PDF version of the Wanneroo Electorate map 
Area (sq km): 413
Number of Electors: 31,431
2023 Final Distribution Report, Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission.Origin of the Name:
In the early days of the Swan River Colony, the district of Wanneroo represented an outer region and it was not until 1834 that an excursion into the area by any explorers or settlers was recorded. In that year, a party of four led by John Butler, travelled about 35 miles north from Perth to search for lost cattle and passed through the area just to the east of Lake Joondalup. Butler stated that Aboriginal people of the area were, "those Wanneroo men who frequent Perth in company with the Yellowgonga tribe." It is not known when early settlers started using the name 'Wanneroo', but as early as 1842, a surveyor recorded, "road to Wanneroo," and in 1844, James Dobbins gave his address as being at Wanneroo. A government townsite was gazetted as 'Wanneru in August 1907; it was not until May 1953 that the spelling was amended to 'Wanneroo'.
Source: Western Australia. Department of Land Administration. Names and Places.
Suburbs and Towns within the Electorate:
The electorate of Wanneroo includes all or part of Ashby, Banksia Grove, Carabooda, Carramar, Mariginiup, Neerabup, Nowergup, Pinjar, Sinagra, Tapping, and Wanneroo.
Source: Western Australian Electoral Commission.