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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Current Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

A minister is a member of the party or parties and independents that has a majority in the Legislative Assembly and constitutes the Government. Ministers are drawn from both Houses and are appointed to be responsible for designated government portfolios, such as education, health and police. Ministers form the Cabinet that runs Government and are said to be ministerially responsible to Parliament for their actions.

A parliamentary secretary is also a member of the party or parties and independents in Government and is appointed to assist a minister in various duties, such as being a spokesperson for the portfolio or taking carriage of a bill in the House in the absence of a minister.

Hon. Roger Cook MLAPremier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification

Hon. Rita Saffioti MLADeputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation

Hon. Stephen Dawson MLCMinister for Regional Development; Ports; Science and Innovation; Medical Research; Kimberley.

Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLCMinister for Agriculture and Food; Fisheries; Forestry; Small Business; Mid West.

Hon. Paul PapaliaCSC, MLAMinister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services; Defence Industries; Veterans; Racing and Gaming

Hon. Dr Tony Buti MLAAttorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests

Hon. Simone McGurk MLAMinister for Creative Industries; Heritage; Industrial Relations; Aged Care and Seniors; Women

Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson MLAMinister for Energy and Decarbonisation; Manufacturing; Skills and TAFE; Pilbara

Hon. John Carey MLAMinister for Planning and Lands; Housing and Works; Health Infrastructure

Hon. Don Punch MLAMinister for Aboriginal Affairs; Water; Climate Resilience; South West

Hon. Reece Whitby MLAMinister for Police; Road Safety; Tourism; Great Southern

Hon. Sabine Winton MLAMinister for Education; Early Childhood; Preventative Health; Wheatbelt

Hon. David Michael MLAMinister for Mines and Petroleum; Finance; Electoral Affairs; Goldfields-Esperance

Hon. Hannah Beazley MLAMinister for Local Government; Disability Services; Volunteering; Youth; Gascoyne

Hon. Jessica Stojkovski MLAMinister for Child Protection; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport; Peel

Hon. Matthew Swinbourn MLCMinister for Environment; Community Services; Homelessness.

Hon. Meredith Hammat MLAMinister for Health; Mental Health

Ms Divina D'Anna MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification

Mr David Scaife MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification

Hon. Samantha Rowe MLCParliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation

Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests

Hon. Pierre Yang MLCParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health; Mental Health

Ms Jodie Hanns MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Energy and Decarbonisation; Manufacturing; Skills and TAFE; Pilbara

Ms Cassie Rowe MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Creative Industries; Heritage; Industrial Relations; Aged Care and Seniors; Women

Ms Emily Hamilton MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Early Childhood; Preventative Health; Wheatbelt

Mrs Lisa O'Malley MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Ports; Science and Innovation; Medical Research; Kimberley

Ms Caitlin Collins MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services; Defence Industries; Veterans; Racing and Gaming

Hon. Dan Caddy MLCParliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests.

Ms Kim Giddens MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Environment; Community Services; Homelessness

Mr Daniel Pastorelli MLAParliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification; Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet