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Belmont Electorate Profile (2021)

About the Belmont Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Belmont electorate for the 2021 election

PDF version of Belmont electorate map

PDF version of East Metropolitan Region electorate map

Area (sq km): 70
Number of Electors: 30,025
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Origin of the Name:
Most of the suburb of Belmont island was assigned to Captain Francis Henry Byrne in 1931. It is believed that Byrne named his land "Belmont" after his estate in England. The land was not developed, until 1882 when Shepherd Smith of Sydney purchased it, and in 1897 and 1898 instigated the major subdivision of the area. For many years the lots were quite large due to the development of the area for training racehorses, and because of the proximity to the Belmont Park Racecourse.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
Ascot; Belmont; Burswood *; Cloverdale; Hazelmere *; Kewdale *; Redcliffe ; Rivervale ; South Guildford *; Welshpool *
* = Suburb/Town split between more than one electorate.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Legislative Council Region:
East Metropolitan

Local Governments within the Electorate:
City of Swan ; Statistical Profile of City of Swan
City of Belmont ; Statistical Profile of City of Belmont
City of Canning ; Statistical Profile of City of Canning
Town of Victoria Park

Government: Belmay Primary School; Belmont City College; Belmont Primary School; Carlisle Primary School; Cloverdale Education Support Centre; Cloverdale Primary School; Kewdale Primary School; Redcliffe Primary School; Rivervale Primary School; South East Metropolitan Language Development Centre.

Other: Australian Islamic College - Kewdale; Notre Dame Catholic Primary School; St Augustine's School; St Maria Goretti's Catholic School.

Local Newspapers:
  • Southern Gazette
  • Hills Avon Valley Gazette
  • Echo
  • Midland Kalamunda Reporter

Statistical Profile of the Belmont Electorate


Information on the 2021 State General Election
Information on Previous Elections

Current Member

Cassie Rowe (ALP)

Before entering Parliament Cassie established the Belmont Community Group to run grassroots campaigns on local issues: for more police resources in the area, opposing high rise developments and council amalgamations.

Cassie is also passionate about the arts and served as a board member and chair of the Film and Television Institute of WA for nearly ten years. She believes in the production, promotion and protection of local art forms and culture.

Cassie's father was a Member of Parliament and minister in Victoria for many years; her sister is the Hon. Samantha Rowe MLC. She is a former assistant state secretary of the WA Labor Party.

Contact details and Speeches


Facebook, Twitter

Successive Members for the Belmont Electorate

Constituency created under Redistribution of Seats 1961

Name Party Term
James Hegney Australian Labor Party 1962 - 1968
Colin John Jamieson Australian Labor Party 1968 - 1971

Constituency abolished under the Redistribution of Seats 1972

Constituency revived under the Redistribution of Seats 1988

Eric Stephen Ripper Australian Labor Party 1989 - 2013
Glenys Godfrey Liberal Party 2013 - 2017
Cassie Rowe Australian Labor Party 2017 -

Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)