A |
Aboriginal Land Bill 1985 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Aboriginal Land) Bill 1985 |
EM |
Aboriginal Heritage Marandoo Bill 1992 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Australian Datum) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Bail) Bill 1982 |
EB |
Acts Amendment (Continuing Lotteries) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Industrial Relations) Bill 1983 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Criminal Procedure) Bill 1998 |
Acts Amendment (Education Loan Scheme) Bill 1998 |
CN |
Acts Amendment (Evidence) Bill 1999 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Fines Enforcement and License Suspension) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Fines Enforcement) Bill 1999 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Fixed Odds Betting) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Franchise Fees) Bill 1997 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Gaming) Bill 1998 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill 1997 |
CN |
Acts Amendment (Land Administration, Mining and Petroleum) Bill 1998 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Mining and Petroleum) Bill 1998 |
Acts Amendment (Police Immunity) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Prisons Administration) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Acts Amendment (Racing and Betting Legislation) Bill 1995 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Sexual Assault) Bill 1985 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Sexuality Discrimination) Bill 1997 |
EM |
Acts Amendment (Video and Audio Links) Bill 1998 |
EN |
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Disqualification for Parliament) Bill, 1984 |
EM |
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Family Court) Bill 1997 |
CN |
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Financial Sector Reform) Bill 1999 |
EN |
Acts Amendment and Repeal (Industrial Relations) Bill 1984 |
EM |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2001 |
EM |
Animal Welfare Bill 1998 |
Draft Bill for Public Comment |
Animal Welfare Bill 1999 |
EM |
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 3) 1999 |
EM |
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 4) 1997 |
Explanation of Clauses |
Appropriation (Consolidated Fund) Bill (No. 4) 1999 |
EM |
B |
Bail Amendment Bill 1998 |
EN |
Bank Mergers Bill 1997 |
EM |
Betting Control Amendment Bill 1998 |
EM |
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1997 |
CN |
Bookmakers Betting Levy Amendment Bill 1998 |
EM |
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Bill 1998 |
Com. N |
Builders Registration Act 1939 (Blue) |
Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Bulk Handling Repeal Bill 2000 |
EM |
C |
Carnarvon Banana Industry (Compensation Trust Fund) – Repeal Bill 1998 |
CN |
Casino (Burswood Island) Agreement Amendment Bill 1997 |
EM |
Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
Coal Mines Legislation Amendment and Revival Bill 1998 |
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act 1985 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 1997] |
UC |
Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 1997 |
Com.N |
Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Bill 1998 |
EM |
Conservation and Land Management Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Act 1996 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999.] |
UC |
Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Contaminated Sites Bill 2000 |
Draft 5 |
Coroners Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Bill 2001 |
EM |
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2001 |
EM |
Corporations (Western Australia) Bill 1990 |
EM |
Court Security and Custodial Services Bill 1998 |
CN |
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
Court Security and Custodial Services (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 |
Crimes at Sea Bill 1999 |
CN |
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 |
EN |
Criminal Code Amendment (Home Invasion) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Criminal Code Amendment (Protection of Seniors) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Bill 2000 |
CN |
Criminal Property Confiscation Bill 2000 |
EN |
Criminal Property Confiscation Bill 2000 |
Criminal Property Confiscation (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Culture Libraries and the Arts Bill 1998 |
CN |
Culture, Libraries and the Arts (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 |
CN |
Curtin University of Technology Amendment Bill 1998 |
D |
Dangerous Goods (Transport) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 |
Director of Public Prosecutions Amendment Bill 2000 |
EN |
Disability Services Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
E |
Electricity Industry (Western Australian Renewable Energy Targets) Amendment Bill 2005 |
EM |
Electoral Amendment Bill 2000 |
BN |
Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 1997 |
CN |
Equal Opportunity Bill 1984 |
EM |
F |
Family Court Bill 1997 |
Family Court (Orders of Registrars) Bill 1997 |
CN |
Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Bill 1999 |
CN |
Financial Administration and Audit Bill 1985 |
EM |
Financial Administration and Audit Amendment Bill 1990 |
EM |
Financial Administration and Audit Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Financial Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 |
EM |
Financial Legislation Amendment Bill 1996 |
EM |
Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 |
Com.N |
Fish Resources Management Agreement Bill (No. 2) 1999 |
EM |
Forest Products Bill 1999 |
EM |
Friendly Societies (Western Australia) Bill 1998 |
CN |
Fuel Suppliers Licensing and Diesel Subsidies Bill 1997 |
EM |
G |
Gaming Commission (Continuing Lotteries Levy) 1999 |
EM |
Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) Bill 1999 |
CN |
Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Bill 1998 |
Com. N. |
Government Financial Responsibility Bill 1998 |
Com. N. |
Government Railways (Access) Amendment Bill 2000 |
Government Railways Amendment Bill 1998 |
Government Railways (Access) Bill 1998 |
Guardianship and Administration Amendment Bill 1997 |
CN |
Guardianship and Administration Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
H |
Health Professionals (Special Events Exemption) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Health (Smoking in Enclosed Public Spaces) Regulations 1998 |
Draft |
Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 |
Com. N. |
Hope Valley - Wattleup Redevelopment Bill 2000 |
Com. N. |
Horticultural Produce Commission Act 1988 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Horticultural Produce Commission Amendment Bill 1999.] |
UC |
Horticultural Produce Commission Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Hospitals and Health Services Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
I |
Industrial Relations Act 1979 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1997] |
UC |
Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1995 |
EN |
Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1995 |
S |
Iron Ore (Mount Newman), (Mount Goldsworthy), (Goldsworthy–Nimingarra), (Marillana Creek), (McCamey’s Monster), Iron Ore – Direct Reduced Iron (BHP) and Iron Ore Beneficiation (BHP) Agreements |
Com. N |
I |
Juries Amendment Bill 1998 |
L |
Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 |
S |
Land Administration Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Land Administration Bill 1997 |
CN & Com.N |
Land Tax Assessment Act Bill 1976 |
EN |
Liquor Licensing Amendment Bill 1997 |
EM |
Liquor Licensing (Petrol Stations and Lodgers' Registers) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Lotteries Commission Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
M |
Marine (Hire and Drive Vessels) Bill |
EM |
Maritime and Transport Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1999 |
Com.N |
Maritime Bill 1999 |
Com.N |
Maritime Fees and Charges (Taxing) Bill 1998 |
Com.N |
Maritime Fees and Charges (Taxing) Amendment Bill 1999 |
Com.N |
Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Amendment Bill 2000 |
EN |
Mining Amendment Bill 1998 |
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 |
N |
National Rail Corporation Agreement Repeal Bill 1999 |
Com.N |
Native Title (State Provisions) Bill 1998 |
EN |
Native Title (State Provisions) Bill 1999 |
EN |
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Taxing) Bill 1999 |
EM |
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Western Australia) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) Bill 1999 |
EM |
O |
Occupational Safety and Health (Validation) Bill 1998 |
Com.N |
Offenders (Legal Action) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Official Corruption Commission Act 1988 [showing the effect of the amendments proposed by the Official Corruption Commission Amendment Bill 1996] |
– |
Official Corruption Commission Amendment Bill 1996 |
Offshore Minerals Bill 2000 |
Offshore Minerals (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 |
Offshore Minerals (Registration Fees) Bill 2000 |
P |
Parks and Reserves Act 1895 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Parks and Reserves Amendment Bill 1998] |
Parliamentary Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Petroleum Products Pricing Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Petroleum Safety Bill 1998 |
Police Act Amendment (Prohibition) of Street Prostitution) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Police Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
Port Authorities Bill 1998 |
Com. N |
Prisoners (International Transfer) Bill 1999 |
EN |
Prisons Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
Prisons (Pyrton) Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Property Law Bill 1969 |
EM |
Prostitution Bill 1999 |
EM |
