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How to search and use Hansard

About Hansard online

You can search and read Hansard from the most recent sitting day back to 1870.

The Hansard Search includes the records of proceedings of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. Although Hansard also reports and provides a record of evidence given to parliamentary committees, these transcripts do not currently form part of the Hansard search database. The records of committee activities can be found through the search function on the Committees page under Parliamentary Business.

Partial publication of the day’s proceedings are available online during a sitting day. The complete draft daily Hansards of questions without notice, questions on notice, speeches and other proceedings generally appear online within three hours of the house rising while the printed version is published and made available each morning following the sitting. Finalised Hansards are available at the following times —

  • For Tuesday by 2.00 pm, Friday
  • For Wednesday by 5.00 pm, Friday
  • For Thursday by 2.00 pm, Monday following a sitting week

Please note: Public holidays may result in delays.

The draft Hansard will contain a watermark 'Uncorrected Proof'. Although we encourage you to use the Hansard record, the uncorrected proof should not be quoted as it may be subject to further correction. Once corrected, the watermark is removed and the document may be directly quoted.