Occupation | Member Name |
Business manager | LEADBETTER, Hon William (Bill) Lewis |
Accountant | BULLOCK, Hon Helen Hong Hui |
Accountant | CASTRILLI, Mr Giovanni (John) Mario |
Accountant | CORNELL, George Meredith |
Accountant | COURT, Charles Walter Michael |
Accountant | EVANS, Edward Thomas |
Accountant | EVANS, Hon George (Max) Maxwell |
Accountant | MACKINNON, Barry John |
Accountant | MAKUR CHUOT, Hon Ayor |
Accountant | MATTISKE, Reginald Clair |
Accountant | YOUNG, Raymond Laurence |
Accountant and businessperson | STEWART, John |
Accountant and manager | NEWMAN, Edward |
Accountant and union secretary | LAPHAM, Stanley Edward |
Accountant, builder and manager | MOLLOY, Thomas George Anstruther |
Adviser | CATANIA, Mr Vincent Alexander |
Adviser | CLOHESY, Hon Alanna Therese |
Adviser | PRATT, Hon Stephen Joel |
Agent general | DIMMITT, James Albert |
Agriculture adviser | WISE, Frank Joseph Scott |
Agriculture adviser and farmer | BROWN, Hon Paul John |
Architect and engineer | ALLEN, Hon Joseph Francis |
Architect and engineer | WRIGHT, James William |
Assayer and metallurgist | LAMBERT, George James |
Auctioneer | ALLEN, Mr Ebenezer (Eben) |
Auctioneer | HOPKINS, John Marquis |
Auctioneer | JONES, Walter Leonard (Taylor) |
Auctioneer | MCDOWALL, Charles |
Auctioneer | MCKERNAN, Hugh |
Auctioneer | WELLS, Herbert Edward |
Auctioneer | WOOD, Barrington Clarke |
Baker | BROWN, Mr Samuel McConnell |
Baker | SIMPSON, Mr Anthony (Tony) James |
Baker | VERYARD, John |
Baker, clerk, businessperson and farmer | GRAY, Edmund Harry |
Baker, publican and manufacturer | MARSHALL, Thomas Henry (Harry) |
Bank manager | FERRY, Victor Jasper |
Bank manager | RUSHTON, Edgar Cyril |
Bank manager and businessperson | CANNING, Mr Marinus Frederick Alfred |
Bank manager and governor | MITCHELL, James |
Bank officer | JOHNSON, Stephen Edward Ingram |
Bank officer and businessperson | BURKETT, Mr Graham John |
Bank officer and manager | BOVELL, Sir William Stewart |
Banker | DONEY, Victor |
Blacksmith and union official | SLEEMAN, Joseph Bertram |
Boilermaker | HEGNEY, James |
Boilermaker | NEEDHAM, Edward |
Boilermaker, businessperson and journalist | CARPENTER, Mr William Henry |
Bookbinder and farmer | MCCALLUM, Alexander |
Bootmaker | UNDERWOOD, Rufus Henry |
Bootmaker and union secretary | CLOTHIER, Robert Ernest |
Brewery worker and union official | COOLEY, Donald Walter |
Bricklayer and clerk | GREEN, Albert Ernest |
Bricklayer, builder and manager | MOLONEY, John Daniel |
Broadcaster, university lecturer and consultant | WOODHAMS, Mr Grant Allen |
Broadcasting technician, state secretary and real estate agent | HODGE, Barry James |
Builder | CONNOLLY, James Daniel |
Builder | FRANKLIN, James Thomas |
Builder | HUTCHINSON, Robert David |
Builder | THOMSON, Jack McIntosh |
Builder | TOTTERDELL, Joseph |
Builder and environmental consultant | WATSON, Hon Giz |
Builder and farmer | KNIGHT, Thomas |
Builder and storekeeper | THOMSON, Alexander |
Businessperson | BARNETT, Mr Michael |
Businessperson | BICKLEY, Wallace (Samuel) Alexander |
Businessperson | BIRNEY, Mr Matthew (Matt) John |
Businessperson | BLOFFWITCH, Mr Robert (Bob) Clyde |
Businessperson | BOAN, Hon Henry |
Businessperson | BRAND, Hon George Edmund Dowd |
Businessperson | BROOKMAN, Hon William Gordon |
Businessperson | BUSWELL, Mr Troy Raymond |
Businessperson | CASH, Hon Samuel (George) Ernest |
Businessperson | COURT, Mr Richard Fairfax |
Businessperson | CROMMELIN, Harold William |
Businessperson | DUFFELL, Joseph |
Businessperson | EDMAN, Hon Phillip (Phil) John |
Businessperson | EDWARDS, Mr Jeremy Philip Dalhousie |
Businessperson | FISCHER, Hon John Duncombe |
Businessperson | GLYDE, George |
Businessperson | GRIFFITHS, Clive Edward |
Businessperson | GULL, Thomas Courthope |
Businessperson | HARVEY, Mrs Liza Mary |
Businessperson | HEARN, Harry |
Businessperson | HIGHAM, Edward Henry |
Businessperson | HOUGH, Hon Francis (Frank) Carson |
Businessperson | JOHNSON, Mr Robert (Rob) Frank |
