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Central Wheatbelt Electorate Profile (2025)

About the Central Wheatbelt Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Central Wheatbelt electorate for the 2025 election

PDF version of the Central West electorate map PDF/pdf-file.png

Area (sq km): 97,953
Number of Electors: 30,530
Source: 2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.

Origin of the Name:
The Central Wheatbelt district includes the existing district of Merredin, expanded west to include the shires of Beverley, York and the newly amalgamated Shire of Northam. The name 'Central Wheatbelt', renamed from 'Merredin', was chosen in response to community objections to better reflect the population distribution of the district.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Central Wheatbelt includes all or part of Adamsvale, Aldersyde, Ardath, Baandee, Babakin, Badjaling, Badgin, Badgerin Rock, Bakers Hill, Balkuling, Balladong, Ballidu, Bally Bally, Bannister, Barbalin, Beacon, Bejoording, Bencubbin, Benjaberring, Beverley, Bilbarin, Bodallin, Boddington, Bolgart, Bonnie Rock, Boodarockin, Booralaming, Brookton, Bruce Rock, Buckland, Bullaring, Bullfinch, Bulyee, Burakin, Burlong, Burracoppin, Burran Rock, Cadoux, Calingiri, Caljie, Carani, Chandler, Clackline, Cleary, Codjatotine, Cold Harbour, Coondle, Copley, Corinthia, Corrigin, Cowcowing, Cramphorne, Crossman, Cubbine, Culham, Cunderdin, Cunjardine, Daadenning Creek, Dale, Daliak, Dandanning, Dangin, Dewars Pool, Doodenanning, Doodlakine, Dowerin, Dukin, Dulbelling, Dulyalbin, Dumbarton, Dwarda, East Ballidu, East Beverley, East Pingelly, Elabbin, Elachbutting, Flynn, Gabbin, Ghooli, Gilgering, Glentromie, Goomalling, Goomarin, Gorge Rock, Grass Valley, Greenhills, Greenwoods Valley, Gwambygine, Hastings, Hindmarsh, Hines Hill, Hoddys Well, Hulongine, Inkpen, Irishtown, Jelcobine, Jennacubbine, Jennapullin, Julimar, Karloning, Katrine, Kauring, Kellerberrin, Kokeby, Konnongorring, Koomberkine, Koorda, Korbel, Korrelocking, Kulja, Kunjin, Kununoppin, Kurrenkutten, Kweda, Kwelkan, Kwolyin, Lake Brown, Lake Hinds, Lake Margarette, Lake Ninan, Lower Hotham, Malabaine, Malebelling, Manmanning, Marradong, Marvel Loch, Meckering, Meenaar, Merredin, Minnivale, Mocardy, Mogumber, Mokine, Mollerin, Moondyne, Moorine Rock, Morangup, Morbinning, Mouroubra, Mt Caroline, Mt Hampton, Mt Hardey, Mt Holland, Mt Jackson, Mt Stirling, Mt Walker, Mukinbudin, Muluckine, Mumberkine, Muresk, Nalkain, Nangeenan, Narembeen, Narraloggan, Nembudding, New Norcia, Newcarlbeon, Norpa, North Baandee, North Bodallin, North Kellerberrin, North Kununoppin, North Tammin, North Trayning, North Wialki, North Yelbeni, Northam, Nukarni, Nunile, Nungarin, Old Plains, Pantapin, Piawaning, Pingelly, Pumphreys Bridge, Quairading, Quelagetting, Quellington, Quindanning, Ranford, Rossmore, Shackleton, Skeleton Rock, South Bodallin, South Burracoppin, South Doodlakine, South Kumminin, South Kununoppin, South Quairading, South Tammin, South Trayning, South Yelbeni, South Yilgarn, Southern Brook, Southern Cross, Spencers Brook, Springs, St Ronans, Talbot West, Talgomine, Tammin, Tampu, Tandegin, Throssell, Toodyay, Trayning, Turkey Hill, Ucarty, Ucarty West, Upper Murray, Wadderin, Waddington, Waeel, Walgoolan, Wandering, Warding East, Watercarrin, Wattoning, Walyormouring, Wamenusking, Wandering, Warrachuppin, Warralakin, Wattening, Welbungin, West Ballidu, West Holleton, West Pingelly, West Toodyay, Westdale, Westonia, Wialki, Wilberforce, Wilgoyne, Wongamine, Wongan Hills, Woolocutty, Woottating, Wundowie, Wuraming, Wyalkatchem, Wyening, Wyola West, Yarawindah, Yerecoin, York, Yoting and Youndegin.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Local Governments within Electorate:
Shire of Beverley; Shire of Boddington; Shire of Brookton; Shire of Bruce Rock; Shire of Corrigin; Shire of Cunderdin; Shire of Dowerin; Shire of Goomalling; Shire of Kellerberrin; Shire of Koorda; Shire of Merredin; Statistical Profile of the Shire of Merredin; Shire of Mount Marshall; Shire of Mukinbudin; Shire of Narembeen; Shire of Northam; Statistical Profile of the City of NorthamShire of Nungarin; Shire of Pingelly; Shire of Quairading; Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale; Shire of Tammin; Shire of Toodyay; Shire of Trayning; Shire of Victoria Plains; Shire of Wandering; Shire of Westonia; Shire of Wongan-Ballidu; Shire of Wyalkatchem; Shire of Yilgarn; Shire of York

