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Explanatory Memorandum for Bills (pre-2001)

Explanatory memoranda for bills after 2001 can be located on the bills page.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L  M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V  W X   Y   Z
Title Type
Aboriginal Land Bill 1985 EM
Acts Amendment (Aboriginal Land) Bill 1985 EM
Aboriginal Heritage Marandoo Bill 1992 EN
Acts Amendment (Australian Datum) Bill 2000 EM
Acts Amendment (Bail) Bill 1982 EB
Acts Amendment (Continuing Lotteries) Bill 1999 EM
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Industrial Relations) Bill 1983 EM
Acts Amendment (Criminal Procedure) Bill 1998 CBCN
Acts Amendment (Education Loan Scheme) Bill 1998 CN
Acts Amendment (Evidence) Bill 1999 EN
Acts Amendment (Fines Enforcement and License Suspension) Bill 2000 EN
Acts Amendment (Fines Enforcement) Bill 1999 EN
Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999 EM
Acts Amendment (Franchise Fees) Bill 1997 EM
Acts Amendment (Gaming) Bill 1998 EM
Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill 1997 CN
Acts Amendment (Land Administration, Mining and Petroleum) Bill 1998 EN
Acts Amendment (Mining and Petroleum) Bill 1998 CBCN
Acts Amendment (Police Immunity) Bill 1999 EM
Acts Amendment (Prisons Administration) Bill 2000 EN
Acts Amendment (Racing and Betting Legislation) Bill 1995 EM
Acts Amendment (Sexual Assault) Bill 1985 EM
Acts Amendment (Sexuality Discrimination) Bill 1997 EM
Acts Amendment (Video and Audio Links) Bill 1998 EN
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Disqualification for Parliament) Bill, 1984 EM
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Family Court) Bill 1997 CN
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Financial Sector Reform) Bill 1999 EN
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Industrial Relations) Bill 1984 EM
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2001 EM
Animal Welfare Bill 1998 Draft Bill for Public Comment
Animal Welfare Bill 1999 EM
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 3) 1999 EM
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 4) 1997 Explanation of Clauses
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 4) 1999 EM
Bail Amendment Bill 1998 EN
Bank Mergers Bill 1997 EM
Betting Control Amendment Bill 1998 EM
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1997 CN
Bookmakers Betting Levy Amendment Bill 1998 EM
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Bill 1998 Com. N
Builders Registration Act 1939 (Blue)  
Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Bulk Handling Repeal Bill 2000 EM
Carnarvon Banana Industry (Compensation Trust Fund) – Repeal Bill 1998 CN
Casino (Burswood Island) Agreement Amendment Bill 1997 EM
Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Bill 1999 EN
Coal Mines Legislation Amendment and Revival Bill 1998 CBCN
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act 1985
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 1997]
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 1997 Com.N
Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Bill 1998 EM
Conservation and Land Management Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Act 1996
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999.]
Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Contaminated Sites Bill 2000 Draft 5
Coroners Amendment Bill 1999 EN
Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Bill 2001 EM
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2001 EM
Corporations (Western Australia) Bill 1990 EM
Court Security and Custodial Services Bill 1998 CN
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 EN
Court Security and Custodial Services (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 CBCN
Crimes at Sea Bill 1999 CN
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 EN
Criminal Code Amendment (Home Invasion) Bill 2000 EN
Criminal Code Amendment (Protection of Seniors) Bill 2000 EM
Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Bill 2000 CN
Criminal Property Confiscation Bill 2000 EN
Criminal Property Confiscation Bill 2000 CEN
Criminal Property Confiscation (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 EN
Culture Libraries and the Arts Bill 1998 CN
Culture, Libraries and the Arts (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 CN
Curtin University of Technology Amendment Bill 1998 CSN
Dangerous Goods (Transport) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 CBCN
Director of Public Prosecutions Amendment Bill 2000 EN
Disability Services Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Electricity Industry (Western Australian Renewable Energy Targets) Amendment Bill 2005 EM
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 BN
Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 1997 CN
Equal Opportunity Bill 1984 EM
Family Court Bill 1997 CBCN
Family Court (Orders of Registrars) Bill 1997 CN
Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Bill 1999 CN
Financial Administration and Audit Bill 1985 EM
Financial Administration and Audit Amendment Bill 1990 EM
Financial Administration and Audit Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Financial Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 EM
Financial Legislation Amendment Bill 1996 EM
Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999 EM
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 Com.N
Fish Resources Management Agreement Bill (No. 2) 1999 EM
Forest Products Bill 1999 EM
Friendly Societies (Western Australia) Bill 1998 CN
Fuel Suppliers Licensing and Diesel Subsidies Bill 1997 EM
Gaming Commission (Continuing Lotteries Levy) 1999 EM
Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) Bill 1999 CN
Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Bill 1998 Com. N.
Government Financial Responsibility Bill 1998 Com. N.
Government Railways (Access) Amendment Bill 2000 CSN
Government Railways Amendment Bill 1998 CSN
Government Railways (Access) Bill 1998 CSN
Guardianship and Administration Amendment Bill 1997 CN
Guardianship and Administration Amendment Bill 1999 EN
Health Professionals (Special Events Exemption) Bill 1999 EM
Health (Smoking in Enclosed Public Spaces) Regulations 1998 Draft
Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 Com. N.
Hope Valley - Wattleup Redevelopment Bill 2000 Com. N.
Horticultural Produce Commission Act 1988
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Horticultural Produce Commission Amendment Bill 1999.]
Horticultural Produce Commission Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Hospitals and Health Services Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Industrial Relations Act 1979
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1997]
Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1995 EN
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1995 S
Iron Ore (Mount Newman), (Mount Goldsworthy), (Goldsworthy–Nimingarra), (Marillana Creek), (McCamey’s Monster), Iron Ore – Direct Reduced Iron (BHP) and Iron Ore Beneficiation (BHP) Agreements Com. N
