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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Hon. Donna Faragher MLC

Shadow Minister for Community Services; Early Childhood Education; Youth; Seniors and Ageing

JP; M.Ed(Hons); BA (Hons); Grad.Dip. Ed; GAICD

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

FARAGHER (nee Taylor), Hon. Donna Evelyn Mary, JP MLC
Member for East Metropolitan Region
Liberal Party

Parliamentary Service
Elected to the Thirty-seventh Parliament for East Metropolitan Region on 26 February 2005 for term commencing on 22 May. Re-elected 2008, 2013, 2017 and 2021 for terms commencing 22 May.

Ministerial Appointments
Minister for the Environment; Youth: 23 September 2008 - 22 November 2010.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development 14 December 2010 - 21 March 2013.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Science: 21 March 2013 - 10 March 2014.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; State Development; Science: 10 March 2014 - 17 March 2014.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Science: 17 March 2014 - 31 March 2016.
Minister for the Planning; Disability Services: 31 March 2016 - 17 March 2017.

Parliamentary Party/Shadow Ministerial Appointments
Shadow Spokesperson for Youth: 22 May 2005 - 4 February 2006.
Shadow Spokesperson for Youth Affairs; Drug Abuse Strategy: 4 February 2006 - 25 January 2008.
Shadow Minister for Disability Services; Youth: Drug Abuse Strategy; Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Cabinet: 25 January 2008 – 8 August 2008.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Cabinet; Shadow Minister for Disability Services; Culture and the Arts; Drug Abuse Strategy; and Youth: 8 August 2008 – 23 September 2008.
Shadow Minister for Education and Training; Women's Interests: 25 March 2017 - 19 April 2021
Shadow Minister for Community Services; Early Childhood Learning; Youth; Seniors and Ageing: 19 April 2021 to 7 February 2023.
Shadow Minister for Community Services; Early Childhood Education; Youth; Seniors and Ageing: 7 February 2023 to present.

Standing Committees
Member, Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes: 26 May 2005 - 17 August 2005.
Member, Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review: 17 August 2005 - 23 September 2008.
Substitute Member, Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges for Inquiry into Clause 5 of the Evidence and Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Bill 2011: 10 November 2011 - 29 November 2011.
Member, Standing Committee on Legislation: 16 February 2011 - 21 May 2013 (Elected Chair: 16 August 2012).
Member, Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review: 05 April 2012 - 21 May 2013.
Member, Standing Committee on Legislation: 22 May 2013 - 6 April 2016.
Substitute Member, Standing Committee on Legislation inquiry into the Strata Titles Amendment Bill 2018: 13 September 2018 - 16 October 2018.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People: 24 May 2017 - 29 January 2021
Chair, Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review: 25 May 2021 - present.

Select Committees
Deputy Chair, Select Committee into Child Development Services: 31 August 2022 - 18 April 2024.

Domestic Committees
Member, Parliamentary Services Committee: 22 June 2021 - present.


Born (Donna Evelyn Mary Taylor) 12 September 1975, Middle Swan, Western Australia.

Marital Status

Occupation before entering Parliament and Qualifications
Policy and Parliamentary Adviser to the former Federal Minister for Justice and Customs, Senator the Hon Chris Ellison.

East Metropolitan Region includes the Legislative Assembly electorates of Armadale, Bassendean, Belmont, Darling Range, Forrestfield, Kalamunda, Maylands, Midland, Mirrabooka, Morley, Mount Lawley, Swan Hills, Thornlie (formerly Gosnells), and West Swan.

Further Biographical Details for Hon. Donna Evelyn Mary Faragher