121 | 28/06/2011 | 424 | East Greenwood Primary School Re-Development | Brian Corr | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 19/10/11 |
121 | 28/06/2011 | 424 | East Greenwood Primary School Re-Development | Brian Corr | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 19/10/11 |
120 | 1/09/2011 | 22 | Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment | Edwin Seward | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 17/08/11 |
120 | 11/08/2011 | 55 | Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment - | Edwin Seward | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 17/08/11 |
120 | 30/06/2011 | 72 | Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment - | Edwin Seward | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 17/08/11 |
120 | 18/08/2011 | 68 | Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment | Edwin Seward | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 17/08/11 |
120 | 21/06/2011 | 77 | Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Impairment | Edwin Seward | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 17/08/11 |
119 | 21/06/2011 | 139 | Protection of the Kimberley Coast | Kerry Marvel | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 10/08/11 |
118 | 21/06/2011 | 4819 | Genetically Modified Canola - Inquiry Request | Janet Grogan | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 28/09/11 |
118 | 23/06/2011 | 32 | Genetically Modified Canola - Inquiry Request | Janet Grogan | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 28/09/11 |
117 | 6/09/2011 | 32 | Transperth Service Contracts | Kevin Starr | Hon Sally Talbot on behalf of Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 10/08/11 |
117 | 26/05/2011 | 151 | Transperth Service Contracts | Kevin Starr | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 10/08/11 |
116 | 21/06/2011 | 11 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | Louise McInnes | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 07/03/12 |
116 | 20/03/2012 | 20 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | Dianne McArthur | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 07/03/12 |
116 | 6/03/2012 | 3 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | C Celenza | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 07/03/12 |
116 | 20/03/2012 | 24 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | Teresa Rocchi | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 07/03/12 |
116 | 26/05/2011 | 98 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | Maurice Wilson | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 07/03/12 |
116 | 6/03/2012 | 20 | Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme | Ned Potter | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 07/03/12 |
115 | 26/05/2011 | 79 | Amendment 40 to the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme 17 | Anne Margaret Sibbel | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 10/08/11 |
114 | | | | | | |
114 | 27/09/2011 | 17 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Gerard Manning | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 28/06/2011 | 78 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Otto Hoefer | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 30/08/2011 | 11 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Gregory Doherty | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 1/09/2011 | 917 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Dennis Liddlelow | Hon Jon Ford | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | | | | | | |
114 | 27/09/2011 | 17 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Theresa Steele | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | | | | | | |
114 | 11/08/2011 | 62 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Henry Van As | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 26/05/2011 | 133 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Owen Whittle | Hon Jon Ford | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 9/08/2011 | 110 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Robert Wright | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 17/05/2012 | 60 | WA Jobs from WA Resources | J Outram | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 10/08/2011 | 114 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Rebecca Sinton | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 29/06/2011 | 114 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Julie Kroeber | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 9/08/2011 | 272 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | John Sargent | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 21/06/2011 | 19 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | David O'Brien | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 19/10/11 |
114 | 26/05/2011 | 395 | Skilled Local Jobs Bill 2011 | Owen Whittle | Hon Jon Ford | Finalised 19/10/11 |
113 | 17/05/2011 | 373 | The Establishment of a Police Station in the Town of Capel | Leslie Julia Davis | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 10/08/11 |
112 | 12/04/2011 | 132 | Re-development Plans for the Old Carine TAFE Site | Martin Barmentloo | Hon Michael Mischin | Finalised 17/08/11 |
