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Addressing a member of Parliament


In the Parliament of Western Australia, the title 'The Honourable' is accorded to the following office holders

  • Premier of Western Australia
  • Deputy Premier and Ministers of the State Government
  • President of the Legislative Council
  • Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
  • Members of the Legislative Council

After a member ceases his or her service in any of the offices above, they may (conditional on the approval of His Majesty the King) retain the use of the title 'The Honourable', subject to their completion of the following periods of service.

  • Premier of Western Australia - one year's service
  • Deputy Premier and Ministers of the State Government - three years' service
  • Speaker of the Legislative Assembly - three years' service
  • President of the Legislative Council - three years' service
  • Members of the Legislative Council - 10 years' continuous service

Standard modes of address


Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLA
Premier of Western Australia
Salutation Dear Premier
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Deputy Premier

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLA
Deputy Premier of Western Australia
Salutation Dear Deputy Premier
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Minister (Legislative Assembly)

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLA
Minister for .................
Salutation Dear Minister
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Minister (Legislative Council)

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLC
Minister for .................
Salutation Dear Minister
Conclusion Yours faithfully

President of the Legislative Council

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLC
President of the Legislative Council
Salutation Dear President
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLA
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Salutation Dear Mr/Madam Speaker
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Member (Legislative Council)

Envelope The Honourable (Dr) John/Jane Citizen MLC
Member for .................
Salutation Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Citizen
Conclusion Yours faithfully

Member (Legislative Assembly)

Envelope Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr John/Jane Citizen MLA
Member for .................
Salutation Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Citizen
Conclusion Yours faithfully