PDF version of the Kimberley electorate map 
Area (sq km): 839,289
Number of Electors: 29,172 (16,583 + 12,589 large district allowance)
2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.Origin of the Name:
Named after the Kimberley District. Following discovery of the district by Alexander Forrest in 1879, it was decided to open the new district for settlement. Governor Sir William Robinson sent copies of suggested land regulations to the earl of Kimberley, the secretary of state for the colonies, and in his dispatch said that it was proposed that the new country should be called the 'Kimberley District'. This name was approved by the earl in a telegram dated 26 August 1880.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.
Suburbs and Towns within the electorate:
The electorate of Kimberley includes all or part of Bilingurr, Broome, Cable Beach, Camballin, Dampier, Derby, Djugun, Durack, Fitzroy Crossing, Gibb, Gingerah, Halls Creek, Jarlmadangah Burru, Kalumburu, Kimbolton, Kundat Djaru, Kununurra, Kupartiya, Lagrange, Lake Argyle, McBeath, Meda, Minyirr, Oombulgurri, Roebuck, Tanami, Telfer, Warmun, Waterbank, Willare and Wyndham.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.