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What is Hansard?

Hansard is an essentially verbatim record of what was said in the two houses of Parliament and incorporates questions on notice answered on a sitting day. The Hansard record not only captures the political mood of the state, but also provides a window into the events, issues and legislation affecting Western Australians since 1870.

What is Hansard?

Hansard is a record of speeches, questions and answers and procedural events in the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly and is known as Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Hansard also reports and provide transcripts of evidence given to standing and select committees, in hearings held both in-house and elsewhere throughout the state.

Hansard is a 'substantially verbatim' report —

Hansard is a full report, in the first person. The member’s words are used. However, obvious mistakes are corrected and redundancies and needless repetition removed. Clarity is provided; ambiguity and elegant variation are avoided. Nothing should be omitted from the transcript that adds to the meaning of the speech or illustrates the argument advanced, and nor should words be altered unless they are incorrectly used.