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Contact a member

Maintaining a close connection between MPs and voters is an important feature of Western Australia’s democracy.

You can contact members either at their offices in Parliament or in their electorate offices. You will find contact details and a short biography for your member under Find your MP or you can Browse all Members. 

For additional biographical details on your member visit our Members' Biographies.

Members of Parliament (MPs) can represent their constituents in a number of ways. They can:

  • introduce a bill to change the law
  • propose an amendment to a bill to change the law
  • participate as a member of a committee to deal with a particular bill or issue
  • speak in a debate in Parliament about a bill or an issue
  • ask a government minister a question
  • request consideration of matters by, or ask a question of, a person or organisation
  • table a petition in Parliament

If you want to contact a minister regarding their portfolio responsibilities, you will find their contact details under Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries, or for more detailed information, please visit the government website.