Parliamentary Service |
- MLA Albany 30 March 1974–6 February 1993
- Deputy Chairman of Committees 1977–1993
- Member Public Accounts Committee 7 September 1978–1980; Chairman 5 August 1980–1983; Member 24 March 1983–1986
- Member Standing Orders Committee 1983–January 1993
- Deputy Chairman Select Committee on Small Claims Tribunal 27 November 1984–14 November 1985
- Member Select Committee on Country Hospitals and Nursing Posts November 1990–26 May 1992
- Member Joint Select Committee on the Constitution 5 June 1991–24 October 1991
- Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs, Elderly and the Retired December 1986–26 April 1988; for Conservation and Land Management, Environment and Waterways 26 April 1988–7 March 1989; for Environment 7 March 1989–17 June 1990
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
- Represented WA branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association at General Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 1983
Personal Information |
6 February 1937 |
Kellerberrin, Western Australia |
Son of Harold James Watt, linotype operator, and Beryl Cecilia Ganzer |
Married 27 January 1962, Methodist Church, Albany to (Larraine) Kay Cocker, stenographer, daughter of Cyril Hadfield Cocker and Stella Ingram
Children: one son and one daughter |
Church of England |
Educated Wyalkatchem and York Primary Schools, and Albany Senior High School
Clerk and insurance inspector |
Clerk with Drew Robinson & Co 1952–1956 and with Town of Albany 1956–1961
National Service training with Royal Australian Navy January–June 1956
Royal Australian Naval Reserve June 1956–June 1960
Insurance inspector Royal Insurance Group and Sun Alliance Insurance Ltd 1961–1974 |
In Perth for a time then in Albany from 1967 to 1985
One-time member Albany Chamber of Commerce
Past president and life member Albany Apex Club
Past member Albany South Coast Lions and then Kardinia, Albany and Celtic Clubs
Former Chairman Lands and Forests Commission
Active Justice of the Peace
Member Fremantle Probus Club
Executive member Albany Senior High School Education Council
In Perth member for a time of church choral singing group
Member Parish Council, Wesley Uniting Church, Albany
Member and past member of various civic, educational and sporting associations including Princess Royal Sailing Club
In retirement lives in Perth’s southern suburbs |
D Black and G Bolton, eds, Biographical Register of Members of the Parliament of Western Australia: volume two 1930-2010, Western Australian Parliamentary History Project, Perth, WA, 2011, p. 273.
West Australian, 18 August 1973, 1 April 1974.
Who's Who in Australia (1977) |
Bibliography |