Businessperson | KIERATH, Mr Graham Donald |
Businessperson | LAURIE, Robert |
Businessperson | LEAKE, Luke Samuel |
Businessperson | LOTON, William Thorley |
Businessperson | MACFARLANE, James (Mortimer) Patterson |
Businessperson | MACKINNON, Graham Charles |
Businessperson | MARSHALL, Robert James Percival |
Businessperson | MCKENZIE, Cuthbert |
Businessperson | MCKENZIE, Robert Donald |
Businessperson | MICHEL, Mr Kevin Joseph Jude |
Businessperson | MONGER, Frederick Charles |
Businessperson | O'CONNOR, Raymond James |
Businessperson | O'MALLEY, Mrs Lisa Margaret |
Businessperson | PADBURY, Walter |
Businessperson | PATTERSON, Hon Muriel Grace |
Businessperson | PIKE, Robert Gerald |
Businessperson | RANDELL, George |
Businessperson | ROBINSON, Herbert |
Businessperson | ROBINSON, Herbert Richard |
Businessperson | SHENTON, George |
Businessperson | WILD, Gerald Percy |
Businessperson | WILLIAMS, Rex (Tony) Geoffrey |
Businessperson | WILSON, Frank |
Businessperson | WITHERS, William Robert |
Businessperson and accountant | MANNING, William Alan |
Businessperson and army officer | TINLEY, Mr Peter Charles |
Businessperson and auctioneer | SYMON, David |
Businessperson and builder | SWEETMAN, Mr Rodney (Rod) Noel |
Businessperson and cabinetmaker | ROBSON, Richard |
Businessperson and consul | MARMION, William Edward, Sr |
Businessperson and editor | MANN, William Joseph |
Businessperson and electorate officer | HAYDEN, Hon Alyssa Kathleen |
Businessperson and farmer | BROWN, Hon James McMillan |
Businessperson and farmer | FELS, Hon Anthony James |
Businessperson and farmer | MONGER, John Henry |
Businessperson and farmer | NATHAN, Charles Samuel |
Businessperson and journalist | MATHESON, Alexander Perceval |
Businessperson and librarian | CASH, Mr Earl Douglas |
Businessperson and magistrate | KEEP, Henry Frederick* |
Businessperson and manager | ATKINS, Mr William |
Businessperson and manager | KEANE, Edward Vivian Harvey |
Businessperson and postmaster | THROSSELL, George |
Businessperson and public relations consultant | BARRON-SULLIVAN, Mr Daniel (Dan) Frank |
Businessperson and publican | DUFF, Thomas |
Businessperson and stockbroker | BARKER, Mr Claude Osmonde |
Businessperson and storekeeper | CONNOR, Francis |
Businessperson and teacher | CONGDON, Daniel Keen |
Businessperson and union secretary | CROSS, Charles |
Businessperson, auctioneer and consul | SOLOMON, Elias |
Businessperson, farmer, consul and botanist | HASSELL, Albert Young |
Businessperson, theatre director, actor, journalist and teacher | HYDE, Mr John Norman |
Butcher | CARSTAIRS, Hon Alan MacMillan |
Butcher and businessperson | PEARSE, William Silas |
Butcher and farmer | HOLMES, Joseph John |
Carpenter | ANGWIN, Mr William Charles |
Carpenter | BROWN, Mr Thomas Leishman |
Carpenter | HENSHAW, Ernest Percival |
Carpenter | JOHNSON, William Dartnell |
Carpenter | TOMS, John Mervin |
Carpenter and builder | OLDHAM, Charles Henry |
Carpenter and businessperson | STEPHENSON, Henry Alfred |
Carpenter and joiner | JAMIESON, Colin John |
Carpenter and union secretary | WILSON, Albert James |
Cartographer, manager and businessperson | LEWIS, Mr Kennon (Richard) Richard |
Chemical plumber | JEFFERY, George Edward |
Chemist and manager | HONEY, Dr David John |
Clerk | BATEMAN, Mr Thomas (Tom) Henry |
Clerk | CORBOY, Edwin Wilkie |
Clerk | GUTHRIE, Frank |
Clerk | HORAN, Austin Alvis |
Clerk | KEYSER, Charles Christopher |
Clerk | KITSON, William Henry |
Clerk | LEAHY, Hon Kevin John |
Clerk | POTTER, Percival George Charles |
Clerk | THOMAS, Hon Robert (Bob) John |
Clerk and accountant | CRAIG, James Frederick |
Clerk and businessperson | RODOREDA, Aloysius Joseph |
Clerk and insurance inspector | WATT, Leon Harold |
Clerk and labourer | COVERLEY, Aubrey Augustus Michael |
Clerk and manager | BROWN, Mr Harry |
Clerk and manager | HARMAN, John Joseph |
Clerk and political organiser | GRIFFITH, Arthur Frederick |
Clerk, businessperson and manager | DIAMOND, Arthur James |
