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Using this website

Website Improvements

Our website has recently been redesigned to make it easier for all users of the website to access information and to engage with us.

Improvements have been made based on an analysis of statistical data on the way users interact with our website, the results of a website survey and best practice in website design. These include:

  • Giving the website a modern look and feel that is welcoming, uniform and simple in style
  • Providing a more logical structure for visitors to the site and priority to site content based on user requirements
  • Making the website as inclusive, and as open and transparent as possible by explaining ourselves clearly and writing for everyone
  • Providing good direction for visitors to the site so they can more easily access information and complete tasks
  • Ensuring there are more visual presentations such as videos and flow charts to simplify Parliamentary processes.
  • Providing opportunities for direct communication with the community by clearly communicating the business activities and community engagement opportunities available, introducing a dedicated news application, and enhancing our social media presence in the community.

We are working on continually improving our search functions and have achieved a number of advanced search options for several of our databases.

With a goal of better connecting Parliament, our Members and the community, we would appreciate your feedback so we can continually improve the service we provide.

Header and Footer Hyperlinks

Site map

This is a navigational tool and shows the hierarchy of pages on the site.


Brief statement of Parliament’s commitment to improving access to content and website functions by people with disabilities or access issues.

Contact us

Provides contacts for the different business units within the three parliamentary departments.


Parliament provides a number of 'Real Simple Syndication' (RSS) feeds which will enable you to view the latest content from the website through a feed reader, rather than having to visit the parliamentary website. Email alerts provide an alternative option to RSS feeds.


The Parliament of Western Australia has a number of systems and processes in place for managing and protecting personal data provided through its website.


While Parliament endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, visitors to the site are responsible for assessing and verifying that information.


Details copyright and the conditions of use of information on the website. While Parliament encourages reuse of information, certain requirements must be met to ensure the integrity of the information is maintained.


The glossary lists common parliamentary terminology in alphabetical order.


Provides access to latest job advertisements and information about the application process and working at Parliament.

Related sites

Provides a listing of Australian and international Parliaments under the Westminster system, relevant parliamentary and government entities and political and independent office holders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Parliament has provided responses to questions asked about Committees and generally about Parliament. These are available under Committee publications on the Committees landing page under ‘Parliamentary Business’ and under Educators and Students under ‘Visit and Learn’.

Conducting a Basic and Advanced Search

Parliament’s Basic and Advanced Search

Currently the Hansard, Committees and Member Biographies’ databases feature both basic and advanced search functions. The Bills, Tabled Papers, Questions, Chamber Documents and Members databases currently have a basic search function only.

Parliament House is working towards a consistent advanced search function across its databases.

Homepage search

In the top right-hand side of the header is a search option. This offers a basic and limited advanced search.

The basic text search pertains only to web (text) pages, not to databases.

The advanced search offers a full text search of the databases selected. This advanced search does not provide the option of narrowing the search by applying additional search criteria.

Basic Search of Databases

Basic Search

All databases available on the website offer a basic search. Search results are activated by entering words or phrases in the search field and pressing “search” on the screen with your mouse or pressing “enter” on your keyboard.

You can refine your search using Boolean (search) operators.

Boolean operators are simple connecting words such as AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT or symbols such as “, ( or ) that allow a user to include or exclude items in a text search resulting in more refined or focused results.

You may search for exact phrases by placing quotation marks around multiple words. For example, “regional airfares in Western Australia” will return results where the whole phrase exists. You can also search multiple phrases. Searching without quotations will search each individual word where they appear in the document and not necessarily the phrase.

You can also use:

  • AND – requires both terms to be returned in order to appear as a result
  • OR –means that either term can be returned in the results
  • NOT and AND NOT – searches the first term and then subtracts from the results any search containing the second search term.
  • () – brackets around words or phrases to search the word or term first and then any text outside the brackets that are not enclosed.
  • Other Boolean operators will also apply.

    Advanced Search of databases

    The advanced search includes the option of a detailed word and phrase search. This negates having to use quotations or a Boolean search.

