Mr Peter Abetz MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Southern River Party: LIB |
Mr Ross Andrew Ainsworth MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Roe Party: NPA |
Mr Francesco (Frank) Angelo Alban MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Swan Hills Party: LIB |
Mr Paul William Andrews MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Southern River Party: ALP |
Ms Megan Irene Anwyl MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Kalgoorlie Party: ALP |
Ms Shelley Frances Archer MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: IND |
Christopher (Chris) John Baker MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Joondalup Party: LIB |
Ms Lisa Loraine Baker MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Maylands Party: ALP |
Hon. Colin James Barnett MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Cottesloe Party: LIB |
Mr Michael Barnett MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Rockingham Party: ALP |
Mr Daniel (Dan) Frank Barron-Sullivan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Leschenault Party: IND |
Hon. Kenneth (Ken) Charles Baston MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: LIB |
Ms Merome Beard MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: North West Central Party: LIB |
Ms Elizabeth (Liz) Lloyd Behjat MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Mr Matthew (Matt) Francis Benson-Lidholm MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: ALP |
Mr Matthew (Matt) John Birney MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Kalgoorlie Party: LIB |
Mr Barry Blaikie MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Vasse Party: LIB |
Mr Ian Charles Blayney MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Geraldton Party: NAT |
Mr Robert (Bob) Clyde Bloffwitch MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Geraldton Party: LIB |
Hon. Michael (Mike) Francis Board MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Murdoch Party: LIB |
Mr John James Mansell Bowler MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kalgoorlie Party: IND |
Ms Jacqui Ellen Boydell MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: NAT |
Mr John Leslie Bradshaw MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Murray-Wellington Party: LIB |
Hon. Ernest Francis Bridge OAM, MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Kimberley Party: IND |
Mr Ian Maxwell Britza MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Morley Party: LIB |
Hon. Clive Morris Brown MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Bassendean Party: ALP |
Mr Paul John Brown MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: NAT |
Ms Helen Hong Hui Bullock MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: ALP |
Ms Carolyn Anne Burton MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Troy Raymond Buswell MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Vasse Party: LIB |
Mr Alan Alfred Cadby MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: IND |
Ms Adele Simone Carles MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Fremantle Party: GIND |
Hon. Alan John Carpenter MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Willagee Party: ALP |
Mr Alan MacMillan Carstairs MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Hon. Samuel (George) Ernest Cash MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Hon. Giovanni (John) Mario Castrilli MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Bunbury Party: LIB |
Mr Nick Catania MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Balcatta Party: ALP |
Mr Vincent Alexander Catania MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: North West Central Party: NAT |
Hon. Kimberley (Kim) Maurice Chance MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: ALP |
Hon. Robin Howard Chapple MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: GWA |
Hon. Eric James Charlton MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Central and Agricultural Party: NPA |
Hon. James (Jim) Edward Chown MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: LIB |
Mrs Robyn Clarke MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Murray-Wellington Party: ALP |
Mr Timothy (Tim) James Clifford MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: GWA |
Hon. Dr Elizabeth Constable MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Churchlands Party: IND |
Hon. Richard Fairfax Court MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Nedlands Party: LIB |
Hon. Hendy John Cowan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Merredin Party: NPA |
Hon. John Alexander Cowdell MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: ALP |
Mr Murray John Cowper MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Murray-Wellington Party: LIB |
Hon. Murray John Criddle MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: NPA |
Edward (Ted) Joseph Cunningham MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Girrawheen Party: ALP |
Mr John Biase D'Orazio MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Ballajura Party: IND |
Ms Lara Dalton MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Geraldton Party: ALP |
Hon. Cheryl May Davenport MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Mr Dexter Melvyn Davies MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: NPA |
Hon. Mia Davies MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Central Wheatbelt Party: NAT |
Mr Reginald (Reg) Elliott Davies MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: IND |
Hon. John Howard Dadley Day MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kalamunda Party: LIB |
Mr Anthony (Tony) James Dean MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Bunbury Party: ALP |
Hon. Edmund (Ed) Rupert Joseph Dermer MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Bruce Kirwan Donaldson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: LIB |
Ms Wendy Maxine Duncan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kalgoorlie Party: NAT |
