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AIREY, Hon Diane Phyllis
ANDRIC, Hon Klara
ANWYL, Ms Megan Irene
ARCHER, Hon Shelley Frances
BAKER, Ms Lisa Loraine
BEARD, Merome
BEAZLEY, Ms Hannah Mary
BEGGS, Mrs Pamela Anne
BEHJAT, Hon Elizabeth (Liz) Lloyd
BOYDELL, Hon Jacqui Ellen
BUCHANAN, Mrs Pamela Ann
BULLOCK, Hon Helen Hong Hui
BURTON, Hon Carolyn Anne
CARDELL-OLIVER, Florence (Annie) Gillies
CARLES, Ms Adele Simone
CARR, Hon Sandra Anne
CLARKE, Mrs Robyn Marjorie Jane
CLOHESY, Hon Alanna Therese
COLLINS, Ms Caitlin Mary
CONSTABLE, Dr Elizabeth
COWAN, Edith Dircksey
CRAIG, Margaret June
D'ANNA, Ms Divina Grace
DAVENPORT, Hon Cheryl May
DAVIES, Ms Mia Jane
DOUST, Hon Catherine (Kate) Esther
DUNCAN, Ms Wendy Maxine
EATON, Hon Shelley Elizabeth
EDWARDES, Mrs Cheryl Lynn
EDWARDS, Dr Judith (Judy) Mary
ELLERY, Hon Suzanne (Sue) Mary
ELLIOTT, Lyla Daphne
EVERS, Hon Diane Marie
FARAGHER, Hon Donna Evelyn Mary
FARINA, Hon Adele
FARRER, Ms Josephine (Josie)
FERGUSON, Hon Valma (Val) Eileen
FREEMAN, Ms Janine Marie
GIDDENS, Ms Kim Elizabeth
GODFREY, Mrs Glenys Jenolan
GUISE, Ms Dianne Joy
HALLAHAN, Mrs Elsie (Kay) Kay
HAMILTON, Ms Emily Louise
HAMMAT, Ms Meredith
HANNS, Ms Jodie Louise
HARPER, Hon Lorna
HARVEY, Mrs Liza Mary
HAYDEN, Hon Alyssa Kathleen
HENDERSON, Ms Yvonne Daphne
HODGSON, Hon Helen Margaret
HODSON-THOMAS, Ms Katina (Katie)
HOLMAN, Mary (May) Alice
HOLMES, Mrs Monica Rose
HUGHES, Mrs Judith (Judy)
HUTCHISON, Ruby Florence
IRWIN, Hon Elise Maxine
JARVIS, Hon Jackie Ann
JONES, Beryl Lillian
KELSBIE, Ms Elizabeth (Jane) Jane
KENT, Mrs Alison (Ali) Elizabeth
KINGSTON, Hon Louise Maree
LAWRENCE, Carmen Mary
MACLAREN, Hon Lynn Ellen
MACTIERNAN, Hon Alannah Joan Geraldine
MARGETTS, Hon Diane (Dee) Elizabeth
MARSHALL, Mrs Magenta Rose
MARTIN, Mrs Carol Anne
MCALEER, Margaret
MCDONALD, Hon Laine Courtney
MCGURK, Ms Simone Frances
MCHALE, Ms Sheila Margaret
MCSWEENEY, Hon Robyn Mary
METTAM, Ms Elizabeth (Libby)
MILLS, Hon Sheila
MITCHELL, Ms Andrea Ruth
MOERMOND, Hon Sophia
MORTON, Hon Helen Margaret
MUNDAY, Ms Lisa Anne
O'MALLEY, Mrs Lisa Margaret
PARKER, Mrs Rhonda Kathleen
PATTERSON, Hon Muriel Grace
PAYNE, Hon Shelley Nicole
PIESSE, Winifred Margaret
PRATT, Louise Clare
QUIRK, Ms Margaret Mary
RADISICH, Ms Jaye Amber
RAVLICH, Hon Ljiljanna Maria
ROBERTS, Mrs Michelle Hopkins
ROWE, Hon Margaret Anne Bernadette
ROWE, Hon Samantha Helen
ROWE, Ms Cassandra (Cassie) Michelle
SAHANNA, Hon Rosetta (Rosie)
SAVAGE, Hon Linda Rosemary
SCOTT, Hon Barbara Mary
SHARP, Hon Christine (Chrissy)
SHAW, Ms Jessica Jane
STEPHENS, Ms Rebecca Sue
STOJKOVSKI, Mrs Jessica Mary Christine
STRATTON, Dr Katrina
TALBOT, Hon Sally Elizabeth
TONKIN, Ms Christine Maelisa
TURNBULL, Dr Hilda Margaret
VAN DE KLASHORST, Mrs June Dorothy
VAUGHAN, Grace Sydney
WALKER, Ms Susan (Sue) Elizabeth
WARNOCK, Ms Diana Muriel
WATKINS, Jacqueline Patricia
WATSON, Dr Judyth
WINTON, Ms Sabine Elisabeth
WOOLLARD, Dr Janet May
XAMON, Hon Alison Marie