    You can narrow your search parameters further by applying additional search fields. These vary depending on the database you are searching.


    The bills page includes two tabs; ‘Current bills’ which includes all bills (proposed laws) before the houses of Parliament and ‘All bills’ which lists all bills considered by the Parliament, dating back to 1997. Click on the tabs to activate either of these categories. Bills prior to 1997 can be accessed by contacting the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly administration offices on (08) 9222 7222.

    ‘Current bills’ and ‘All bills’ sort options:

    Current bills

    • ‘Sort by’ function - will order bills according to the option selected; name, date introduced and Private Members Bills
    • A to Z alphabetic function - applies to all sort categories, except date introduced

    All Bills

    • ‘Sort by’ function - will order bills according to the option selected; name, date introduced, assented and Private Members Bills
    • A to Z alphabetic function - applies to all sort categories, except date introduced

    In the bills listing, the icon alongside the bill identifies whether it originated in the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly and which house has considered (or is considering) the bill. Detail is also provided on the date the bill was introduced and the current status (or stage) of the bill. A current bill indicates that the bill is still being considered, therefore assent information will not be available under ‘Current bills’.

    Clicking on the bill will take you to a page for that bill. The page includes information such as the purpose of the bill, a copy of the bill and explanatory memorandum, as well as previous versions of the bill and the bill’s progress.

    Search function

    You can also search bills using the ‘Search bills’ function on the right hand side of the page. You can filter your search by selecting ‘Current bills’ or ‘All bills’ and then entering a key word search, or you can simply conduct a key word search without applying the filters.

    For further information on conducting a basic search, see ‘Conducting a basic and advanced search’.

    Right hand navigation

    The right-hand navigation provides access to information about bills, a table of progress for all bills currently before the Parliament and flow charts detailing the bills process in the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. The option to subscribe to receive information on bills is also available.

    Tabled Papers

    The Tabled Papers landing page includes three tabs: Legislative Council, Legislative Assembly and Annual Reports for government agencies.

    Tabled Papers – Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly

    The Tabled Papers page for each House includes two tabs; ‘Current Parliament’ and ‘All Tabled Papers’ which lists all Tabled Papers dating back to 2000. Click on the tabs to activate either of these categories. Tabled Papers prior to 2000 can be accessed by contacting the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly administration offices on (08) 9222 7222.

    ‘Current Parliament’ sort options:

    • ‘Sort by’ function – will order Tabled Papers according to the option selected; name, date (tabled), type (Legislative Council)/subject (Legislative Assembly) and Tabled Paper number
    • A to Z alphabetic function – applies to the sort categories, type (Legislative Council)/subject (Legislative Assembly)

    When a Tabled Paper is hyperlinked (underlined), it means an electronic version is available on the website and can be accessed by clicking on the link.

    Hard copies of Tabled Papers can be accessed through the Legislative Council Papers Office or the Legislative Assembly Administration Office, depending on which house the paper was tabled in.

    Search function

    All Tabled Papers are searched via a Basic Search or limited advanced search which is available through the All Tabled Papers tab.

    You can also search Tabled Papers using the ‘Search Tabled Papers’ function on the right hand side of the page. You can filter your search by selecting Tabled Papers of the ‘Current Parliament’ or ‘All Tabled Papers’ and then entering a keyword search.

    For further information on conducting a basic and advanced search, see ‘Conducting a basic and advanced search’.

    Right hand navigation

    The right hand navigation provides access to ‘Procedures and guidelines’ for Tabled Papers and to Tabled Papers for the alternate house, as well as Annual Reports.

    Annual Reports

    Annual Reports sort options

    The ‘Sort by’ function will order annual reports according to the option selected; name or date.

    Search function

    You can also search Annual Reports using the ‘Search Annual Reports’ function on the right hand side of the page.

    A limited advanced search is also available in Tabled Papers. For further information on conducting a basic and advanced search, see ‘Conducting a basic and advanced search’.