Clerk, journalist, farmer and businessperson | HENTY, Ernest George |
Clerk, research officer, manager | RADISICH, Ms Jaye Amber |
Clerk, salesman, businessperson and manager | LYNN, Robert John |
Clerk, storekeeper, and stock and station agent | SIMPSON, Charles Herbert |
Clerk, tax inspector, storekeeper and businessperson | TEAHAN, John Denis |
Clerk, timber worker, political organiser and manager | MURRAY, James |
Coachbuilder | WILSON, Francis Ford |
Coachbuilder and blacksmith | MOORE, Richard Greenslade |
Commercial executive | SHAW, Ms Jessica Jane |
Company director | GODFREY, Mrs Glenys Jenolan |
Consultant | HOLT, Hon Colin James |
Consultant | KENT, Mrs Alison (Ali) Elizabeth |
Consultant | NAHAN, Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis |
Consultant | TAYLOR, Mr Matthew (Matt) Howard |
Consultant | THOMSON, Hon Neil |
Consultant | TONKIN, Ms Christine Maelisa |
Consultant and travel agent | CATANIA, Mr Nicholas (Nick) Mark |
Customs officer | O'BRIEN, Hon Simon McDonnell |
Dairy farmer | BELL, Hon Colin John |
Dairy farmer | HENNING, Charles Harriot |
Dentist | DAY, Mr John Howard Dadley |
Dentist | KEMPTON, George Adam |
Dentist | RAPHAEL, Howard Stirling |
Director | BEAZLEY, Ms Hannah Mary |
Doctor | DADOUR, Gabriel Thomas |
Doctor | EDWARDS, Dr Judith (Judy) Mary |
Doctor | ELLIS, Henry Augustus |
Doctor | HAMES, Dr Kim Desmond |
Doctor | HENN, Guy Gavin |
Doctor | HICKS, John Sydney |
Doctor | HISLOP, James Gordon |
Doctor | JACOBS, Dr Graham Gibson |
Doctor | JAMESON, Adam |
Doctor | KRISHNAN, Dr Jagadish (Jags) |
Doctor | MCWILLIAMS, George Frederick |
Doctor | O'CONNOR, Michael |
Doctor | SCOTT, Edward |
Doctor | TROY, John Robert |
Doctor | TURNBULL, Dr Hilda Margaret |
Doctor | WALKER, Hon Dr Brian Follett |
Doctor, surgeon | SAW, Athelstan John Henton |
Drafter | GRAHAM, Herbert Ernst |
Drafter, lecturer and research officer | WELLS, Peter Henry, Sr |
Draper | CARSON, Hon Henry |
Draper | PATRICK, William, Sr |
Economist | BARNETT, Mr Colin James |
Economist | TAYLOR, Ian Frederick |
Editor and businessperson | GILCHRIST, Archibald |
Editor and businessperson | KIRWAN, John Waters |
Editor, farmer and manager | HACKETT, John Winthrop |
Editor, newspaper owner and farmer | GREGORY, Henry |
Electorate officer | BEHJAT, Hon Elizabeth (Liz) Lloyd |
Electorate officer | BUCHANAN, Mrs Pamela Ann |
Electorate officer | DAVENPORT, Hon Cheryl May |
Electorate officer | EATON, Hon Shelley Elizabeth |
Electorate officer | FERGUSON, Hon Valma (Val) Eileen |
Electorate officer | GUISE, Ms Dianne Joy |
Electorate officer | HAMILTON, Ms Emily Louise |
Electorate officer | MILLS, Hon Sheila |
Electorate officer | PRATT, Louise Clare |
Electorate officer | ROWE, Hon Margaret Anne Bernadette |
Electorate officer | TRAVERS, Hon Kenneth (Ken) Dunstan Elder |
Electorate officer and journalist | METTAM, Ms Elizabeth (Libby) |
Electorate officer and lobbyist | HODSON-THOMAS, Ms Katina (Katie) |
Electrical contractor
"A" Class Electrician | SCOTT, Hon Robin David |
Electrician and manager | THOMPSON, Ian David |
Electrician, adviser and consultant | MCRAE, Mr Anthony (Tony) David |
Engine driver | BOLTON, Mr Harry Edward |
Engine driver | LYNCH, Patrick Joseph |
Engine driver | MCIVER, Kenneth Finlay |
Engine driver | WILLCOCK, John Collings |
Engine driver and union secretary | STYANTS, Herbert Henry |
Engineer | GEORGE, William James |
Engineer | HERZFELD, Thomas Alexander Albert |
Engineer | MARMION, Mr William (Bill) Richard |
Engineer | MASON, Clayton Turner |
Engineer | SAUNDERS, Henry John |
Engineer | SEDDON, Harold |
Engineer | SODEMAN, Brian |
Engineer | THOMAS, James Henry English |
Engineer | WRIGHT, John Arthur |
Engineer and businessperson | LANE, Zebina Bartholomew |
Engineer and businessperson | PRICE, James |
Engineer and consul | MORGANS, Alfred Edward |
Engineer and farmer | STEWART, Hector Joseph |
Engineer and manager | BRIMAGE, Hon Thomas Frederick Outridge |
Engineer and public servant | TOZER, John Carmichael |
