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Hon. Mia Davies MLA

Shadow Minister for Mines & Petroleum; Electoral Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs; Women's Interests


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

DAVIES, Hon. Mia Jane, MLA
Former Member for Central Wheatbelt
The Nationals WA


Elected to the Thirty-Eighth Parliament for the Agricultural Region (Legislative Council) on 6 September 2008 for term commencing 22 May 2009. Resigned 12 February 2013 (to contest the Legislative Assembly seat of Central Wheatbelt).
Elected to the Thirty-Ninth Parliament for Central Wheatbelt on 9 March 2013 in succession to Brendon John Grylls (succesfully contested the seat of Pilbara).
Re-elected 2017, 2021.
Did not contest the general election of 8 March 2025.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development from 21 March 2013 to 11 December 2013.
Minister for Water; Forestry from 11 December 2013 to 8 December 2014.
Minister for Water; Sport and Recreation; Forestry from 8 December 2014 to 17 March 2017.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Finance; Electoral Affairs; Federal-State Relations; Public Sector Management; Women's Interests; Jobs & Trade from 19 April 2021 to 29 March 2022.
Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Finance; Electoral Affairs; Federal-State Relations; Public Sector Management; Women's Interests; Jobs & Trade; Regional Cities from 29 March 2022 to 18 October 2022.
Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Finance; Electoral Affairs; Federal-State Relations; Public Sector Management; Jobs & Trade; Regional Cities from 18 October 2022 to 7 February 2023.
Shadow Minister for Mines & Petroleum; Electoral Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs from 7 February 2023 to 2 November 2023 to 8 March 2025.
Shadow Minister for Mines & Petroleum; Electoral Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs; Women's Interests from 2 November 2023 to 8 March 2025.

Standing Committees

Member, Standing Committee on Legislation from 4 June 2009 to 14 December 2012.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission from 21 February 2023 to 29 January 2025.

Sessional Committees

Member, Parliamentary Services Committee from 23 May 2017 to 6 September 2017.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

Party Secretary to the Parliamentary National Party from 22 June 2009 to 1 January 2012.
Deputy Leader of the National Party of Australia (WA) from 26 November 2013 to 14 March 2017.
Leader of The Nationals WA from 21 March 2017 to 30 January 2023.
Leader of the Opposition from 14 April 2021 to 30 January 2023.
Opposition Whip from 2 November 2023 to 8 March 2025.



Born 3 November 1978, Perth, Western Australia.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament

BMarketing and Media.
Marketing and Communications Consultant.


The electorate of Central Wheatbelt is located in the Agricultural Region and includes all or parts of the Shire of Beverley, Shire of Boddington, Shire of Brookton, Shire of Bruce Rock, Shire of Corrigin, Shire of Cuballing, Shire of Cunderdin, Shire of Kellerberrin, Shire of Kondinin, Shire of Koorda, Shire of Kulin, Shire of Merredin, Shire of Mount Marshall, Shire of Mukinbudin, Shire of Narembeen, Shire of Northam, Shire of Nungarin, Shire of Pingelly, Shire of Quairading, Shire of Tammin, Shire of Trayning, Shire of Wandering, Shire of Westonia, Shire of Wickepin, Shire of Wyalkatchem, Shire of Yilgarn and the Shire of York.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Adamsvale, Aldersyde, Ardath, Baandee, Babakin, Badgerin Rock, Badgin, Badjaling, Bakers Hill, Balkuling, Balladong, Bally Bally, Bannister, Barbalin, Beacon, Bencubbin, Benjaberring, Beverley, Bilbarin, Bodallin, Boddington, Bonnie Rock, Boodarockin, Booralaming, Brookton, Bruce Rock, Buckland, Bullaring, Bullfinch, Bulyee, Burges, Burlong, Burracoppin, Burran Rock, Caljie, Carrabin, Chandler, Clackline, Cleary, Codjatotine, Cold Harbour, Commodine, Contine, Copley, Corinthia, Corrigin, Cowcowing, Cramphorne, Crossman, Cuballing, Cubbine, Cunderdin, Daadenning Creek, Dale, Daliak, Dandanning, Dangin, Doodenanning, Doodlakine, Dryandra, Dudinin, Dukin, Dulbelling, Dulyalbin, Dwarda, East Beverley, East Pingelly, East Popanyinning, East Wickepin, Elabbin, Elachbutting, Flynn, Gabbin, Ghooli, Gilgering, Gillimanning, Goomarin, Gorge Rock, Grass Valley, Greenhills, Greenwoods Valley, Gwambygine, Harrismith, Hastings, Hines Hill, Holleton, Holt Rock, Hyden, Inkpen, Irishtown, Jelcobine, Jennapullin, Jilakin, Jitarning, Karlgarin, Karloning, Katrine, Kauring, Kellerberrin, Kirk Rock, Kokeby, Kondinin, Koorda, Korbel, Korrelocking, Kulin, Kulin West, Kulja, Kunjin, Kununoppin, Kurrenkutten, Kweda, Kwelkan, Kwolyin, Lake Brown, Lake Margarette, Little Italy, Lol Gray, Lower Hotham, Malabaine, Malebelling, Malyalling, Marradong, Marvel Loch, Meckering, Meenaar, Merredin, Mokine, Mollerin, Moorine Rock, Morbinning, Mouroubra, Mt Caroline, Mt Hampton, Mt Hardey, Mt Holland, Mt Jackson, Mt Stirling, Mt Walker, Mukinbudin, Muluckine, Muntadgin, Muresk, Nalkain, Nangeenan, Narembeen, Narraloggan, Nembudding, Newcarlbeon, Nokaning, Norpa, North Baandee, North Bannister, North Bodallin, North Kellerberrin, North Kununoppin, North Tammin, North Trayning, North Wialki, North Yelbeni, Northam, Nukarni, Nungarin, Pantapin, Pingaring, Pingelly, Popanyinning, Pumphreys Bridge, Quairading, Quelagetting, Quellington, Quindanning, Ranford, Shackleton, Skeleton Rock, South Bodallin, South Burracoppin, South Doodlakine, South Kumminin, South Kununoppin, South Quairading, South Tammin, South Trayning, South Yelbeni, South Yilgarn, Southern Brook, Southern Cross, Spencers Brook, Springs, St Ronans, Stratherne, Talbot, Talbot West, Talgomine, Tammin, Tampu, Tandegin, Throssell, Tincurrin, Toolibin, Townsendale, Trayning, Turkey Hill, Upper Murray, Wadderin, Waeel, Walgoolan, Walyurin, Wamenusking, Wandering, Wardering, Warding East, Warrachuppin, Warralakin, Watercarrin, Wattoning, Welbungin, West Holleton, West Pingelly, West Popanyinning, Westdale, Westonia, Wialki, Wickepin, Wilberforce, Wilgoyne, Wogolin, Woolocutty, Woottating, Wundowie, Wuraming, Wyalkatchem, Wyola West, Yealering, Yelbeni, Yellowdine, York, Yornaning, Yoting and Youndegin.

Enrolment - 25,884 (11 February 2021)

Area - 102,127 km²