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North West Central Electorate Profile (2021)

About the North West Central Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the North West Central electorate for the 2021 election

PDF version of the North West Central Electorate map

PDF version of the Mining and Pastoral Region electorate map

Area (sq km): 820,591
Number of Electors: 10,993
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Origin of the Name:
The Electorate of North West comprises the existing district of North West Coastal with the addition eastward of the complete local government authorities of Upper Gascoyne, Murchison, Yalgoo, Meekatharra, Cue and Mount Magnet.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
Ajana *; Angelo River; Babbage Island; Barrow Island; Brockman; Brown Range; Cane; Cape Range National Park; Capricorn; Carbla; Carnarvon; Carrarang; Chichester; Coburn; Cooladar Hill; Coral Bay; Cue; Daggar Hills; Denham; Dirk Hartog; East Carnarvon; East Lyons River; East Murchison; Eurardy; Exmouth; Exmouth Gulf; Fortescue; Francois Peron Nat Pk; Gascoyne Junction; Gascoyne River; Gibson Desert South; Greys Plain; Hamelin Pool; Inggarda; Innawanga; Juna Downs; Kalbarri; Karalundi; Karijini; Kennedy Range; Kingsford; Kumarina; Lake Austin; Lake Carnegie; Learmonth; Little Sandy Desert; Lyndon; Macleod; Massey Bay; Meadow; Meekatharra; Millstream; Minilya; Monkey Mia; Morgantown; Mt Magnet; Mt Sheila; Mulga Downs; Murchison; Nanga; Nanutarra; Nerren Nerren; Ngaanyatjarra-Giles; North Plantations; North West Cape; Onslow; Pannawonica; Paraburdoo; Paynes Find; Paynesville; Peak Hill; Peedamulla; Reedy; Rocklea; Sandstone; South Carnarvon; South Murchison; South Plantations; Talandji; Talisker; Tamala; Tom Price; Useless Loop; Warburton; Weld Range; West Lyons River; Wiluna; Wittenoom; Woodleigh; Woolgorong; Wooramel; Yalardy; Yalgoo; Yandoo Creek; Yannarie
* = Suburb/Town split between more than one Electorate.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Legislative Council Region:
Mining and Pastoral

Local Governments within the Electorate:
Shire of Carnarvon
Shire of Cue
Shire of Exmouth
Shire of Meekatharra
Shire of Murchison
Shire of Northampton
Shire of Sandstone
Shire of Shark Bay
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Shire of Ashburton
Shire of Wiluna
Shire of Yalgoo
Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku

Government: Burringurrah Remote Community School; Carnarvon Community College; Carnarvon School Of The Air; Cue Primary School; Exmouth District High School; Gascoyne Junction Remote Community School; Kalbarri District High School; Meekatharra District High School; Mount Magnet District High School; Ngaanyatjarra Lands School; North Tom Price Primary School; Onslow Primary School; Pannawonica Primary School; Paraburdoo Primary School; Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School; Shark Bay School; Tom Price Primary School; Tom Price Senior High School; Useless Loop Primary School; Wiluna Remote Community School; Yalgoo Primary School; Yulga Jinna Remote Community School.

Other: Carnarvon Christian School (Inc); Karalundi College; St Mary Star Of The Sea Catholic School.

Local Newspapers:
  • North West Telegraph
  • Pilbara News

Books about North West Central
  • P Heydon: Nannine by the lake (254p. Hesperian Press, 1990)
  • Marion Nixon: Road to the Murchison, an illustrated story of the district and its people (302p. Marion Nixon, 1988)
  • Bonnie Milne: Crossroads, a journey through the Upper Gascoyne (357p. Shire of Upper Gascoyne, 2007)
  • F Gunning: Lure of the North - seventy years memoirs of George Joseph Gooch and his pioneer friends of Western Australia (238p, Western Australian Newspapers, 1952)
  • Rhonda McDonald: Along the Ashburton (271p. Hesperian Press, 2002)
  • Hugh Edwards: Meekatharra, the gold beyond the rivers (211p. Meekatharra Shire, 1994)
  • Hugh Edwards: Shark Bay through four centuries, 1616-2000 (Shark Bay Shire, 1999)
  • H Wilson: Gateways to gold (162p. Rigby, 1969)
  • Sally Senior: Sandstone, from gold to wool and back again - a district history (481p. Shire of Sandstone, 1995)
  • P Heydon: Just a century ago - a history of the Shire of Cue (235p. Hesperian Press, 1987)
  • Lorna Day: Drawn to Mt Magnet - Wannars, Dolly Pots, Shears (324p. Shire of Mt Magnet, 1995)
  • Alex Palmer: Paynes Find (96p. LAP Industries, 1988)
  • Alex Palmer: Yalgoo (184p. LAP Industries, 1985)
  • Alex Palmer: Fields of gold - a story of the Yalgoo goldfields (110p. LAP Industries, 1991)
  • J Cox: Barrow Island - an historical documentation (1977)
  • Harry Butler: Barrow Island (16p. West Australian Petroleum, 1975)
  • G McDonald: Beyond boundary fences - some incidents of early day life on the goldfields of Western Australia (250p. Hesperian Press, 1996)
  • Barry Wilson: Shark Bay - discover Monkey Mia and other natural wonders (24p. Dept of Conservation and Land Management, 1989)
  • Carolyn Thomson: Discovering Shark Bay Marine Park and Monkey Mia (64p. Dept of Conservation and Land Management, 1997)
  • Martyn Webb: Edge of empire (387p. Artlook Books, 1983)
  • John Taylor: Mr E T Hooley's overland route to Nicol Bay and return route (20p. 2000)
  • P Heydon: Wiluna, edge of the desert (608p. Hesperian Press, 1996)
  • P Heydon: Gold at Peak Hill (301p. Hesperian Press, 1991)
  • K Forest: The challenge and the chance - the colonisation and settlement of North West Australia 1861-1914 (348p. Hesperian Press, 1996)
  • J Battye: History of the North West of Australia - embracing Kimberley, Gascoyne and Murchison districts (318p. Jones, 1915)


Information about the 2022 By-election
Information about Previous Elections

Current Member

Merome Beard

Merome Beard, a fourth generation local, is a ‘proud School of the Air graduate’ and also competed as a rower at the Australian Institute of Sport. From a pastoralist background, Merome and her husband have run the Port Hotel in Carnavon for nearly 20 years.

Ms Beard has identified housing & accommodation, health services, opening the Fascine and dealing with the complex underlying causes of crime as issues she will address.

Ms Beard is the shadow minister for Child Protection, Disability Services and Heritage.

Contact details and Speeches


Statistical Profile of the North West Central Electorate

Successive Members for the North West Central Electorate

Constituency created under the Redistribution of Seats 2007

Name Party Term
Vincent (Vince) Alexander Catania Australian Labor Party 2008 - 2009
Vincent (Vince) Alexander Catania Nationals 2009 - 2022
Merome Beard Nationals (until 31 Oct 2023) 2022b -

b = by-election
Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)