PDF version of the Scarborough electorate map 
Area (sq km): 19
Number of Electors: 31,244
2019 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.Origin of the Name:
In 1885, a visiting Sydney journalist explored the coastline at Scarborough and gave much publicity to the high qualities of the ocean beach. Encouraged by the publicity, some Perth land and estate agents investigated the possibilities, eventually selling the land to Patrick Callaghan of Melbourne in October 1892. Callaghan subdivided the land and sold a few of the blocks. Although it is not known if he advertised the land as 'Scarborough', it is possible to attribute the origin of the name to him, as he named one of the streets in his subdivision 'Scarborough Road', later to become Drabble Road; it is believed the name of the suburb originated from this road. It is probably derived from the English seaside town of the same name.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.
Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Scarborough includes all or part of Doubleview, Gwelup, Innaloo, Karrinyup, Scarborough, Trigg and Woodlands.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.