111 | 5/04/2011 | 13436 | Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme 3 | John Hammond | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 18/05/11 |
110 | 6/04/2011 | 1 | Termination of the Building Disputes Tribunal | Mr Andrew Samuel | Hon Michael Mischin | Finalised 18/05/11 |
109 | 5/04/2011 | 1225 | Transportation of Detained Persons | Marc Newhouse | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 18/07/11 see Report 23 |
108 | 17/03/2011 | 787 | Swanbourne Hospital Conservation Area | Raymond and John Simpson | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 22/06/11 |
107 | 29/06/2011 | 1022 | Proposed Coal Mine at Osmington, Margaret River | Ms Tarna Osborne | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 16/05/12 |
107 | 15/02/2011 | 1599 | Proposed coal Mine at Osmington Margaret River | Ms Tarna Osborne | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 16/05/12 |
106 | 2/12/2010 | 4 | Transperth Service Contracts | Mr Kevin Starr | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 16/02/11 |
105 | 2/12/2010 | 14 | Payment of Sewerage rates in Wyndham (New Town) | Marten Vnema | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 16/02/11 |
104 | 25/11/2010 | 175 | Water Licence being applied for by Karara Mining Ltd in the Parmelia Leederville Aquifer Mingenew Sub Region | Peter Horwood | Hon Mia Davies | Finalised 25/05/11 |
103 | 25/11/2010 | 47 | Proposed Kununarra Heavy Vehicle Route and construction of bridge over Ord River | Tom Stephens MLA | Hon Helen Bullock | Finalised 13/04/11 |
102 | 24/11/2010 | 145 | Canning Bridge Precinct Vision | Kim Stedman | Hon Phil Edman | Finalised 16/02/11 |
101 | 24/11/2010 | | Funding for the Animal Welfare Unit Inspectorate | Lisa Baker MLA | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 25/05/11 |
100 | 17/11/2010 | 59 | Transperth Changes to Bus Route (number 19), Yokine | Karen Milligan | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 18/05/11 |
99 | 9/11/2010 | 1045 | Industrial LNG Hub at James Price Point, Broome | Nik Wevers | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 13/04/11 |
99 | 17/11/2010 | 85 | Industrial LNG Hub at James Price Point, Broome | Nik Wevers | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 13/04/11 |
98 | 21/10/2010 | 39 | Establishment of a Mental Impairment Court Intervention Program | Margaret Doherty | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 23/03/11 |
98 | 13/10/2010 | 35 | Establishment of a Mental Impairment Court Intervention Program | Margaret Doherty | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 23/03/11 |
97 | 21/09/2010 | 1852 | Legislation of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill | WA Voluntary Euthanasia Society (Inc) | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 20/10/10 |
96 | 23/09/2010 | 185 | Reduction of Maximum Boat Speed in the Swan and Canning Rivers | Lisa Baker MLA | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 16/02/11 |
95 | 16/09/2010 | 17 | Appointment of the Independent Expert Panel on Uranium Regulations by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum | Conservation Council of WA | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 13/04/11 |
94 | 15/09/2010 | 164 | Water Use in Karratha | Raymond Ward | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 23/03/11 |
93 | 9/09/2010 | 4518 | Pinjar South - Proposed Inclusion as a Priority Area in the Industrial Land Strategy 2009 - Perth and Peel | Glynis Monks | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 16/02/11 |
92 | 17/08/2010 | 68 | Designated Kite-Surfing Area on Mullaloo Beach | Mullaloo Beach Community | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 16/02/11 |
91 | 12/08/2010 | 273 | Dampier Primary School - Year 7 Children Relocating to High School | Tracey Balch | Hon Colin Holt on behalf of Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 17/11/10 |
90 | 11/08/2010 | 1576 | Oppose the Closure of ACTIV Business Service Centre in Busselton | Ian Barker | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 13/10/10 |
89 | 12/08/2010 | 40 | Removal of Year 11 and 12 students from 21 District High Schools across Western Australia | Laurie Pearce | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 11/08/10 |
89 | 1/07/2010 | 13 | Removal of Year 11 and 12 Students from 21 District High Schools across Western Australia | Laurie Pearce | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 11/08/10 |
88 | 30/06/2010 | 57 | Installation of a Zebra Crossing on the Great Northern Highway, Bindoon | Barni Norton | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 10/09/10 |
87 | 1/07/2010 | 211 | Location of a Department of Child Protection Facility without Consultation | Chas Hopkins | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 13/10/10 |
87 | 1/07/2010 | 73 | Location of a Department of Child Protection Facility without Consultation | Chas Hopkins | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 13/10/10 |
86 | 30/06/2010 | 407 | Preserving Part of Bunbury’s Timber Jetty | Beulah Manea | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 29/06/11 |