    Right hand navigation

    The right hand navigation provides access to ‘Procedures and guidelines’ for Tabled Papers and to Tabled Papers for the houses of Parliament.

    Chamber Documents

    Search Chamber Documents

    The chamber documents search presents information in a “tree view” format. Click on the arrows to expand or collapse the relevant information.

    The default “tree view” opens at the most recent chamber documents.

    Above the tree is a basic search function. To understand how to use the search see information on Conducting a Basic and Advanced Search.

    Right-Hand Navigation

    The right-hand navigation provides access to information that explains chamber documents, as well as an option to subscribe to an RSS feed or alert to receive updates for chamber documents.

    Parliamentary Questions

    Parliamentary Questions (questions) are available for the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.

    The questions page includes two tabs; ‘Current Parliament’ and ‘All Questions’ before the Parliament which lists questions dating back to 1997. Click on the tabs to activate either of these categories. Questions prior to 1997 can be accessed through the Hansard Advanced search.

    ‘Current Parliament’ sort options:

    You can order questions of the Current Parliament by date, member asking and the portfolio that the question applies to.

    Search function

    All Questions can be searched through an advanced search available by clicking on the All Questions tab.

    You can also search questions using the ‘Search questions’ function on the right hand side of the page. You can filter your search by selecting Questions of the ‘Current Parliament’ and ‘All questions’ and entering a keyword search, or you can simply conduct a keyword search without applying the filters.

    Right hand navigation

    The right-hand navigation provides access to information about questions and access to the daily questions list.

    Watch Parliamentary Question time

    Parliamentary Question Time is held at 2.00pm in the Legislative Assembly and 4.30pm in the Legislative Council on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of a sitting week.

    You can watch Parliamentary Question Time in the gallery of the relevant house or online by accessing our Watch and Listen page under ‘Parliamentary Business’.


    You can access petitions for the Legislative Council by clicking on petitions under ‘Get Involved’.

    Petitions are available by ‘Current petitions’ and ‘All petitions’ for the Legislative Council.

    ‘Current petitions’ and ‘All petitions’ sort options:

    The ‘Sort by’ option for both categories will enable you to search by petition number, date tabled, subject and tabling member.

    Search functions

    You can search all petitions of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly through the Search petitions function.

    Petitions are submitted on behalf of a Principal Petitioner by a member of Parliament. You can find your member by entering a keyword search in the ‘Search Members’ search function.

    The right hand navigation provides access to petitions of previous Parliaments, information on petitioning the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, and a link to the Environment and Public Affairs Committee of the Legislative Council which considers petitions on behalf of that house.

    Watch Live

    A rotating ‘Watch live’ function located in the page header, advises when the Legislative Council, Legislative Assembly or Committees are broadcasting live. Clicking on the Watch Live function will take you through to the ‘Watch and listen’ page where you can select whether you wish to watch or listen to the broadcast for the houses, or watch committees.

    The ‘Watch live’ function does not capture all committee hearings but rather those hearings where the committee has determined to broadcast the hearing. A list of upcoming committee hearings can be located on the committees landing page, as well as the ‘Sitting calendar’ and ‘What’s on function’, available under Parliamentary Business.

    For information on how to use the functions on the ‘Watch and listen’ page, see ‘Watch and listen’.

    What's On

    The ‘What’s On?’ function contains information on the business of the houses, parliamentary committees, and other activities such as tours and events (including exhibitions), in descending order from the first available start time.

    The legend located in the centre of the function, defines the type of business or activity, namely; Legislative Council, Legislative Assembly and Other-tours and events.

    You can scroll through information using the right and left hand navigation arrows.

    The ‘Parliament’ tab details the date and time of business in the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly and provides a link to relevant chamber documents. The information for the sitting of the houses covers one sitting week. These documents should be regularly reviewed for any updates.

    The ‘Committees’ tab includes a link to the first scheduled hearing for a committee. Clicking on the link will also provide access to any other hearings for the committee for that day.

