Parliamentary Service |
- MLA Alfred Cove 10 February 2001–9 March 2013. Elected to the Thirty-Sixth Parliament for Alfred Cove on 10 February 2001 in succession to Hon Douglas James Shave (defeated). Re-elected 2005, 2008. Defeated by Dean Cambell Nalder in the general election of 9 March 2013.
- Co-opted Member, Community Development and Justice Standing Committee for the purposes of reviewing the Children and Community Services Amendment (Body Piercing) Bill 2007 from 7 May 2008 to dissolution of the Committee on 7 August 2008
- Member Education and Health Standing Committee from 13 November 2008 to 30 January 2013. (Chairman from 26 November 2008)
Children and Community Services Amendment (Body Piercing) Bill 2007 Referred to the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee - 7/5/2008
Health (Smoking in Enclosed Public Places) Amendment Bill 2003 Bill Lapsed - 23/1/2005
Heathcote Hospital Site (Reservation) Bill 2001 Bill Lapsed - 23/1/2005
Heathcote Hospital Site (Reservation) Bill 2001 Legislative Assembly Second Reading - 17/10/2001
Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2011 Bill restored to the Legislative Assembly Notice Paper - 18/10/2012
Tobacco Products Control Amendment Bill 2008 Assented to - 22/9/2009 |
Personal Information |
13 February 1955 |
London, England, United Kingdom |
Arrived WA 1980 |
Daughter of John McCullough, maintenance engineer, and Louise Kitcher, children’s services carer |
Married 1978, London to Dr Keith Victor Woollard, son of Victor Morgan Woollard and Mabel
Children: two sons and four daughters |
Christian |
Educated at primary and secondary schools in England
State registration at Charing Cross Hospital 1973–1977 and Joint Board of Nursing Certificate in Intensive Care 1977–1978
Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT) now Curtin University of Technology)—B App Sc (Nursing Education) 1982–1984
University of Western Australia—M Ed 1985–1988 and PhD 1990–1997
LLB at Murdoch University 2003–2007
Nurse, lecturer and manager |
Staff nurse at Charing Cross Hospital 1977–1978 and 1979, casual nurse at Malvern Nursing Agency, Melbourne 1978–1979, ward sister at Northwick Park Hospital in London 1979 and Sister in Charge (JCU/CCU/Cardiology) at Rumaillah Hospital Qatar 1979–1980
Clinical Instructor Fremantle Hospital 1981–1983, Cardiology Nursing Consultant, Cohren Pty Ltd from 1983
Contract lecturer (1986–1988) and half time tenured lecturer (1988–1995) at Curtin University School of Nursing
Facilitator Demonstration Practice Grants at WA Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 1991–1993
Director WA General Practice Research Consortium 1993–1997
Program Manager Counselling in General Practice 1996–2000 and Post Doctoral Research at University of Western Australia 1997–2001 |
Awards SIGMA–CSANZ (Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand) Travelling Fellowship, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand 1995
President’s Award, Heart Foundation WA 2009
Dr Bob Elphick Award, Australian Council on Smoking and Health 2009
Prof Assoc Shop Steward, Charing Cross Hospital 1973–1977
Fellow Royal College of Nursing Australia from 1985, WA representative to National Organisation Meeting of Targets in Nursing June 1989
Member Florence Nightingale Committee 1987–1993
Member Nurses Memorial Committee from 1987
President Education Union of University of WA 1988–1989
Member Australian Nursing Federation since 1981 serving on many committees and working parties, junior vice-president WA branch 1987–1988, senior vice-president 1988–1989 and president 1991–1992
Member Australian Nursing Research network 1988–1992
Member Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals 1992–2001, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Research Committee 1993–1994 AB and Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association 1998–2001
Affiliate member The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand from 1989
Member Metropolitan Health Services Review Steering Committee 1991–1992
Justice of the Peace 2002
Extensive involvement in research activities and presentations of papers as well as invited talks, workshop and seminar presentations, scholarships and awards
Joey scout leader at Waylen Bay
Netball coach at Penrhos College |
D Black and G Bolton, eds, Biographical Register of Members of the Parliament of Western Australia: volume two 1930-2010, Western Australian Parliamentary History Project, Perth, WA, 2011, p. 286-287.
Parliament of Western Australia, Former Members, Parliament of Western Australia website. Accessed 21 May 2014. |
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