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Kingsley Electorate Profile (2025)

About the Kingsley Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Kingsley electorate for the 2025 election

PDF version of the Kingsley electorate map PDF/pdf-file.png

Area (sq km): 27
Number of Electors: 30,826
Source: 2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.

Origin of the Name:
The suburb of Kingsley is named after the village of Kingsley, which is near Winchester in Hampshire, England. The name was chosen for the historical association with the first owner of land in the area, William Kernot Shenton. Shenton was born in Winchester in 1802. The suburb name was approved in 1974.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Kingsley includes all or part of Greenwood, Hamersley, Kingsley, Warwick and Woodvale.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Local Governments within the Electorate:
City of Joondalup (part)
City of Stirling (part)
City of Wanneroo (part)

Government: Creaney Primary School; Creaney Education Support Centre; Dalmain Primary School; East Hamersley Primary School; Glendale Primary School; Goollelal Primary School; Greenwood College; Greenwood Primary School; Halidon Primary School; Hawker Park Primary School; North Woodvale Primary School; Warwick Senior High School; West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre; West Greenwood Primary School; Woodvale Primary School; Woodvale Secondary College.

Other: Liwara Catholic Primary School; St Luke's Catholic Primary School; The Montessori School.

Local Newspapers:

Statistical Profile of the Kingsley Electorate

Successive Members for the Kingsley Electorate

Constituency created under the Redistribution of Seats 1988

Name Party Term
Cheryl Lynn Edwardes Liberal Party 1989 - 2005
Judith (Judy) Hughes Australian Labor Party 2005 - 2008
Andrea Ruth Mitchell Liberal Party 2008 - 2017
Jessica Mary Christine Stojkovski Australian Labor Party 2017 -

Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)