Ms Shelley Elizabeth Eaton MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: ALP |
Mr Phillip (Phil) John Edman MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Hon. Cheryl Lynn Edwardes MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Kingsley Party: LIB |
Hon. Graham John Edwards MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Mr Jeremy Philip Dalhousie Edwards MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Greenough Party: LIB |
Hon. Dr Judith (Judy) Mary Edwards MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Maylands Party: ALP |
Mr Brian Charles Ellis MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: LIB |
Mr Patrick (Paddy) Embry MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: NCO |
Ms Eleni Evangel MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Perth Party: LIB |
Hon. George Maxwell (Max) Evans MBE, MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Ms Diane Marie Evers MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: GWA |
Hon. Adele Farina MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: ALP |
Ms Josephine (Josie) Farrer MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kimberley Party: ALP |
Mr Anthony James Fels MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: IND |
Mr John (Jock) Kilday Ferguson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Mrs Val Ferguson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Mr John Duncombe Fischer MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: IND |
Hon. Jonathan (Jon) Robert Ford MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Peter Gilbert da Conceicao Foss MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Hon. Joseph (Joe) Michael Francis MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Jandakot Party: LIB |
Ms Janine Marie Freeman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Mirrabooka Party: ALP |
Hon. Dr Geoffrey (Geoff) Ian Gallop MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Victoria Park Party: ALP |
Mr Philip Warren Gardiner MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: IND |
Mr Graham Thomas Giffard MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Mrs Glenys Jenolan Godfrey MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Belmont Party: LIB |
Mr Larry Graham MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Pilbara Party: IND |
Mr Laurie William Graham MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Nicholas (Nick) David Griffiths MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Julian Fletcher Grill MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Eyre Party: ALP |
Mr Dave Grills MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining Pastoral Region Party: NAT |
Hon. Brendon John Grylls MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Pilbara Party: NAT |
Ms Dianne Joy Guise MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Wanneroo Party: ALP |
Hon. Stanley (John) Halden MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Elsie (Kay) Hallahan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Armadale Party: ALP |
Hon. Nigel Charles Hallett MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: SFF |
Hon. Raymond (Ray) James Halligan MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Hon. Dr Kim Desmond Hames MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Dawesville Party: LIB |
Hon. Liza Mary Harvey MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Scarborough Party: LIB |
Mr Christopher (Chris) David Hatton MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Balcatta Party: LIB |
Mrs Alyssa Kathleen Hayden MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Darling Range Party: LIB |
Mr James Hayward MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: IND |
Hon. Thomas (Tom) Richard Helm MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: IND |
Ms Yvonne Henderson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Gosnells Party: ALP |
Mr Shane Robin Hill MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Geraldton Party: ALP |
Ms Helen Hodgson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: AD |
Ms Katina (Katie) Hodson-Thomas MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Carine Party: LIB |
Mrs Monica Rose Holmes MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Southern River Party: LIB |
Hon. Colin James Holt MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: NAT |
Dr David Honey MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Cottesloe Party: LIB |
Mr Francis (Frank) Carson Hough MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: NCO |
Hon. Barry John House MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: LIB |
Hon. Montague (Monty) Grant House MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Stirling Party: NPA |
Mrs Judith (Judy) Hughes MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Kingsley Party: ALP |
Mr Matthew Hughes MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kalamunda Party: ALP |
Mr John Norman Hyde MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Perth Party: ALP |
Mrs Elise Maxine Irwin MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Hon. Albert Paul Jacob MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Ocean Reef Party: LIB |
Dr Graham Gibson Jacobs MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Eyre Party: LIB |
Hon. Robert (Rob) Frank Johnson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Hillarys Party: IND_LIB |
Hon. William Johnston MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Cannington Party: ALP |
Mr Peter Argyris Katsambanis MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Hillarys Party: LIB |
Mr Norm Kelly MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: AD |
Ms Elizabeth Kelsbie MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Warren-Blackwood Party: ALP |
Hon. Graham Donald Kierath MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Riverton Party: LIB |
Mr Zak Richard Francis Kirkup MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Dawesville Party: LIB |
Hon. John Charles Kobelke MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Balcatta Party: ALP |
Mr Antonio (Tony) Krsticevic MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Carine Party: LIB |
Hon. Robert (Bob) Charles Kucera APM, MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Yokine Party: IND |
Mr Sean Kimberley L'Estrange MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Churchlands Party: LIB |
Dr William (Bill) Lewis Leadbetter MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Mr Kevin John Leahy MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: ALP |
Mr Mark William Lewis MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: LIB |
Mr Richard Lewis MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: East Melville Party: LIB |
Mr Philip (Ross) Lightfoot MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Mr Paul Lilburne MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Carine Party: ALP |
Mr Paul Vincent Llewellyn MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: GWA |
Hon. Philip (Phil) Harry Lockyer MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: LIB |
Hon. Francis (Fran) Michael Logan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Cockburn Party: ALP |
Ms Lynn Ellen MacLaren MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Region Party: GWA |
Iain Douglas MacLean MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Wanneroo Party: LIB |
Hon. Alannah Joan Geraldine MacTiernan MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: ALP |
Diane (Dee) Elizabeth Margetts MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: GWA |
Mr Norman (Norm) Richard Marlborough MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Peel Party: ALP |
Hon. William (Bill) Richard Marmion MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Nedlands Party: LIB |
Mr Arthur Dix Marshall MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Dawesville Party: LIB |
Mrs Carol Anne Martin MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kimberley Party: ALP |
Mr Bernard (Bernie) Kent Masters MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Vasse Party: IND LIB |
Mr Ricky (Rick) John Mazza MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: SFF |
Ms Laine Courtney McDonald MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Hon. James (Jim) Andrew McGinty MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Fremantle Party: ALP |
Hon. Mark McGowan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Rockingham Party: ALP |
Mr John Edwin McGrath MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: South Perth Party: LIB |
Hon. Sheila Margaret McHale MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Kenwick Party: ALP |
Mr William (Bill) John McNee MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Moore Party: LIB |
Mr Anthony (Tony) David McRae MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Riverton Party: ALP |
Hon. Robyn Mary McSweeney MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: LIB |
Mr Paul Terrance Miles MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Wanneroo Party: LIB |
Mr Simon Millman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Mount Lawley Party: ALP |
Ms Sheila Mills MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Kevin John Minson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Greenough Party: LIB |
Hon. Michael Mischin MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Ms Andrea Ruth Mitchell MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kingsley Party: LIB |
Hon. Murray Scott Montgomery MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: NPA |
Hon. Norman Frederick Moore MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: LIB |
Hon. Helen Margaret Morton MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Mr Nathan Wray Morton MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Forrestfield Party: LIB |
Hon. Michael (Mick) Philip Murray MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Collie-Preston Party: ALP |
Hon. Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis Nahan MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Riverton Party: LIB |
Mr Dean Cambell Nalder MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Bateman Party: LIB |
Hon. Mark Warriedar Nevill MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: IND |
Hon. Roger Keith Nicholls MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Mandurah Party: LIB |
Mr Murray Davidson Nixon MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: LIB |
Mr Jan-Henrik Norberger MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Joondalup Party: LIB |
Hon. Simon O'Brien MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Region Party: LIB |
Mr Kyran Martin O'Donnell MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Kalgoorlie Party: LIB |
Mr Anthony (Tony) Patrick O'Gorman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Joondalup Party: ALP |
Hon. Paul Domenic Omodei MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Warren-Blackwood Party: IND |
Mr Ian Frederick Osborne MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Bunbury Party: LIB |
Mrs Rhonda Kathleen Parker MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Ballajura Party: LIB |
Hon. Muriel Grace Patterson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: LIB |
Hon. Phillip George Pendal MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of South Perth Party: IND LIB |
Mr Batong Vu Pham MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Samuel (Sam) Piantadosi MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Central Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Charles Christian (Christian) Porter MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Bateman Party: LIB |
Ms Louise Clare Pratt MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Stephen Joel Pratt MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Antony (Kevin) Royston Prince MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Albany Party: LIB |
Hon. John Quigley MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Butler Party: ALP |
