Hon. Roger Cook MLA | Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification |
Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA | Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation |
Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC | Minister for Regional Development; Ports; Science and Innovation; Medical Research; Kimberley. |
Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC | Minister for Agriculture and Food; Fisheries; Forestry; Small Business; Mid West. |
Hon. Paul Papalia CSC, MLA | Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services; Defence Industries; Veterans; Racing and Gaming |
Hon. Dr Tony Buti MLA | Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests |
Hon. Simone McGurk MLA | Minister for Creative Industries; Heritage; Industrial Relations; Aged Care and Seniors; Women |
Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA | Minister for Energy and Decarbonisation; Manufacturing; Skills and TAFE; Pilbara |
Hon. John Carey MLA | Minister for Planning and Lands; Housing and Works; Health Infrastructure |
Hon. Don Punch MLA | Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; Water; Climate Resilience; South West |
Hon. Reece Whitby MLA | Minister for Police; Road Safety; Tourism; Great Southern |
Hon. Sabine Winton MLA | Minister for Education; Early Childhood; Preventative Health; Wheatbelt |
Hon. David Michael MLA | Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Finance; Electoral Affairs; Goldfields-Esperance |
Hon. Hannah Beazley MLA | Minister for Local Government; Disability Services; Volunteering; Youth; Gascoyne |
Hon. Jessica Stojkovski MLA | Minister for Child Protection; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport; Peel |
Hon. Matthew Swinbourn MLC | Minister for Environment; Community Services; Homelessness. |
Hon. Meredith Hammat MLA | Minister for Health; Mental Health |
Ms Divina D'Anna MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification |
Mr David Scaife MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification |
Hon. Samantha Rowe MLC | Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation |
Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests |
Hon. Pierre Yang MLC | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health; Mental Health |
Ms Jodie Hanns MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Energy and Decarbonisation; Manufacturing; Skills and TAFE; Pilbara |
Ms Cassie Rowe MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Creative Industries; Heritage; Industrial Relations; Aged Care and Seniors; Women |
Ms Emily Hamilton MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Early Childhood; Preventative Health; Wheatbelt |
Mrs Lisa O'Malley MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Ports; Science and Innovation; Medical Research; Kimberley |
Ms Caitlin Collins MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services; Defence Industries; Veterans; Racing and Gaming |
Hon. Dan Caddy MLC | Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General; Minister for Commerce; Tertiary and International Education; Multicultural Interests. |
Ms Kim Giddens MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Environment; Community Services; Homelessness |
Mr Daniel Pastorelli MLA | Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State Development; Trade and Investment; Economic Diversification; Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet |