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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025
  • The Legislative Council meets on 08/04/2025 (02:45 PM)
    Council sit 08/04/2025

What are chamber documents?

Chamber documents are the documents used in the houses to facilitate the conduct of parliamentary business such as the daily notice paper. Chamber documents are included on the Watch and Listen page under the broadcast. Alternatively, you can find these documents under the Parliamentary Business tab or through the 'What’s On?' function on the Parliament of Western Australia homepage.

You can register for RSS feeds or email notification alerts of parliamentary chamber documents from either or both houses, as they are updated.

The format of chamber documents is very similar between the houses with the fundamental difference being that the record of proceedings are called 'Minutes' in the Legislative Council and 'Votes and Proceedings' in the Legislative Assembly.

The Legislative Council also releases a weekly bulletin on the Friday prior to a sitting week.


The following provides a summary of the chamber documents and their purpose:

Business Program – the list of business scheduled to be dealt with on a sitting day.

Interactive Business Program – The live broadcast of proceedings are accompanied by an interactive Business Program showing where proceedings are up to at a given point in time. The interactive program also contains links to bills when under discussion.

Notice Paper – the full list of current business before the house.

Votes and Proceedings – the official record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly from a sitting day.

Minutes – the official record of the proceedings of the Legislative Council from a sitting day.

Questions Booklet – a list of all question on notice asked on a Sitting Day and a summary of all unanswered questions on notice from previous sitting days in Parliament.

Legislative Council Weekly Bulletin – lists the business the government intends to deal with in the house the following sitting week.


Other documents relevant to the proceedings of the houses include —

Standing Orders and President’s or Speaker’s Rulings – rules by which the houses operate and determinations on the interpretation of those rules by the relevant Presiding Officer.

Sitting dates – the sitting dates for both houses of Parliament, which may change at the discretion of the houses with little or no notice.

Order of business on a sitting day – agreed timetable for business on a sitting day for both houses.

Tabled Papers – documents presented to Parliament during the course of proceedings which attract parliamentary privilege. Occasionally, artefacts may also be tabled.