Engineer, farmer, assayer and prospector | ANSTEY, Hon Harry Francis |
Environmental consultant | TALLENTIRE, Mr Christopher (Chris) John |
Environmental consultant and cabinetmaker | LLEWELLYN, Hon Paul Vincent |
Explorer and businessperson | MOORE, William Dalgety |
Farmer | ABBEY, Hon Charles Roy |
Farmer | ACKLAND, Mr John Hugh |
Farmer | AINSWORTH, Mr Ross Andrew |
Farmer | ATKINSON, Hon William Gordon |
Farmer | BASTON, Hon Kenneth (Ken) Charles |
Farmer | BAXTER, Hon Charles Farquharson |
Farmer | BAXTER, Hon Norman Eric |
Farmer | BERRY, Hon George William |
Farmer | BERRY, Mr Horace Thurston |
Farmer | BLAIKIE, Mr Barry Roy |
Farmer | BLAYNEY, Mr Ian Charles |
Farmer | BROCKMAN, Mr Edmund Ralph |
Farmer | BROCKMAN, Mr Edmund Vernon |
Farmer | BROCKMAN, Mr Henry |
Farmer | BROCKMAN, William Locke |
Farmer | BROUN, Mr Frank Tyndall |
Farmer | BROWN, Henry James |
Farmer | BROWN, Hon John Reid |
Farmer | BURGES, Hon Richard Goldsmith |
Farmer | BURGES, Hon Thomas |
Farmer | BURGES, Lockier Clere |
Farmer | BURGES, William |
Farmer | BURVILL, Hon Alfred |
Farmer | BUSH, Hon Robert Edwin |
Farmer | BUSSELL, Alfred Pickmore |
Farmer | BUTCHER, Mr William James (Burchell) |
Farmer | CALDWELL, Hon John Norman |
Farmer | CARROLL, Hon William |
Farmer | CHARLTON, Hon Eric James |
Farmer | CHOWN, Hon James (Jim) Edward |
Farmer | CLARKSON, Barnard Drummond |
Farmer | CONOLLY, John Richard Arthur |
Farmer | COOKWORTHY, Joseph |
Farmer | COWAN, Mr Hendy John |
Farmer | COWCHER, George Stanyford Francis (Frank) |
Farmer | CRAIG, Leslie |
Farmer | CRANE, Albert Victor |
Farmer | CRIDDLE, Hon Murray John |
Farmer | CUNNINGHAM, John |
Farmer | DARLOT, Everard Firebrace |
Farmer | DARLOT, Leonard Hawthorn |
Farmer | DAVIS, John Sydney |
Farmer | DE GRUSSA, Hon Colin Stephen |
Farmer | DEMPSTER, Andrew |
Farmer | DEMPSTER, Charles Edward |
Farmer | DIVER, Leslie Charles |
Farmer | DOHERTY, Denis Joseph |
Farmer | DONALDSON, Hon Bruce Kirwan |
Farmer | DRUMMOND, James |
Farmer | DURACK, Michael Patrick |
Farmer | ELLIOTT, Samuel Richard Lewes (Lewis) |
Farmer | ELLIS, Hon Brian Charles |
Farmer | EMBRY, Hon Patrick (Paddy) Paul Elliot |
Farmer | FAWCETT, Theodore |
Farmer | FERGUSON, Percy Douglas |
Farmer | FORREST, David |
Farmer | FORREST, Robert Mervyn |
Farmer | GALE, Richard |
Farmer | GARDINER, Hon Philip Warren |
Farmer | GAYFER, Harry Walter |
Farmer | GLASHEEN, William Thomas |
Farmer | GREIG, James Alexander |
Farmer | GRIFFITHS, Harry Albert (Craven) |
Farmer | GULL, Arthur Courthope |
Farmer | HALLETT, Hon Nigel Charles |
Farmer | HAMERSLEY, Edward |
Farmer | HAMERSLEY, Samuel Richard |
Farmer | HAMERSLEY, Vernon |
Farmer | HARRISON, Thomas Hamlet |
Farmer | HART, Thomas George |
Farmer | HASSELL, John Frederick Tasman, Sr |
Farmer | HEARMAN, John Merrifield |
Farmer | HEITMAN, Jack |
Farmer | HICKMOTT, Henry Edward |
Farmer | HOOLEY, Edward Timothy |
Farmer | HOUSE, Edward Charles |
Farmer | HOUSE, Mr Montague (Monty) Grant |
Farmer | JOHNSTON, Edward Bertram |
Farmer | JONES, Arthur Raymond |
Farmer | JONES, Peter Vernon |
Farmer | LATHAM, Charles George |
Farmer | LAYMAN, Charles Henry |
Farmer | LAYMAN, George |
Farmer | LEWIS, Edgar Henry Mead |
Farmer | LINDSAY, John (Canaan) |
Farmer | LOCKE, Ernest Charles Bavage |
Farmer | LOGAN, Leslie Arthur |
Farmer | LOGUE, Major |
Farmer | LOTON, Anthony Lloyd |
Farmer | LOVE, Mr Ronald (Shane) Shane |
Farmer | LUKIN, Henry (Harbottle) |
Farmer | MALEY, Charles Crowther |
Farmer | MALEY, Henry Kennedy |
Farmer | MANNING, Ivan Wemyss |
Farmer | MANN, James Isaac |
Journalist | MARTIN, Hon Steven John |
Farmer | MCALEER, Margaret |
Farmer | MCLARTY, Edward |
Farmer | MCLARTY, (Duncan) Ross |
Farmer | MCNEE, Mr William (Bill) John |
Farmer | MCNEILL, Neil |
Farmer | MCPHARLIN, Walter Raymond |
Farmer | MITCHELL, Clayton Clealand Bickley |
Farmer | MONTGOMERY, Hon Murray Scott |
Farmer | NALDER, Cambell Crawford |
Farmer | NALDER, Crawford David |
Farmer | NANOVICH, Michael |
Farmer | NEWTON, John Verdun |
Farmer | NIXON, Hon Murray Davidson |
Farmer | NORTON, Daniel |
Farmer | OMODEI, Mr Paul Domenic |
Farmer | OSBORN, Henry |
Farmer | PATERSON, William |
Farmer | PATRICK, William, Jr |
Farmer | PERKINS, Charles Collier |
Farmer | PERRY, Thomas Oswald |
Farmer | PHILLIPS, Samuel James |
Farmer | PHILLIPS, Samuel Pole |
Farmer | PIESSE, Harold Vivian |
Farmer | REID, David Donald |
Farmer | RICHARDSON, Alexander Robert |
Farmer | RICHARDSON, John Elliott |
Farmer | ROBINSON, Edward |
Farmer | ROCHE, Hugh Lewis |
Farmer | ROSE, Edwin |
Farmer | RUNCIMAN, Ewart Henry |
Farmer | SEWARD, Harrie Stephen |
Farmer | SEWELL, George Malakoff |
Farmer | SHARP, Hon Christine (Chrissy) |
Farmer | STEPHENS, Matthew Ernest |
Farmer | STEWART, Jack McKay |
Farmer | STRETCH, Hon William (Bill) Noel |
Farmer | STRICKLAND, Harry Charles |
Farmer | THOMPSON, Sydney Thomas Joseph |
Farmer | TUBBY, Reginald John |
Farmer | WALTER, John Russell |
Farmer | WARNER, Frederick Lytton |
Farmer | WATTS, Alfred John Henry |
Farmer | WELSH, Frank Robert |
Farmer | WEST, Hon Darren Legh |
Farmer | WIESE, Mr Robert (Bob) Laurence |
Farmer | WILDING, Thomas Henry |
Farmer | WILLMOTT, Francis Drake |
Farmer | WILLMOTT, William Henry Francis |
Farmer | WOOD, Garnet Barrington |
Farmer | WORDSWORTH, David John |
Farmer | YELLAND, Herbert John |
Farmer | YOUNG, William Gordon |
Farmer and agent general | LEFROY, Henry Bruce |
Farmer and architect | PICKERING, William George |
Farmer and auctioneer | GARDINER, James |
Farmer and bank inspector | MILLS, Joshua |
Farmer and businessperson | BRIDGE, Mr Ernest Francis |
Farmer and businessperson | GRANT, McKenzie |
Farmer and businessperson | GRYLLS, Mr Brendon John |
Farmer and businessperson | HAYWARD, Thomas |
Farmer and businessperson | LEWIS, Alexander Ashley |
Farmer and businessperson | LIGHTFOOT, Hon Philip (Ross) Ross, Sr |
Farmer and businessperson | MARWICK, Warren |
Farmer and businessperson | MASLEN, Dudley John |
Farmer and businessperson | MASTERS, Gordon Edgar |
Farmer and businessperson | POTTER, George |
Farmer and businessperson | RUNDLE, Mr Peter James |
Farmer and businessperson | YELVERTON, Henry John |
Farmer and dentist | MINSON, Mr Kevin John |
Farmer and explorer | VENN, Harry Whittall |
Farmer and fisher | SNOOK, Mr Gary |
Farmer and magistrate | BROWN, Maitland |
Farmer and manager | DAFFEN, Harold Arthur Charles |
Farmer and miller | PARKER, Stephen Stanley |
Farmer and miller | PIESSE, Charles Austin |
Farmer and miller | PIESSE, Frederick Henry |
Farmer and miner | GARRIGAN, James Joseph |
Farmer and newspaper owner | HARPER, Charles |
Farmer and orchardist | KITNEY, Ronald Wilfred |
Farmer and pearler | MACKAY, Donald McDonald |
Farmer and public servant | LEFROY, Anthony O’Grady |
Farmer and salesperson | SIBSON, John |
Farmer and seaman | LEE STEERE, James George |
Farmer and soldier | DENTON, James Samuel |
Farmer and storekeeper | STONE, Patrick |
Farmer and teacher | BUSSELL, John Garrett, Sr |
Farmer and truck driver | CHANCE, Hon Kimberley (Kim) Maurice |
Farmer, accountant and consultant | DAVIES, Hon Dexter Melvyn |
Farmer, agent general, manager and consul | WITTENOOM, Edward Horne |
Farmer, bank inspector, land valuer and shire clerk | DOUST, Clarence Isaac |
Farmer, builder and manager | MCLARTY, John Pollard |
Farmer, businessperson and consul | MCKAIL, John |
Farmer, businessperson and pearler | BROADHURST, Charles Edward |
Farmer, businessperson and pearler | MCRAE, Alexander Joseph |
Farmer, businessperson, firefighter, political adviser | ALDRIDGE, Hon Martin |
Farmer, manager and engineer | BUTCHER, Mr Noel Albert |
Farmer, miner and public servant | HUNT, John Leslie |
Farmer, miner, pearler and businessperson | CHURCH, Mr John Herbert |
Farmer, oil worker, businessperson and theatre technician | SCOTT, Hon James (Jim) Alan |
Farmer, pilot and businessperson | SCHELL, Morton William |
Farmer, real estate agent and businessperson | ALBAN, Mr Francesco (Frank) Angelo |
Farmer, salesperson and timberworker | MOORE, Thomas James |
