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Roe Electorate Profile (2025)

About the Roe Electorate

Map showing the boundaries of the Roe electorate for the 2021 election

PDF version of the Roe Electorate map PDF/pdf-file.png

Area (sq km): 120,414
Number of Electors: 29,450 (27,644 + 1,806 large district allowance)
Source: 2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.

Origin of the Name:
John Septimus Roe (1797-1878) was a naval officer, surveyor and explorer. He was born on 8 May 1797 in Berkshire, England, becoming a midshipman in the Royal Navy in 1813. In 1817 Roe was posted as a master's mate to the surveying service in NSW and took part in numerous coastal surveys. He became a lieutenant in 1823. In June 1829, he arrived in WA to take up the position of surveyor general, which he held for the next 40 years. Roe was influential in Western Australia's development; records of 16 journeys of exploration by him exist. He was responsible for inspiring the likes of John and Alexander Forrest and the Gregory brothers. He retired in 1870 and died on 28 May 1878.

Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.

Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Roe includes all or part of Amelup, Arthur River, Badgebup, Ballaying, Beaufort River, Beaumont, Beenong, Bobalong, Boilup, Bokal, Borden, Borderdale, Boscabel, Boundain, Bowelling, Boxwood Hill, Boyatup, Boyerine, Bremer Bay, Broomehill East, Broomehill Village, Broomehill West, Bullock Hills, Buniche, Buraminya, Cancanning, Carrolup, Cartmeticup, Cascade, Castletown, Chadwick, Changerup, Cherry Tree Pool, Coblinine, Collanilling, Commodine, Condingup, Contine, Cowalellup, Coyrecup, Cranbrook, Cuballing, Dalyup, Dardadine, Darkan, Dartnall, Datatine, Dongolocking, Dryandra, Dudinin, Dumberning, Dumbleyung, Dunn Rock, Duranillin, East Munglinup, East Newdegate, East Popanyinning, East Wickepin, Esperance, Ewlyamartup, Fitzgerald, Frankland River, Gairdner, Gibson, Gillimanning, Glencoe, Gnowangerup, Grass Patch, Gundaring, Harrismith, Highbury, Hillside, Holt Rock, Hopetoun, Howick, Hyden, Jackitup, Jacup, Jaloran, Jerdacuttup, Jerramungup, Jilakin, Jingalup, Jitarning, Katanning, Kebaringup, Kenmare, Kirk Rock, Kojonup, Kondinin, Kuender, Kukerin, Kulin, Kulin West, Lake Biddy, Lake Camm, Lake Grace, Lake King, Lake Toolbrunup, Lime Lake, Little Italy, Lol Gray, Lumeah, Magenta, Magitup, Mallee Hill, Malyalling, Marracoonda, Meeking, Merilup, Merivale, Mills Lake, Mindarabin, Minding, Minigin, Mobrup, Mokup, Monjebup, Monjingup, Moodiarrup, Moojebing, Moonies Hill, Moulyinning, Mt Barker, Mt Madden, Mt Sheridan, Munglinup, Muradup, Murdong, Myrup, Nairibin, Nalyerlup, Narrogin, Needilup, Neendaling, Neridup, Newdegate, Nippering, Nomans Lake, North Burngup, North Kukerin, North Lake Grace, North Moulyinning, North Stirlings, Nulsen, Nyabing, Ongerup, Orchid Valley, Pallinup, Piesseville, Pingaring, Pingrup, Pinwernying, Popanyinning, Qualeup, Ravensthorpe, Ryansbrook, Salmon Gums, Scaddan, Sinclair, South Datatine, South Glencoe, South Kukerin, South Lake Grace, South Newdegate, Stratherne, Tambellup, Tarin Rock, Tenterden, Tincurrin, Toolibin, Toompup, Townsendale, Trigwell, Varley, Wagin, Walyurin, Wansbrough, Wedgecarrup, West Fitzgerald, West Popanyinning, Westwood, Wickepin, Williams, Windabout, Wogolin, Woodanilling, Yealering, Yilliminning and Yornaning.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Local Governments within the Electorate:
Shire of Broomehill -Tambellup
Shire of Cranbrook
Shire of Cuballing
Shire of Dumbleyung
Shire of Esperance
Shire of Gnowangerup
Shire of Jerramungup
Shire of Katanning
Shire of Kent
Shire of Kojonup
Shire of Kondinin
Shire of Kulin
Shire of Lake Grace
Shire of Narrogin
Shire of Ravensthorpe
Shire of Wagin
Shire of West Arthur
Shire of Wickepin
Shire of Williams
Shire of Woodanilling

