PDF version of the Kalgoorlie electorate map 
Area (sq km): 754,990
Number of Electors: 32,382 (21,057 + 11,325 large district allowance)
2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.Origin of the Name:
Kalgoorlie is the major city in the Eastern Goldfields, located 596 kilometres east north east of Perth. It was gazetted a townsite in September 1894. Paddy Hannan, Daniel Shea and Thomas Flanagan made a significant gold find near Mt Charlotte in June 1893 which led to a gold rush with thousands of diggers prospecting the rich alluvial field.
When the government decided to declare a townsite here in 1894, the place was locally known as 'Hannan's Find'. At first the name 'Hannans' was nominated, and in suggesting the it to the commissioner of crown lands, Under Secretary for Lands R. Cecil Clifton noted that, the native name of the place is 'Calgoorlie', but this is rather too much like Coolgardie and if adopted is, I fear likely to lead to postal mistakes". R. Cecil Clifton supported 'Hannan', but Cabinet chose 'Kalgoorlie in August 1894. Although local preference was for 'Hannan's Find', 'Kalgoorlie' soon came to be accepted as the name of the rapidly developing town. An alternative spelling of 'Kalgurli' was also sometimes used unofficially.
JIt is unknown when the name 'Kalgoorlie' was first recorded, or its precise meaning. Various sources believe it could mean: Aboriginal dog chasing a kangaroo; the Aboriginal name of a shrub from the area - galgurli; or the Aboriginal name for the local edible silky pear - kulgooluh.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.
Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Kalgoorlie includes all or part of Bandya, Binduli, Boulder, Broadwood, Bullabulling, Bulong, Caiguna, Cocklebiddy, Coolgardie, Cosmo Newbery, Cundeelee, Emu Flat, Eucla, Feysville, Forrest, Fraser Range, Hannans, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda East, Kambalda West, Kanowna, Kanpa, Karlkurla, Kookynie, Kurnalpi, Lake Carnegie, Lake Darlot, Lamington, Laverton, Leinster, Leonora, Little Sandy Desert, Londonderry, Madura, Menzies, Mt Burges, Mullingar, Mundrabilla, Ngaanyatjarra-Giles, Norseman, Ora Banda, Parkeston, Patjarr, Piccadilly, Plumridge Lakes, Rawlinna, Sir Samuel, Somerville, South Boulder, South Kalgoorlie, Tjirrkarli, Ularring, Victory Heights, Warburton, West Kalgoorlie, West Lamington, Widgiemooltha, Williamstown and Wiluna.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.