Government: Avonvale Education Support Centre; Avonvale Primary School; Babakin Primary School; Bakers Hill Primary School; Beacon Primary School; Bencubbin Primary School; Beverley District High School; Boddington District High School; Bolgart Primary School; Brookton District High School; Bruce Rock District High school; Cadoux Primary School; Calingiri Primary School; Corrigin District High School; Cunderdin District High School; Dowerin District High School; Goomalling Primary School; Kellerberrin District High School; Koorda Primary School; Meckering Primary School; Merredin College; Moorine Rock Primary School; Mukinbudin District High School; Narembeen District High School; Northam Primary School; Northam Senior High School; Nungarin Primary School; Pingelly Primary School; Quairading District High School; Southern Cross District High School; Tammin Primary School; Toodyay District High School; Trayning Primary School; Wandering Primary School; West Northam Primary School; Western Australian College of Agriculture (Cunderdin); Wongan Hills District High School; Wundowie Primary School; Wyalkatchem District High School; Yerecoin Primary School; York District High School

Other: Sacred Heart Catholic School; St Joseph's School (Northam & Southern Cross); St Mary's School

Books about the Central Wheatbelt:
  • February firestorm: Voices from the smoke (Shire of Corrigin, 2022)
  • Dunne, Marilyn (ed): Beacon, the beginning (2017)
  • Eva Braid: From afar a people drifted - the story of Koorda, a wheatbelt settlement (504p. E Forbes, 1997)
  • Frances Eaton: The golden grain and the silver fleece - a history of Quairading from 1859-1930 (200p. Quairading Shire Council, 1979)
  • Terry Spence: A man, his dog and a dead kangaroo: Kellerberrin, Doodlakine, Baandee (412p. Shire of Kellerberrin, 2001)
  • F A Law: The history of the Merredin District (222p. Merredin Road Board, 1961)
  • Iris Bristow: Seedtime & harvest - a history of the Narembeen district 1888-1988 (206p. Narembeen Shire Council, 1988)
  • Anne Rogers: Wongan Hills - work in progress 1911-2011 (148p. Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, 2011)
  • Colin Jasper: Cunderdin a hundred years on (186p. Access Press, 2006)
  • Joseph Stokes: Cunderdin-Meckering, a wheatlands history (333p. Hyland House, 1986)
  • Barbara Sewell: Goomalling, a backward glance - a history of the district (484p. Goomalling Shire Council,1998)
  • F H Broomhall: Mount Marshall - a history of the district and its people from earliest times to 1942 (435p. Shire of Mount Marshall, 1983)
  • Audrey Webb: Condinin, Karlgarin, Hyden - community, time and place (416p. Shire of Kondinin, 1988)
  • Jocelyn Maddock: On the line - a history of the Shire of Mukinbudin (447p. Shire of Mukinbudin, 1987)
  • Olga Joukovsky-Vaisvila: Around the rock - a history of the Shire of Nungarin Western Australia (116p. Nungarin Shire Council, 1978)
  • Des Repton: Wheat, wool and wodjil - a tribute to the people and events that moulded the district of Tammin (419p. Access Press, 1999)
  • C Fitzgerald Fraser: A history of Dowerin (62p. Dowerin Road Board, 1929)
  • Stan Gervas: Tin Dog Creek - the Dowerin story 1897-1997 (272p. Shire of Dowerin, 1997)
  • Hellen Antonio-Crake: Koorda - a district emerges (129p. Koorda Shire Council, 1974)
  • Glen McLaren: Beverley - our journey through time, a history of the Shire of Beverley (258p. Shire of Beverley, 2002)
  • John K Ewers: Bruce Rock - the story of a district (142p. Bruce Rock District Road Board, 1959)
  • Ross Haig: Corrigin - pioneering days and beyond (166p. Shire of Corrigin, 1982)
  • Donald Garden: Northam - an Avon Valley history (288p. Hesperian Press, 1992)
  • Reg Appleyard: A history of Trayning - the Shire's contribution to the development of Western Australia's eastern wheatbelt (306p. UWAP Custom, 2009)
  • Monica Mulcahy: Duri-iring - an outline of the development of the Trayning district with an emphasis on the contribution of Catholics (37p. 1968)
  • Frank Parker: The road to York - from Guildford to York, Western Australia, an early history (36p. Parker Print, 2006)
  • A M Clack: Origins of the York town hall (43p. York Society, 2011)
  • David Hutchison: A town like no other - the living tradition of New Norcia (156p. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1995)
  • Alison Cromb: The history of the Toodyay  Convict Depot - a tale of the convict era of Western Australia (147p. Alison Cromb, 2010)
  • Rica Erickson: Toodyay homesteads, past and present (184p. Hesperian Press, 2006)
  • Rica Erickson: Old Toodyay and Newcastle (400p. Toodyay Shire Council, 1974)
  • Wally Chitty: Toodyay, the good old days (228p. Hesperian Press, 2004)
  • Rica Erickson: The Victoria Plains (221p. Lamb Paterson, 1971)
  • Ken Spillman: Hands to the plough - the Shire of Victoria Plains since 1945 (238p. Shire of Victoria Plains, 2005)
  • Janet Millett: Sunset over Mount Douraking (142p. Leighton Buzzard, 2019)
  • Carolyn Dowley: Through silent country (512p. Bronzewing Press, 2023)
  • Paul De Pierres: Worthy recognition: a record of some achievements by, and accolades and awards to, people from the Wyalkatchem District 1900 - 2020 (79p. Paul De Pierres, 2020)
  • Pamela Statham-Drew: York, Western Australia: a documentary history (369p. Pandorus Publications, 2018)

Statistical Profile of the Central Wheatbelt Electorate

Statistical Profile of the Central Wheatbelt Electorate

Successive Members for the Central Wheatbelt Electorate

Constituency created under the Redistribution of Seats 2007

Name Party Term
Brendon Grylls National Party 2008 - 2013
Mia Jane Davies National Party 2013 -

Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)