Farmer, stock and station agent | GORDON, William Beattie |
Finance officer | BURTON, Hon Carolyn Anne |
Financial planner | ROWE, Ms Cassandra (Cassie) Michelle |
Firefighter and storekeeper | RICHARDSON, Walter |
Firefighter, engine driver, real estate agent and auctioneer | WITHERS, Frederick James |
Fitter | FLETCHER, Harry Arthur |
Fitter and turner | GAFFY, William James (Frederick) |
Fitter and turner | LEESON, Ronald Thomas |
Fitter and turner, union official | MARLBOROUGH, Mr Norman (Norm) Richard |
Fruit inspector and orchardist | OWEN, Raymond Cecil |
Geologist | KINGSMILL, Walter |
Geologist | NEVILL, Hon Mark Warriedar |
Geologist and environmental consultant | MASTERS, Mr Bernard (Bernie) Kent |
Health surveyor | MOILER, James |
Home duties | BEGGS, Mrs Pamela Anne |
Home duties | CARDELL-OLIVER, Florence (Annie) Gillies |
Home duties | HUTCHISON, Ruby Florence |
Home duties and farmer | CRAIG, Margaret June |
Horticulturist and businessperson | JACOB, Mr Albert Paul |
Hotelier and businessperson | CARR, Julian George Charles |
Hotelier, electorate officer | HOLMES, Mrs Monica Rose |
Hotelier, storekeeper and farmer | NULSEN, Emil |
Industrial officer | ELLERY, Hon Suzanne (Sue) Mary |
Industrial officer | GIFFARD, Hon Graham Thomas |
Industrial officer and electorate officer | ARCHER, Hon Shelley Frances |
Insurance agent | TRENORDEN, Hon Maxwell (Max) Wayne |
Ironmonger | HUBBLE, George Yorke |
IT technician | MILES, Mr Paul Terrance |
Journalist | BOWLER, Mr John James Mansell |
Journalist | BURKE, Mr Brian Thomas |
Journalist | CARPENTER, Mr Alan John |
Journalist | DREW, John Michael |
Journalist | GRAYDEN, William Leonard |
Journalist | MCGRATH, Mr John Edwin |
Journalist | NANSON, John Leighton |
Journalist | NELSON, Wallace Alexander |
Journalist | PRICE, Richard William |
Journalist | STUART, Julian Alexander Salmon |
Journalist | VOSPER, Frederick Charles Burleigh |
Journalist | WALKER, Thomas |
Journalist and newspaper owner | COLEBATCH, Hal Pateshall |
Journalist and newspaper owner | LOVEKIN, Arthur |
Journalist and press secretary | PENDAL, Mr Phillip George |
Journalist and research officer | MACLAREN, Hon Lynn Ellen |
Journalist and union secretary | HOLMAN, John Barkell |
Journalist, broadcaster and lecturer | WARNOCK, Ms Diana Muriel |
Journalist, businessperson and farmer | SMITH, James MacCallum |
Journalist, editor, businessperson and television commentator | ELLIOTT, Ross Mewburn |
Journalist, secretary and newspaper owner | LESLIE, Hugh Alan |
Judicial support officer | CLIFFORD, Hon Timothy (Tim) James |
Landscape designer, electorate officer and manager | AIREY, Hon Diane Phyllis |
Lawyer | ABBOTT, Mr Arthur Valentine Rutherford |
Lawyer | ANWYL, Ms Megan Irene |
Lawyer | DAVY, Thomas Arthur Lewis |
Lawyer | DOWDING, Peter M'Callum |
Lawyer | DRAPER, Thomas Percy |
Lawyer | DURACK, Peter Drew |
Lawyer | DWYER, Walter |
Lawyer | FARINA, Hon Adele |
Lawyer | FOSS, Hon Peter Gilbert da Conceicao |
Lawyer | FOULKES, John Charles Griffiths |
Lawyer | GAWLER, Douglas George |
Lawyer | GOIRAN, Hon Nicolas (Nick) Pierre |
Lawyer | GRIFFITHS, Hon Nicholas (Nick) David |
Lawyer | GUTHRIE, Hugh Norman |
Lawyer | HEENAN, Eric Michael |
Lawyer | HENNING, Andrew Harriot |
Lawyer | HENSMAN, Alfred Peach |
Lawyer | HORGAN, John (William) |
Lawyer | JENKINS, Arthur George |
Lawyer | KATSAMBANIS, Peter Argyris |
Lawyer | KEENAN, Norbert Michael |
Lawyer | KIDSON, Alfred Bowman |
Lawyer | LEAKE, George |
Lawyer | LEAKE, George Walpole |
Lawyer | MACTIERNAN, Hon Alannah Joan Geraldine |
Lawyer | MCDONALD, Hon Laine Courtney |
Lawyer | MCDONALD, (Robert) Ross |
Lawyer | MILLMAN, Mr Simon Alexander |
Lawyer | MISCHIN, Hon Michael |
Lawyer | MOORHEAD, Frederick William |
Lawyer | MOSS, Matthew Lewis |
Lawyer | NICHOLSON, John |
Lawyer | NORTH, Charles Frederic John |
Lawyer | OLNEY, Howard William |
Lawyer | ONSLOW, Alexander Campbell |
Lawyer | PARKER, Hubert Stanley Wyborn |
Lawyer | PARKER, Stephen Henry, Sr |
Lawyer | PENNEFATHER, Richard William |
