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Hon. Robert (Bob) Charles Kucera APM, MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
KUCERA, Hon. Robert Charles, MLA
Member for Yokine (10 February 2001 - 6 September 2008).


Elected to the Thirty-sixth Parliament for Yokine on 10 February 2001 in succession of Dr Kim Desmond Hames (defeated).
Re-elected 2005. Electorate abolished in the redistribution 2007. Did not contest the general election of 6 September 2008.

Ministerial Appointments

Minister for Health 16 February 2001 - 27 June 2003. Minister for Tourism; Small Business; Sport and Recreation; Peel and the South West 27 June 2003 - 26 February 2005.
Minister for Disability Services; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests; Seniors from 10 March 2005 to 13 October 2005.

Standing Committees

Chair Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 21 June 2007 - 7 August 2008.


16 November 1944, Cardiff, South Wales. Arrived in Western Australia 1964.

Marital Status

Qualifications and Occupation Before Entering Parliament
Acting Deputy Commissioner Western Australian Police Force.


Yokine is located in the North Metropolitan Region and includes the suburb of Yokine and parts of Balga, Coolbinia, Dianella, Inglewood, Menora, Mirrabooka, Nollamara, North Perth and Westminster.
Enrolment (30 January 2005) 28,126; area 24 sq kms.