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Hon. Dr Mike Nahan MLA

BEc, MS, PhD

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

NAHAN, Hon. Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis, MLA
Former Member for Riverton
Liberal Party


Elected to the Thirty-Eighth Parliament for Riverton on 6 September 2008 in succession to Anthony (Tony) David McRae (defeated). Re-elected 2013, 2017.
Did not contest the general election of 13 March 2021 and succeeded by Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan (ALP).

Parliamentary Appointments

Parliamentary Superannuation Board from 3 December 2008 to 30 January 2013.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Energy; Indigenous Affairs from 29 June 2012 to 21 March 2013.
Minister for Energy; Finance; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 21 March 2013 to 17 March 2014.
Treasurer; Minister for Energy; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 17 March 2014 to 17 March 2017.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Public Sector Management; State Development, Jobs and Trade; Federal-State Relations from 25 March 2017 to 27 June 2019.
Shadow Minister for Planning; Asian Engagement from 27 June 2019 to 28 February 2020.

Standing Committees

Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 13 November 2008 to 17 August 2012 (Chair from 26 November 2008).

Parliamentary Party Appointments

Leader of the Opposition from 21 March 2017 to 13 June 2019.



Born 2 July 1950, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Arrived in Western Australia, July 1982; in Victoria, 1995 to 2006; returned to Western Australia, July 2006.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament

BEc, MS, PhD.


The electorate of Riverton is located in the South Metropolitan Region and includes all or parts of the City of Canning and the City of Melville.
Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Brentwood, Bull Creek, Mt Pleasant, Riverton, Rossmoyne, Shelley, and Willetton.

Enrolment (2017) 25,386; area 20 sq kms.