    It differs from the ‘Watch live’ function on the homepage which references only those committee hearings scheduled for broadcast. Committees do not generally publish meeting documentation; however, any available documentation can be accessed by clicking on the link. The committees’ information is limited to a one-month period and hearings are regularly updated.

    The ‘Other – tours and events’ tab lists public tours and events, including exhibitions, hosted by the Parliament of Western Australia up to one month out from their scheduled date.

    The ‘View Full Calendar’ function accesses the full sitting calendar. This calendar includes a view of scheduled business by day, week and month, as well as access to export the calendar to your electronic diary or download the latest sitting calendar in PDF format.

    Latest News

    The ‘Latest News’ function on the homepage displays a summary of the news item. The left and right hand arrows will allow you to scroll through the summaries for the current Parliament. Clicking on the article title will activate the whole news article. The ‘View all news’ link will take you through to a dedicated news page where you will be able to view more news.

    Sitting Calendar

    Sitting calendar views

    The sitting calendar provides daily, weekly and monthly views for the Legislative Council, Legislative Assembly, committee hearings, tours, events and exhibitions, but defaults to daily information about the houses and committees.

    Information can be sorted by using the ‘Filter Calendar’ options on the right hand side of the calendar.

    Daily and weekly calendar views are listed in descending order from the first available business.

    Arrows will allow you to scroll through to future or past dates.

    It is recommended that you check back regularly with the sitting calendar as parliamentary business and associated documents can change at short notice.

    Links within the calendar

    • Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly sittings for a given day - link to the ‘Watch and listen’ page providing access to functions such as the live broadcast, chamber documents and watching debates from the public gallery at Parliament House
    • Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly sittings past or future will access the relevant chamber documents
    • Committee business – provides more detailed hearing information relevant to the particular inquiry
    • Public Tour – public tour information page
    • Events and exhibitions - detailed information about the event and/or exhibition.

    Export calendar

    The ‘Export to calendar’ will insert the year’s sitting calendar for the houses of Parliament into your electronic diary. Alternatively, a PDF version of the annual sitting calendar can be downloaded.

    Watch and Listen

    Watch and listen to broadcasts

    This ‘Watch and listen’ page provides three broadcast options—the Legislative Council, the Legislative Assembly and Committees. When these are broadcasting, the ‘live’ button in the right-hand corner of the broadcast option will appear, together with a picture representing proceedings. Below each option for the chambers is information about the date and time of the next broadcast(s) as well as relevant documents. You may choose to either watch the broadcast or listen to the audio only. Below the Committees option is the date and time of the next broadcast and a list of available broadcasts. You can either click on the Committees box to view a broadcast or click one of the broadcast hyperlinks. Committees provide a watch-only option.

    If you choose to watch the broadcast, you can view it in the default view (smaller view) or in full screen by clicking on the ‘view full screen’ tab underneath the default view. A pause screen button is available on the left. However, be aware that with a live broadcast, you will miss part of the proceedings when pausing. A volume slider is available on the right-hand side.

    If you have any difficulties viewing the broadcast, please call Reception Services on (08) 9222 7222.

    Alternatively, the scrolling Watch Live box in the header of each page will advise when the chamber and committee broadcasts are live. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through manually. You can then click on the relevant option—i.e. Legislative Council—and you will be directed to the ‘Watch and listen’ page.

    Interactive business program

    The live broadcast of the proceedings of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly are accompanied by an interactive Business Program (daily agenda). This advises where proceedings are up to at a given point in time. The interactive program also contains links to bills when under discussion.

    Sitting Schedule and Order of Business

    The houses sit according to a sitting schedule that is available from the Sitting Calendar link on the ‘Watch and listen’ page or the Sitting Calendar menu item under Parliamentary Business. Generally, the chambers sit on the same weeks but not always.

    The ‘Order of Business’ for the houses details the general sitting pattern and order of business on a sitting day. The ‘Order of Business’ is also available under Parliamentary Business. The houses can elect to change the order of sitting at short notice.

    Missed a broadcast?

    You can catch up on proceedings by visiting the Broadcast Archive on the ‘Watch and listen’ page. Video broadcasts are available from the most recent sitting day back to the commencement of the current Parliament.