Lawyer | PILKINGTON, Robert Rivington |
Lawyer | PRINCE, Mr Antony (Kevin) Royston |
Lawyer | QUIGLEY, Mr John Robert |
Lawyer | ROBINSON, Robert Thomson |
Lawyer | SAVAGE, Hon Linda Rosemary |
Lawyer | SAYER, William Frederic |
Lawyer | SCAIFE, Mr David Anthony Edward |
Lawyer | SMITH, Mr David Lawrence |
Lawyer | SPEED, James Montgomery, Sr |
Lawyer | STONE, Edward Albert |
Lawyer | STONE, Frank Mends |
Lawyer | SWINBOURN, Hon Matthew Dean |
Lawyer | TRUMP, Hon Austin (Aussie) Letts |
Lawyer | WALCOTT, Robert John |
Lawyer | WARTON, Charles Nicholas |
Lawyer | WATTS, Arthur Frederick |
Lawyer | WYATT, Mr Benjamin (Ben) Sana |
Army Reserve Officer | YANG, Hon Pierre Shuai |
Lawyer and accountant | BERTRAM, Mr Ronald (Ron) Edward |
Lawyer and agent general | HASSELL, William Ralph Boucher |
Lawyer and agent general | JAMES, Walter Hartwell |
Lawyer and attorney-general | HOCKING, Henry Hicks |
Lawyer and businessperson | BAKER, Mr Christopher (Chris) John |
Lawyer and businessperson | WALKER, Ms Susan (Sue) Elizabeth |
Lawyer and consul | HAYNES, Richard Septimus |
Lawyer and consul | HAYNES, Samuel Johnson |
Lawyer and farmer | BURT, Hon Septimus |
Lawyer and farmer | MONEY, Griffin Cant |
Lawyer and journalist | PARSONS, Harold George |
Lawyer and journalist | SANDERSON, Archibald |
Lawyer and judge | EWING, Norman Kirkwood |
Lawyer and lobbyist | GRILL, Mr Julian Fletcher |
Lawyer and ministerial adviser | QUIRK, Ms Margaret Mary |
Lawyer and public servant | AMHERST, Hon Josceline George Herbert |
Lawyer and research officer | CARLES, Ms Adele Simone |
Lawyer and solicitor | HUDSON, Charles Arthur |
Lawyer and union official | XAMON, Hon Alison Marie |
Lawyer and university lecturer | EDWARDES, Mrs Cheryl Lynn |
Lawyer and university lecturer | MEDCALF, Ian George |
Lawyer and university lecturer | PORTER, Mr Charles (Christian) Christian |
Lawyer, accountant and builder | MENSAROS, Andrew |
Lawyer, newspaper editor and businessperson | DE HAMEL, Lancel Victor |
Lecturer | DALTON, Ms Lara |
Line foreman and real estate agent | HEAL, Stanley |
Linesman and clerk | MARSHALL, Frederick |
Management consultant | SPRIGG, Mr Trevor Raymond |
Management consultant | WILLIAMS, Richard John Lloyd |
Management consultant, army officer and teacher | L'ESTRANGE, Mr Sean Kimberley |
Manager | ANDRIC, Hon Klara |
Manager | BAKER, Ms Lisa Loraine |
Manager | BICKERTON, Mr Arthur William |
Manager | BOYDELL, Hon Jacqui Ellen |
Manager | CLARKE, Mrs Robyn Marjorie Jane |
Manager | COOK, Mr Roger Hugh |
Manager | D'ANNA, Ms Divina Grace |
Manager | DAWSON, Hon Stephen Noel |
Manager | EVERS, Hon Diane Marie |
Manager | JARVIS, Hon Jackie Ann |
Manager | KELSBIE, Ms Elizabeth (Jane) Jane |
Manager | KIRKUP, Mr Zak Richard Francis |
Manager | LATHLAIN, William Francis |
Manager | LEWIS, Hon Mark William |
Manager | MARSHALL, Mrs Magenta Rose |
Manager | MCHALE, Ms Sheila Margaret |
Manager | MITCHELL, Ms Andrea Ruth |
Manager | MORTON, Hon Helen Margaret |
Manager | NALDER, Mr Dean Cambell |
Manager | NIMMO, Leslie Charles |
Manager | NORBERGER, Mr Jan-Henrik (Jan) |
Manager | OATS, William |
Manager | OLD, Richard Charles |
Manager | PIESSE, Arnold Edmund |
Manager | PUNCH, Mr Donald (Don) Thomas |
Manager | ROBERTS, George Frederick |
Manager | ROWE, Hon Samantha Helen |
Manager | SAHANNA, Hon Rosetta (Rosie) |
Manager | SIBMA, Hon Tjorn Dirk |
Manager | STEPHENS, Ms Rebecca Sue |
Manager | STONEHOUSE, Hon Aaron |
Manager | TINCKNELL, Hon Colin Richard |
Manager | TUCKER, Hon Wilson Robert |
Manager | WILLESEE, William Francis |
Manager and accountant | HALLIGAN, Hon Raymond James |
Manager and businessperson | THOMSON, Joseph Angus |
Manager and consultant | GREWAR, Geoffrey Royden |
Manager and management consultant | GREIG, Robert William |
Manager and priest | ABETZ, Mr Peter |
Manager and priest | TRETHOWAN, Anthony Markham |
Manager and public servant | CUNNINGHAM, Mr Edward (Ted) Joseph |
Manager, businessperson and magistrate | CROWTHER, Charles |