85 | 30/06/2010 | 48 | Installation of fixed speed cameras on the Great Northern Highway, Bindoon | Barni Norton | Hon Mia Davies | Finalised 18/0810 |
84 | 24/06/2010 | 201 | Closure of the Muresk Campus near Northam | Ian Fairnie | Hon Colin Holt on behalf of the Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 18/05/11 |
83 | 23/06/2010 | 269 | Live Animal Trade | People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 23/03/11 |
82 | 23/06/2010 | 3398 | Live Animal Trade | People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 23/03/11 |
81 | 23/06/2010 | 1451 | Preservation of Warrup Forest Block | Russell Hamilton | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 19/10/11 |
80 | 18/08/2010 | 42 | Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt- | Ian Lane | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 13/10/10 |
80 | 23/06/2010 | 50 | Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Ian Lane | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 13/10/10 |
80 | 18/08/2010 | 22 | Tier 3 Narrow Gauge Rail Lines in the Wheatbelt | Ian Lane | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 13/10/10 |
79 | 22/06/2010 | 5352 | Proposed Chlorination of Busselton’s Water Supply | Diana Michaels | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 17/11/10 |
78 | 22/06/2010 | 49 | Better Bus Services | Dianna Guise | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 24/11/10 |
78 | 17/11/2010 | | Better Bus Services | Dianne Guise | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 24/11/10 |
77 | 22/06/2010 | 409 | Infill Sewerage Program in Quinns Rocks | Tracey Roberts | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 05/04/11 |
76 | 27/05/2010 | 467 | Rezoning of Special Rural Land in Mariginiup | Glynis Monks | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 13/10/10 |
75 | 17/06/2010 | 55 | Endorsement of Community Psychology and Health Psychology practices under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme | Dr Ken Robinson | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 24/11/10 |
74 | 27/05/2010 | 281 | Establishment of a Specialist Psychologists Registration Board | Dr Marjorie Collins | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 23/06/12 |
73 | 26/05/2010 | 281 | Rezoning of Underground Water Pollution Control Area in Pinjar South | Glynis Monks | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 13/10/10 |
72 | 25/05/2010 | | Plastic Shopping Bags - Ban | Barbara Wilson | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 20/06/10 |
71 | 25/05/2010 | 100 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 26/05/2010 | 60 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 30/06/2010 | 260 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 22/06/2010 | 100 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 1/07/2010 | 239 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 29/06/2010 | 272 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | Philip Eva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
71 | 23/06/2010 | 200 | Cockburn Cement Ltd Munster | PhilipEva | Hon Sally Talbot | Report No 24 20/10/11 |
70 | 20/05/2010 | 386 | Inadequate Mobile Telephone Coverage in the Eyre Region | Kelly Flack | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 18/08/10 |
69 | 20/05/2010 | 645 | Unallocated Crown Land Donovan Street Bushland, Augusta | Professor Don Dradshaw | Hon Nigel Hallett | Finalised 15/09/10 |
68 | 6/05/2010 | 138 | Air conditioning in State Government Schools | Glyn Cooper | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 23/03/11 |
67 | 5/05/2010 | 1113 | Oppose Closure of all Waters Including Oyster Harbour | Paul Benson | Hon Colin Holt | Finalised 11/08/10 |
66 | 4/05/2010 | 410 | Proposed Limestone Quarry and Batching Plant at Nowergup | Sabine Winton | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/06/10 |
65 | 4/05/2010 | 871 | Water Equality in Esperance | Greg Cole | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 17/11/10 |
64 | 20/04/2010 | 28 | Residents at Condicote Loop Butler | Anthony Summers | Hon Michael Mischin | Finalised 08/11/10 |
63 | 30/03/2010 | 138 | Interim Care Centre for Abused Juveniles | Paul Miles MLA | Hon Michael Mischin | Finalised 11/08/10 |
62 | 23/03/2010 | 677 | Broome Boating Facilities Development | Jeffrey Cooper | Hon Ken Baston | Finalised 23/06/10 |
60 | 4/03/2010 | 101 | Prostitution Amendment Act 2008 (WA) Repeal | Gail Gifford | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 11/08/10 |
59 | 4/03/2010 | 185 | Breast Feeding Legislation | jess bevan | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 24/03/10 |
59 | 4/03/2010 | | Breast Feeding Legislation | Jess Bevan | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 24/03/10 |
57 | 3/03/2010 | 133 | Bauxite Mining in the Shire of Chittering and Darling Range | S Cray & L Cuff | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 23/06/10 |
57 | 1/04/2010 | 57 | Bauxite Mining in the Shire of Chittering and Darling Range | S Cray & L Cuff | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 23/06/10 |