Ms Margaret Quirk MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Landsdale Party: ALP |
Ms Jaye Amber Radisich MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Swan Hills Party: ALP |
Hon. Ljiljanna Maria Ravlich MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Donald Terrence (Terry) Redman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Warren-Blackwood Party: NAT |
Hon. Fredrick (Fred) Riebeling MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of North West Coastal Party: ALP |
Hon. Eric Stephen Ripper MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Belmont Party: ALP |
Hon. Michelle Roberts MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Midland Party: ALP |
Ms Margaret Anne Bernadette Rowe MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Party: LIB |
Ms Linda Rosemary Savage MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Hon. Barbara Mary Scott MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Hon. James (Jim) Alan Scott MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Party: GWA |
Mr Robin David Scott MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Region Party: PHON |
Dr Christine (Chrissy) Sharp MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: GWA |
Hon. Douglas (Doug) James Shave MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Electorate of Alfred Cove Party: LIB |
Ms Jessica Shaw MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Swan Hills Party: ALP |
Hon. Anthony (Tony) James Simpson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Darling Range Party: LIB |
Mr Charles Leonard Smith MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Region Party: WAP |
Mr David Smith MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Mitchell Party: ALP |
Mr Greg Smith MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Mining and Pastoral Party: LIB |
Mr Wayde Smith MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Wanneroo Party: ALP |
Mr Gary Snook MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Moore Party: LIB |
Mr Trevor Raymond Sprigg MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Murdoch Party: LIB |
Ms Rebecca Stephens MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Albany Party: ALP |
Hon. Thomas (Tom) Gregory Stephens MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Pilbara Party: ALP |
Mr Aaron Stonehouse MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South Metropolitan Region Party: LD |
Dr Katrina Stratton MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Nedlands Party: ALP |
Hon. William (Bill) Noel Stretch MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: LIB |
Hon. George Joseph Strickland MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Innaloo Party: LIB |
Mr Paul Sulc MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: ALP |
Hon. Michael William Sutherland MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Mount Lawley Party: LIB |
Mr Rodney (Rod) Noel Sweetman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the Electorate of Ningaloo Party: LIB |
Mr Christopher Tallentire MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Thornlie Party: ALP |
Mr Matthew (Matt) Howard Taylor MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Bateman Party: LIB |
Hon. David Templeman MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Mandurah Party: ALP |
Hon. Robert (Bob) John Thomas MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: ALP |
William (Bill) Ian Thomas MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for the electorate of Cockburn Party: ALP |
Mr Colin Richard Tincknell MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Region Party: PHON |
Hon. Peter Tinley AM, MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Willagee Party: ALP |
Hon. Derrick Gordon Tomlinson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: East Metropolitan Party: LIB |
Ms Christine Tonkin MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Churchlands Party: ALP |
Hon. Kenneth (Ken) Dunstan Elder Travers MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: ALP |
Mr Maxwell (Max) Wayne Trenorden MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: Agricultural Region Party: IND |
Frederick (Fred) Charles Tubby MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Roleystone Party: LIB |
Dr Hilda Margaret Turnbull MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Collie Party: NPA |
Mr Barry Urban MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Darling Range Party: IND |
Hon. June Dorothy Van De Klashorst MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Swan Hills Party: LIB |
Mr Andrew John Waddell MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Forrestfield Party: ALP |
Hon. Terrence (Terry) Keith Waldron MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Wagin Party: NAT |
Ms Susan (Sue) Elizabeth Walker MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Nedlands Party: IND |
Ms Diana Muriel Warnock MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Perth Party: ALP |
Hon. Giz Watson MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: GWA |
Dr Judyth Watson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Canning Party: ALP |
Hon. Peter Bruce Watson MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Albany Party: ALP |
Hon. Douglas Wenn MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: South West Party: ALP |
Mr Martin Paul Whitely MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Bassendean Party: ALP |
Hon. Robert (Bob) Laurence Wiese MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Former Member for Wagin Party: NAT |
Hon. Grant Allen Woodhams MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Moore Party: NAT |
Dr Janet May Woollard MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Alfred Cove Party: IND |
Hon. Benjamin (Ben) Sana Wyatt MLA
House: Legislative Assembly Electorate: Victoria Park Party: ALP |
Ms Alison Marie Xamon MLC
House: Legislative Council Electorate: North Metropolitan Region Party: GWA |