    The broadcast archive provides the option of clicking on the year and month for the required broadcasts, which are segmented into time periods. Although the videos are not searchable, the accompanying Hansard (PDF) contain speech commencement times and a reference point for identifying the required footage.

    The broadcast is also available through the Hansard page under Parliamentary Business. Search by clicking on the required date on the Daily Hansard Calendar on the right-hand side of the page. The video broadcast accompanies the daily Hansard.

    To activate the broadcast, simply double-click the broadcast link, and once opened, fast forward using the playback slider.

    To download a video from the archive, right-click the link and select ‘Save target as’ in Internet Explorer or ‘Save link as’ in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

    Watch Committees

    While committee hearings are generally open to the public, hearings are not always broadcast. You may attend any public hearing of a committee. To find out more about scheduled hearings, visit ‘Upcoming Hearings’ on the Committees page.

    Searching Committees

    Committee landing page

    The ‘Upcoming hearings’ lists committee inquiries and activities in descending order from the first available start time for a scheduled public hearing. The icon to the left represents whether the hearing is related to a committee of the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly. This includes joint committees hosted by either House. The corresponding legend appears at the top of the function.

    Clicking on the link will provide more detailed information on the hearing or any other activity convened by a committee.

    For all committee inquiries, refer to the link ‘current Inquiries’ located on the right-hand side of the page.

    Search Committee documents

    The committee search function offers both a basic and advanced search. To understand how to use the search, see information on ‘Conducting a basic and advanced search’. Under the search function, you can search committee details, inquiries, proceedings, reports, evidence, transcripts of evidence, written submissions, petitions and government responses (to reports). Transcripts of evidence of committee hearings are included under the committee search function, not the Hansard Search function. The transcripts of debates on committee reports tabled in the house(s) are available under the Hansard search function.

    Make a Submission

    This provides information on current inquiries or activities where the committee is calling for submissions or public commentary on an issue, and their respective closing date.

    Other links

    Current committees – current committees of the current Parliament

    Past committees – committees of previous Parliaments or committees of the current Parliament that have ceased by order of the house(s)

    Current inquiries – current open inquiries of committees of the current Parliament

    Past inquiries – past inquiries of all committees of the Parliament

    Reports – all reports of current and past committees dating back to 2000 and government responses to those reports

    How to Search and Use Hansard

    How to search and use Hansard

    Daily Hansard Calendar

    The calendar acts as a quick link to the daily Hansard and broadcast footage for that day’s chamber proceedings. Simply click on the day in the calendar to access the related daily Hansard and video record. The records appear in a ‘tree view’ format. You will be required to select the record(s) pertaining to the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly. You can move between various sitting dates and associated records by expanding and collapsing the date options.

    Booking a Parliamentary Tour

    Parliament House offers a range of free tours, including educational tours for school and tertiary groups, community group tours, art tours and public tours.

    Further information on tours can be found by clicking ‘Tours’.

    Educational and community tours can be booked via our electronic tour booking system which can be accessed through the right hand navigation on those pages. The ‘Booking Request Form’ on the left-hand side of the page includes a number of mandatory fields which require completion. By clicking the available preferred time in the calendar on the right, the selected date and time of the tour will populate in the booking form. The colour-coded key or legend underneath the calendar advises whether an appointment is unavailable and which are sitting and non-sitting days.

    You can scroll through the calendar by month, using the left and right arrows in the corners of the screen. When you book a sitting day, information will appear in the form of a hyperlink about your visit and what it will include. When you book on a non-sitting day, the calendar will provide the option to select a ‘role-play’ or ‘division’ activity for your students. If the option of a role-play is selected, then you must allocate roles and prepare students for speaking parts, prior to attending Parliament House. The division activity, known as ‘Vote with your Feet’, will cater for students of all literacy levels. Information for non-sitting days, including available role-plays, is provided via a hyperlink. Further information on role-plays and division activities can be located under ‘Role-plays’.