Juries Amendment Bill 1998 CBCN
Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 S
Land Administration Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Land Administration Bill 1997 CN & Com.N
Land Tax Assessment Act Bill 1976 EN
Liquor Licensing Amendment Bill 1997 EM
Liquor Licensing (Petrol Stations and Lodgers' Registers) Bill 2000 EM
Lotteries Commission Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Marine (Hire and Drive Vessels) Bill EM
Maritime and Transport Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1999 Com.N
Maritime Bill 1999 Com.N
Maritime Fees and Charges (Taxing) Bill 1998 Com.N
Maritime Fees and Charges (Taxing) Amendment Bill 1999 Com.N
Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Amendment Bill 2000 EN
Mining Amendment Bill 1998 CBCN
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 CBCN
National Rail Corporation Agreement Repeal Bill 1999 Com.N
Native Title (State Provisions) Bill 1998 EN
Native Title (State Provisions) Bill 1999 EN
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Taxing) Bill 1999 EM
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Western Australia) Bill 1999 EM
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) Bill 1999 EM
Occupational Safety and Health (Validation) Bill 1998 Com.N
Offenders (Legal Action) Bill 2000 EN
Official Corruption Commission Act 1988
[showing the effect of the amendments proposed by the Official Corruption Commission Amendment Bill 1996]
Official Corruption Commission Amendment Bill 1996 CBCN
Offshore Minerals Bill 2000 CBCN
Offshore Minerals (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 CBCN
Offshore Minerals (Registration Fees) Bill 2000 CBCN
Parks and Reserves Act 1895
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Parks and Reserves Amendment Bill 1998]
Parliamentary Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Petroleum Products Pricing Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Petroleum Safety Bill 1998 CBCN
Police Act Amendment (Prohibition) of Street Prostitution) Bill 1999 EM
Police Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Port Authorities Bill 1998 Com. N
Prisoners (International Transfer) Bill 1999 EN
Prisons Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Prisons (Pyrton) Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Property Law Bill 1969 EM
Prostitution Bill 1999 EM
Racecourse Development Amendment Bill 1997 EM and Com.N
Rail Freight System Bill 1999 (No. 89–2) Com.N
Railway (Northern and Southern Urban Extensions) Bill 1999 EM
Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Bill 2004 CN and Exp Info
Real Estate Legislation Amendment Act 1995 (WA) MOA
Real Estate Legislation (Fidelity Guarantee Funds) Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Reproductive Technology – Legislative proposals EN
Reserves (Neerabup National Park) Bill 2000 EM
Resolution of Parliamentary Disagreements Bill B&S
Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2000 EN
Revenue Laws (Assessment) Amendment Bill 1996 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1996 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1997 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1997 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1998 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1998 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1999 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1997 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1998 EM
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1999 EM
Rights in Water and Irrigation Amendment Bill 1999 CN
Road Safety Council Bill 2001 EM
Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1998 CSN
Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1999 Com.N
Road Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Licensing) Bill 2000 CSN
Road Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Licensing) (Taxing) Bill 2000 CSN
Rural Business Development Corporation Bill 2000 EM
Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill 1999 EN
School Education Bill 1997 Draft Bill for Public Comment (Green Bill)
School Education Bill 1997 MS
School Education Bill 1998 CN
Second Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Bill EM
Sentence Administration Bill 1998 EN
Sentencing (Emergency Service Costs) Bill EM
Sentencing Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1998 EN
Small Business Development Corporation Amendment Bill 1997 EM
Soil and Land Conservation Amendment Bill 1998 Com.N
Stamp Act 1921
[Incorporating the amendments to Part IIIBAAA proposed by the Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 2000.]
Stamp Act Bill 1979 EN
Stamp Amendment Bill 1996 EM
Stamp Amendment Bill 1999 EM
State Entitles (Payments) Bill 1999 EM
State Records Bill 1998 CN
State Records (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 CN
State Records (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999 CN
State Superannuation Bill 1999 EM
State Superannuation (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) 1999 EM
Statute Law Revision Bill 1965 EM
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 1965 EM
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1994 EN
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1997 EN
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 1997 EN
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1998 EN
Taxi Amendment Bill 1998 CSN
Therapeutic Goods (Western Australia) Bill 1999 EM
Therapeutic Goods (Western Australia) Bill 2000 EM
Titles Validation Act 1995
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Titles Validation Amendment Bill 1998.]
Titles Validation Amendment Bill 1998 Draft
Titles (Validation) and Native Title (Effect of Past Acts) Amendment Bill 1999 EN
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Amendment Bill 1999 EM
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax (Modification of Operation) Bill 2000 EM
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Bill 1999 EM
Transport Coordination Amendment Bill 1998 Com. N
Transport Coordination Amendment Bill 1998 CSN
Tree Plantation Agreements Bill 2000 EM
Trustee Legislation (GST Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 EN
Turf Club Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 EM
Universities Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 EM
Water Bill 1990 Part 1 EN
Water Bill 1990 Part 2 EN
Weapons Bill 1998 CN
Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association Bill 1998 EM
Western Australian Land Authority Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Western Australian Meat Industry Authority Amendment Bill 1998 Com.N
Western Australian Native Title (State Provisions) Bill EN
Western Australian Treasury Corporation Amendment Bill 1998 CN
Wills Amendment Bill 1997 CN
Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Act (No 2) 1999 EM
Workplace Agreements Act 1993

[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Labour Relations Reform Bill 2002.]

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Bill 1999 EN