56 | 3/03/2010 | 865 | Derby/West Kimberley Shire Opposing the Withdrawal of Health Services | Shane Burge | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 30/06/10 |
56 | 3/03/2010 | 4 | Derby/West Kimberley Shire Oppose the Withdrawal of Health Services | Shane Burge | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 30/06/10 |
55 | 3/03/2010 | 48 | Strawberry Packaging Shed on a Rural Resource Property | Donna North | Hon Michael Mischin | Finalised 23/06/10 |
54 | 3/03/2010 | 1129 | Carnarvon and Gascoyne Region Criminal Sentencing and Delivery of Justice | Peter Caunt | Hon Ken Baston | Finalised 11/08/10 |
53 | 24/11/2009 | 357 | Redress WA Scheme | Stell Thomas | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 24/03/10 |
51 | 21/09/2010 | 57 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | John Barich | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 25/11/2009 | 1011 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 21/09/2010 | 100 | Oppose Voluntary Euthanasia | Gillian Gonzalez | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 25/03/2010 | 39 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | John Barich | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 17/11/2009 | 1011 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Helen Morton | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 1/04/2010 | 77 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Gary Kleyn | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 21/09/2010 | 358 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Anne Edgar | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 25/03/2010 | 904 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Royce Vermeulen | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 21/09/2010 | 67 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 25/03/2010 | 17 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 3/03/2010 | 920 | Opoosing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 10/11/2009 | 1018 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | John Barich | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 24/11/2009 | 1004 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Peter O'Meara | Hon Helen Bullock | Finalised 13/10/10 |
51 | 1/04/2010 | 33 | Opposing Voluntary Euthanasia | Gillian Gonzalez | Hon Nick Goiran | Finalised 13/10/10 |
50 | 10/11/2009 | 1932 | Shack Site Communities | Mick Kontoolas | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 14/04/11 |
49 | 12/11/2009 | 80 | Moore River Development | John Prince | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/06/10 |
49 | 13/10/2009 | 191 | Moore River Development | John Prince | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/06/10 |
49 | 20/04/2010 | 68 | Moore River Development | John Prince | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 23/06/10 |
48 | 13/10/2009 | 64 | Safe Transportation Management Handling and Export of Mining Products and Hazardous Materials | Jane Bremmer | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 21/04/10 |
47 | 13/10/2009 | 176 | Replacement of the Boorara Road Bridge | Paul Owens | Hon Robyn McSweeney | Finalised 03/03/10 |
46 | 13/05/2009 | 42 | Land clearing in the Rockingham National Park | Barry Jane | Hon Sue Ellery | Finalised 23/06/10 |
45 | 24/09/2009 | 2031 | Esperance Anglican Community School - Registration for Years 11 and 12 | Lisa Gardiner | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 03/03/10 |
44 | 16/09/2009 | 32 | Route 344 Bus Service - South Ballajura Community Centre | Luke Simpkins | Hon Alyssa Hayden | Finalised 03/03/10 |
43 | 16/09/2009 | 4940 | Transportation of Detained Persons | Mark Newhouse | Hon Giz Watson | Report 23 18/07/11 |
42 | 16/09/2009 | 477 | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee | Shane Hill | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 21/10/09 |
42 | 22/10/2009 | 530 | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee | Benjamin Patrick | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 21/10/09 |
42 | 10/09/2009 | 234 | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee | Neil Patrick | Hon Jon Ford | Finalised 21/10/09 |
42 | 10/11/2009 | 38 | Recreational Fishing Licence and Fees - Increase in Fee | Benjamin Patrick | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 21/10/12 |
41 | 8/09/2009 | 95 | Swan River Crab Fishery Closure | Theo Kallis | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 11/11/09 |
41 | 8/09/2009 | 247 | Swan River Crab Fishery Closure | Dom Curulli | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 11/11/09 |
41 | 8/09/2009 | 1552 | Swan River Crab Fishery Closure | Peter and Louis Lynch | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 11/11/09 |
40 | 8/09/2009 | 898 | Mundlimup Forest Jarrahdale Logging | Pia Steele and Jan Star | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 05/05/10 |
39 | 13/08/2009 | 1672 | Busselton Hospital - Immediate Construction New Hospital | Gary Norden | Hon Colin Holt | Finalised 23/06/12 |
38 | 30/03/2010 | 43 | Uranium Mining in Western Australia | Janet Marsh | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 21/04/10 |
38 | 12/09/2012 | 21 | Uranium Mining in Western Australia | Jo Vallentine | Hon Linda Savage | Finalised 21/04/10 |