Government:Borden Primary School; Braeside Primary School; Bremer Bay Primary School; Broomehill Primary School; Cascade Primary School; Castletown Primary School; Condingup Primary School; Cranbrook Primary School; Darkan Primary School; Dumbleyung Primary School; East Narrogin Primary School; Esperance Education Support Centre; Esperance Primary School; Esperance Senior High School; Frankland River Primary School; Gairdner Primary School; Gnowangerup District High School; Hopetoun Primary School; Jerramungup District High School; Jerdacuttup Primary School; Katanning Primary School; Katanning Senior High School; Kojonup District High School; Kukerin Primary School; Lake Grace District High School; Lake King Primary School; Munglinup Primary School; Narrogin Primary School; Narrogin Senior High School; Newdegate Primary School; Nulsen Primary School; Nyabing Primary School; Ongerup Primary School; Pingrup Primary School; Ravensthrorpe District High School; Salmon Gums Primary School; Scaddan Primary School; Tambellup Primary School; WA College of Agriculture - Narrogin; Wagin District High School; Williams Primary School; Woodanilling Primary School.

Other: Esperance Anglican Community School; Esperance Christian School; Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School; St Bernards School; St Matthew's School; St Patrick's School; Wongutha Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School

Local Newspapers:

Books about Roe
  • Merle Bignell: First the spring - a history of the Shire of Kojonup, Western Australia (251p. UWA Press, 1982)
  • Merle Bignell: The fruit of the country, a history of the Shire of Gnowangerup, Western Australia (325p. UWA Press, 1977)
  • Merle Bignell: A place to meet - a history of the Shire of Katanning, Western Australia ( 350p. Shire of Katanning, 1981)
  • Terry Klemm: A history of Dumbleyung (56p. Advance Press, 1968)
  • John Bird: West of the Arthur (448p. West Arthur Shire Council, 1990)
  • H Cowin: The Williams (Williams Shire Council, 1971)
  • William Greble: A bold yeomanry - social change in a wheat belt district, Kulin 1848-1970 (283p. Kulin Shire Council, 1979)
  • O Pustkuchen: The way through, the story of Narrogin (357p. Artlook Books, 1981)
  • William Beecham: History of the Shire of Kent (151p. Shire of Kent, 1975)
  • M Pederick: The emu's watering place - a brief history of the Wagin District (263p. Shire of Wagin, 1979)
  • Maxine Laurie: Frankland to the Stirlings - a history of the Cranbrook Shire (198p. Shire of Cranbrook, 1994)
  • Marion Lofthouse: Shire of Harvey, 1895-1995, proud to be 100 (144p. Shire of Harvey, 1995)
  • Sally Thomas: Wellsteads of Bremer Bay (1972)
  • Penny Blumann: Faith, hope and reality - Esperance 1895-1995 (Esperance Shire Council, 1995)
  • John Rintoul: Esperance - yesterday and today (1964, 202p.)
  • A.W. Archer: Ravensthorpe - then and now (1976?, 48p.)
  • Tanker chronicles: Tales of the Esperance jetty (Esperance Shire Council, 2020)

Statistical Profile of the Roe Electorate

Successive Members for the Roe Electorate

Constituency created under the Redistribution of Seats 2015

Name Party Term
Peter Rundle National Party 2017 -

Black, David & Valerie Prescott. Election Statistics: Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1890-1996. Perth, WA: Parliament of Western Australia Electoral Commission, 1997.
Parliament of Western Australia, Members (website)