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Mid-West Electorate Profile (2025)

About the Mid-West Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Albany electorate for the 2025 election

PDF version of Mid-West electorate mapPDF/pdf-file.png

Area: 423,508(sq km).

Number of Electors: 29,366 (23,013 + 6,353 large district allowance)
Source: 2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.

Origin of the Name:
The Electoral Commissioners decided the name should reflect the boundaries of the new electorate.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Mid-West includes Allanooka, Angelo River, Arrino, Arrowsmith, Arrowsmith East, Babbage Island, Badgingarra, Bambun, Barberton, Beermullah, Berkshire Valley, Bindi Bindi, Bindoon, Bonniefield, Bookara, Boonanarring, Boothendarra, Bowgada, Breera, Breton Bay, Brockman, Bundanoon, Bunjil, Buntine, Canna, Capricorn, Caraban, Carbla, Carnamah, Carnarvon, Carrarang, Cataby, Cervantes, Chittering, Cooladar Hill, Coomberdale, Coonabidgee, Coorow, Coral Bay, Cowalla, Cue, Cullalla, Dalwallinu, Daggar Hills, Dandaragan, Denham, Dirk Hartog, Dongara, Dudawa, East Carnarvon, East Damboring, East Murchison, Eganu, Eneabba, Gabalong, Gabbadah, Gascoyne Junction, Gingin, Ginginup, Goodlands, Granville, Green Head, Grey, Greys Plain, Guilderton, Gunyidi, Gutha, Hamelin Pool, Hill River, Holmwood, Ikewa, Inggarda, Irwin, Jibberding, Jurien Bay, Kadathinni, Kalannie, Karakin, Karalundi, Kennedy Range, Kingsford, Koojan, Koolanooka, Kumarina, Lake Austin, Lancelin, Latham, Ledge Point, Leeman, Lennard Brook, Lockier, Lower Chittering, Lyndon, Marchagee, Macleod, Marne, Maya, Meadow, Meekatharra, Merkanooka, Miamoon, Miling, Milo, Mimegarra, Mindarra, Mingenew, Minilya, Monkey Mia, Mooliabeenee, Moondah, Moora, Mooriary, Morawa, Morgantown, Mt Magnet, Muchea, Muckenburra, Murchison, Reedy, Namban, Nambung, Nanga, Nangetty, Neergabby, Nerren Nerren, Nilgen, North Plantations, Orange Springs, Nugadong, Paynes Find, Paynesville, Peak Hill, Perenjori, Petrudor, Pintharuka, Pithara, Port Denison, Red Gully, Regans Ford, Rothsay, Sandstone, Seabird, South Carnarvon, South Murchison, South Plantations, Springfield, Three Springs, Useless Loop, Waddy Forest, Walebing, Wanerie, Wannamal, Warradarge, Watheroo, Wedge Island, Weld Range, Wilbinga, Womarden, Woodleigh, Woodridge, Woolgorong, Wooramel, Wubin, Yandoo Creek, Xantippe, Yalgoo, Yandanooka, Yardarino, Yarragadee and Yathroo.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Local Governments within the Electorate:
Shire of Carnamah
Shire of Carnavon
Shire of Chittering; Statistical Profile of the Shire of Chittering
Shire of Coorow
Shire of Cue
Shire of Dalwallinu
Shire of Dandaragan; Statistical Profile of the Shire of Dandaragan
Shire of Gingin ; Statistical Profile of the Shire of Gingin
Shire of Irwin
Shire of Meekatharra
Shire of Menzies (part)
Shire of Mingenew
Shire of Moora
Shire of Morawa
Shire of Mount Magnet
Shire of Murchison
Shire of Perenjori
Shire of Sandstone
Shire of Shark Bay
Shire of Three Springs
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
Shire of Yalgoo

Government: Badgingarra Primary School; Bindoon Primary School; Burringurrah Remote Community School; Carnamah District High School; Carnarvon Community College; Carnarvon School of the Air; Coorow Primary School; Central Midlands Senior High school; Cervantes Primary School; Cue Primary School; Dalwallinu District High School; Dandaragan Primary School; Dongara District High School; Eneabba Primary School; Gascoyne Junction Remote Community School; Gingin District High School; Jurien Bay District High School; Kalannie Primary School; Lancelin Primary School; Leeman Primary School; Meekatharra District High School; Miling Primary School; Mingenew Primary School; Moora Primary School; Morawa District High School; Mount Magnet District High School; Perenjori Primary School; Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School; Shark Bay School; Three Springs Primary School; Useless Loop Primary School; Western Australian College of Agriculture; Yalgoo Primary School; Yulga Jinna Remote Community School
Other: Carnarvon Christian College; Edmund Rice College; Immaculate Heart College; Karalundi College; St Joseph's School; St Mary Star of the Sea College.

Local Newspapers

Statistical Profile of the Mid-West Electorate

Current Member

No current member

Successive Members for the Mid-West District

Constituency created under Redistribution of Seats 2023

Name Party Term