38 | 13/08/2009 | 182 | Uranium Mining in Western Australia | Jo Valentine | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 21/04/10 |
37 | 12/08/2009 | 541 | Hanson Quarry Expansion | Swan Valley Ratepayers & Residents Association | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 07/03/12 |
36 | 13/10/2009 | 12 | First Click Computer Funding Cuts | Hon Sue Ellery MLC | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 14/10/09 |
36 | 12/08/2009 | 46 | First Click Computer Funding Cuts | Hon Sue Ellery MLC | Hon Kate Doust | Finalised 14/10/09 |
35 | 24/03/2010 | 20 | Depleted Uranium Munitions | Scott Ludlum | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 11/11/09 |
35 | 11/08/2009 | 20 | Depleted Uranium Munitions | Scott Ludlum | Hon Alison Xamon | Finalised 11/11/09 |
34 | 24/06/2009 | 110 | Geraldton Foreshore Proposed Redevelopment | Gerard Gould | Hon Philip Gardiner | Finalised 11/11/09 |
33 | 25/06/2009 | 209 | Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area | Mary Jenkins | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 14/12/09 see Report No 18 |
33 | 2/06/2009 | 20 | Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area | Mary Jenkins | Hon Lynn MacLaren | Finalised 14/12/09 see Report No 18 |
32 | 2/06/2009 | 593 | Legislation of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill | Pamela Barrett | Hon Robin Chapple | Finalised 12/08/09 |
31 | 2/06/2009 | 1634 | Scarborough Beach Road - Lack of Adequate Safe Pedestrian Crossings | Jack Wilkins | Hon Liz Behjat | Finalised 11/11/09 |
30 | 19/05/2009 | 629 | Collie Shire Council’s Town Planning Scheme No. 5 (TPS5) | kathy miller | Hon Paul Llewellyn | Finalised 12/08/09 |
29 | 13/05/2009 | 2195 | Blair Street and Koombana Drive, Lots 707, 681, and 723 - Retain as a Parks and Recreation Reserve | Karen Steele | Hon Paul Llewellyn | Finalised 03/03/10 |
28 | 13/05/2009 | 12 | Emu Point, Albany Redevelopment | Barbara McAllister | Hon Paul Llewellyn | Finalised 12/08/09 |
27 | 6/05/2009 | 152 | Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2008 | Jan Whitehurst | Hon Barry House | Finalised 24/06/09 |
26 | 6/05/2009 | 695 | Turner Caravan Park - Redevelopment by the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River | Peter Toy, Brian Fearn, Lorraine Monahan, Janice Innis | Hon Barry House | Finalised 19/08/09 |
25 | 31/03/2009 | 293 | Esperance Residential College | Kathy Boladeras | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 11/11/09 |
25 | 6/05/2009 | 81 | Esperance Residential College | Kathy Boladeras | Hon Wendy Duncan | Finalised 11/011/09 |
24 | 18/03/2009 | 257 | Passenger Rail Service Between Perth and Geraldton | Albert Tonks | Hon Brian Ellis | Finalised 14/10/09 |
23 | 18/03/2009 | 1 | Dalyellup Beach Estate Bushland | Nicolette Prefumo | Hon Adele Farina | Finalised 09/09/09 |
22 | 18/03/2009 | 69 | To Maintain W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone | Elsie Baesjou | Hon Matt Benson-Lidholm | Finalised 17/06/09 |
21 | 17/03/2009 | 16 | Roe Highway Stage 8 | Dr Felicity McGeorge | Hon Sally Talbot | Lapsed 14/12/12 |
20 | 11/03/2009 | 164 | Daylight Saving Bill 2006 | Alexandra Hawthorne | Hon Barry House | Finalised 18/03/09 |
19 | 11/03/2009 | 1 | Construction of Showrooms Ewen Street, Woodlands | Elizabeth Re | Hon Barry House | Finalised 12/08/09 |
18 | 9/12/2008 | 1 | Western Australian Electoral Commission | Terrance Loftus | Hon Ken Travers | Finalised 11/03/09 |
17 | 3/12/2008 | 53 | Regional Resource Recovery Centre - Canning Vale | Rod Olsen | Hon Simon O’Brien | Report 16 19/05/09 |
16 | 8/09/2009 | 3294 | Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast | Kerry Marvel | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 13/05/09 |
16 | 11/08/2009 | 1558 | Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast | Kerry Marvel | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 13/05/09 |
16 | 26/11/2008 | 758 | Oppose the Development of a LNG Processing Hub on the Kimberley Coast | Kerry Marvel | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 13/05/09 |
15 | 26/11/2008 | 2129 | Royal Perth Hospital | RPH Ex Tainees Associates | Hon Simon O’Brien | Finalised 02/12/08 |
14 | 25/11/2008 | 216 | Yalgorup National Park | Fragyle Inc. | Hon Sally Talbot | Finalised 13/05/09 |
13 | 25/11/2008 | 6 | Shortage of Abattoir Capacity in the State | | Hon Brian Ellis | Finalised 03/03/10 |
12 | 25/11/2008 | 1 | Rezoning of A Class Reserve at Lake Claremont | Peter Stanard | Peter Collier | Finalised 13/02/09 |
11 | 10/03/2009 | 537 | W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone | Maggie Lilith | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 11/03/09 |
11 | 13/11/2008 | 2623 | W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone | Maggie Lilith | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 11/03/09 |
11 | 26/11/2008 | 608 | W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone | Maggie Lilith | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 11/03/09 |
11 | 9/12/2008 | 797 | W.A. as a Genetically Modified (GM) Free Zone | Maggie Lilith | Hon Giz Watson | Finalised 11/03/09 |