PDF version of the Pilbara electorate map 
Area (sq km): 220,327
Number of Electors: 31,487 (28,182 + 3,305 large district allowance)
2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.Origin of the Name:
According to the Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre Wangka Maya, the name for the Pilbara region derives from the Aboriginal word bilybara, meaning 'dry' in the Nyamal and Banyjima languages. Another suggested origin is pilbarra, an Aboriginal word for the salt-water mullet found in local waters, reflected in the name of a tributary of the Yule River, Pilbarra Creek, which evolved to 'Pilbara' Creek.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission. State Electorate Information.
Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Pilbara includes all or part of Baynton, Bulgarra, Cane, Chichester, Dampier, Exmouth, Fortescue, Innawanga, Jigalong, Juna Downs, Karratha, Karijini, Learmonth, Maitland, Marble Bar, Mardie, Millars Well, Millstream, Mt Sheila, Nanutarra, Newman, Nickol, North West Cape, Nullagine, Onslow, Pannawonica, Paraburdoo, Pardoo, Peedamulla, Pegs Creek, Port Hedland, Rocklea, Roebourne, South Hedland, Strelley, Talandji, Tom Price, Wedgefield, Wickham, Wittenoom and Yannarie.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.