R |
Racecourse Development Amendment Bill 1997 |
EM and Com.N |
Rail Freight System Bill 1999 (No. 89–2) |
Com.N |
Railway (Northern and Southern Urban Extensions) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Bill 2004 |
CN and Exp Info |
Real Estate Legislation Amendment Act 1995 (WA) |
Real Estate Legislation (Fidelity Guarantee Funds) Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Reproductive Technology – Legislative proposals |
EN |
Reserves (Neerabup National Park) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Resolution of Parliamentary Disagreements Bill |
B&S |
Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2000 |
EN |
Revenue Laws (Assessment) Amendment Bill 1996 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1996 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1997 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1997 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1998 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 1998 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1997 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1998 |
EM |
Revenue Laws Amendment (Taxation) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Rights in Water and Irrigation Amendment Bill 1999 |
CN |
Road Safety Council Bill 2001 |
EM |
Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1998 |
Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1999 |
Com.N |
Road Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Licensing) Bill 2000 |
Road Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Licensing) (Taxing) Bill 2000 |
Rural Business Development Corporation Bill 2000 |
EM |
S |
Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
School Education Bill 1997 |
Draft Bill for Public Comment (Green Bill) |
School Education Bill 1997 |
MS |
School Education Bill 1998 |
CN |
Second Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Bill |
EM |
Sentence Administration Bill 1998 |
EN |
Sentencing (Emergency Service Costs) Bill |
EM |
Sentencing Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 1998 |
EN |
Small Business Development Corporation Amendment Bill 1997 |
EM |
Soil and Land Conservation Amendment Bill 1998 |
Com.N |
Stamp Act 1921 [Incorporating the amendments to Part IIIBAAA proposed by the Revenue Laws Amendment (Assessment) Bill 2000.] |
UC |
Stamp Act Bill 1979 |
EN |
Stamp Amendment Bill 1996 |
EM |
Stamp Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
State Entitles (Payments) Bill 1999 |
EM |
State Records Bill 1998 |
CN |
State Records (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998 |
CN |
State Records (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999 |
CN |
State Superannuation Bill 1999 |
EM |
State Superannuation (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) 1999 |
EM |
Statute Law Revision Bill 1965 |
EM |
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 1965 |
EM |
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1994 |
EN |
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1997 |
EN |
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 1997 |
EN |
Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 1998 |
EN |
T |
Taxi Amendment Bill 1998 |
Therapeutic Goods (Western Australia) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Therapeutic Goods (Western Australia) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Titles Validation Act 1995 [Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Titles Validation Amendment Bill 1998.] |
UC |
Titles Validation Amendment Bill 1998 |
Draft |
Titles (Validation) and Native Title (Effect of Past Acts) Amendment Bill 1999 |
EN |
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Amendment Bill 1999 |
EM |
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax (Modification of Operation) Bill 2000 |
EM |
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Bill 1999 |
EM |
Transport Coordination Amendment Bill 1998 |
Com. N |
Transport Coordination Amendment Bill 1998 |
Tree Plantation Agreements Bill 2000 |
EM |
Trustee Legislation (GST Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 |
EN |
Turf Club Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 |
EM |
U |
Universities Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 |
EM |
W |
Water Bill 1990 Part 1 |
EN |
Water Bill 1990 Part 2 |
EN |
Weapons Bill 1998 |
CN |
Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association Bill 1998 |
EM |
Western Australian Land Authority Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
Western Australian Meat Industry Authority Amendment Bill 1998 |
Com.N |
Western Australian Native Title (State Provisions) Bill |
EN |
Western Australian Treasury Corporation Amendment Bill 1998 |
CN |
Wills Amendment Bill 1997 |
CN |
Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Act (No 2) 1999 |
EM |
Workplace Agreements Act 1993
[Incorporating the amendments proposed by the Labour Relations Reform Bill 2002.]
UC |
Y |
Year 2000 Information Disclosure Bill 1999 |
EN |