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Hon. Terrence (Terry) Keith Waldron MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
WALDRON, Terrence Keith, MLA
Former Member for Wagin
National Party of Australia


Elected to the Thirty-Sixth Parliament for Wagin on 10 February 2001 in succession of Robert Laurence Wiese (retired). Re-elected 2005, 2008, 2013. Electorate abolished in the redistribution of 2015.
Did not contest the general election of 11 March 2017.

Parliamentary Appointments

Deputy Leader of the National Party of Australia (WA) from 3 April 2001 to 19 March 2013.

Ministerial Appointments

Minister for Sport and Recreation; Racing and Gaming; Minister Assisting the Minister for Health from 23 September 2008 to 14 December 2010.
Minister for Sport and Recreation; Racing and Gaming from 14 December 2010 to 8 December 2014.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Coalition Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation and Youth from 27 May 2004 to 20 March 2005.

Standing Committees

Member, Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation 28 June 2001 to 23 January 2005.
Member, Education and Health Standing Committee from 7 April 2005 to 6 September 2008.
Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 14 May 2015 to 30 January 2017.



Born 17 February 1951, Cottesloe, Western Australia.

Marital Status



The electorate of Wagin is located in the Agricultural Region and includes all of the Town of Narrogin and the Shires of Boddington, Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Cuballing, Dumbleyung, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Kulin, Lake Grace, Narrogin, Pingelly, Plantagenet, Wagin, Wandering, West Arthur, Wickepin, Williams and Woodanilling; including the localities of Arthur River, Bremer Bay, Darkan, Duranillin, Frankland River, Highbury, Kendenup, Kukerin, Mount Baker, Muradup, Newdegate, Ongerup, Quindanning and Rocky Gully.
Enrolment (9 March 2015) 21,809; area 68,973 sq kms.