Manager, farmer and businessperson | WITTENOOM, Charles Horne |
Manager, journalist and union secretary | SMITH, Frederick Charles Lee |
Manager, miner and farmer | MORAN, Charles John |
Manufacturer | BOARD, Mr Michael (Mike) Francis |
Manufacturer | CROWDER, Frederick Thomas |
Mayor | PETTITT, Hon Dr Bradley (Brad) William |
Mayor; adviser | CAREY, Mr John Newton |
Mechanic | MURRAY, Mr Michael (Mick) Philip |
Mechanical fitter | FORD, Hon Jonathan (Jon) Robert |
Mechanical fitter | O'GORMAN, Mr Anthony (Tony) Patrick |
Media adviser and journalist | WHITBY, Mr Reece Raymond |
Metal worker and businessperson | WILLIAMS, Maurice Clifford |
Metallurgist and businessperson | ALLSOP, Frederick William |
Miller and businessperson | SMITH, Henry Teesdale |
Miller and storekeeper | MONGER, Joseph Taylor |
Mine engine driver | ARDAGH, Hon Richard George |
Mine engine driver | HARRIS, Edgar Henry |
Mine engine driver | RESIDE, John |
Mine engine driver | SCADDAN, John |
Mine engine driver and union secretary | HEITMANN, Edward Ernest |
Mine foreman | DELLAR, David Peter |
Mine manager | MITCHELL, Samuel |
Mine manager and businessperson | HARPER, Nathaniel White |
Mine manager and storekeeper | KELLY, Lionel Francis |
Miner | BURT, Richard Paull Septimus |
Miner | CHESSON, Mr Thomas |
Miner | CORNELL, James |
Miner | FOLEY, George James |
Miner | HERON, Thomas John |
Miner | LUTEY, John Thomas |
Miner | MARSHALL, William Mortimer |
Miner | MULLANY, John Francis |
Miner | MUNSIE, Selby Walter |
Miner | TROY, Michael Francis |
Miner | WILSON, Arthur Alan |
Miner and businessperson | GEORGE, James |
Miner and engineer | ELLIOTT, Charles George |
Miner and farmer | BATH, Mr Thomas Henry |
Miner and manager | THOMAS, Albert Ernest |
Miner and manager | THOMSON, John |
Miner and mine owner | GOURLEY, Hugh Alexander |
Miner and union official | BOYLAND, Mr John |
Miner and union official | BUZACOTT, Mr Richard |
Miner and union official | HICKEY, James William |
Miner and union official | MOIR, Arthur McAlister |
Miner and union official | PANTON, Alexander Hugh |
Miner and union official | WILLIAMS, Charles Bennett |
Miner and union secretary | CUNNINGHAM, James |
Miner and union secretary | HALL, William Reaper |
Miner and union secretary | MCLEOD, George |
Miner and union secretary | MILLINGTON, Harold |
Miner and union secretary | REID, Fergie |
Miner and union secretary | TRIAT, Lucien John |
Miner, engine driver, publican and businessperson | CORNISH, Cyril Richard |
Miner, timber worker and traffic inspector | ROWBERRY, Joseph Neon, Sr |
Miner, truck driver, labourer and union secretary | MCCULLOCH, Herbert Alexander |
Miner, underground supervisor and health inspector | STUBBS, Robert Henry Claude |
Mines inspector | LEAHY, David Joseph |
Mining and commercial agent | HASTIE, Robert (Stewart) |
Motor body builder and farmer | BOLTON, Hon Leonard Burlington |
Naturopath | MOERMOND, Hon Sophia |
Naval officer | FRANCIS, Mr Joseph (Joe) Michael |
Naval officer | JONES, Mr Hugh Trevor |
Naval officer | MCGOWAN, Mr Mark |
Naval officer and businessperson | PAPALIA, Mr Paul |
Newsagent and engineer | CUNNINGHAM, John Michael Adrenne |
Newspaper owner and editor | COCKBURN-CAMPBELL, Thomas |
Newspaper owner and editor | CULLEN, Joseph Francis |
Nurse | PIESSE, Winifred Margaret |
Nurse and teacher | JONES, Beryl Lillian |
Nurse, lecturer and manager | WOOLLARD, Dr Janet May |
Nurse, university tutor and ministerial adviser | WATSON, Dr Judyth |
Orchardist | WILLMOTT, Francis Edward Sykes |
Orchardist and businessperson | SPRIGGS, George Clarence Charles |
Orchardist and farmer | HILL, Leonard Louis |
Pearler | PIGOTT, Sydney Capel |
Pearler and businessperson | SHOLL, Robert Frederick |
Pearler and farmer | SHOLL, Horace William |
Pearler, farmer and salesperson | MALE, Arthur |
Pharmacist | BERINSON, Hon Joseph Max |
Pharmacist | BIRCH, Edmund |
Pharmacist | BOYLEN, Hon Robert Joseph |
Pharmacist | BRADSHAW, Mr John Leslie |
Pharmacist | D'ORAZIO, Mr John Biase |
Pharmacist | GIBSON, Frank Ernest |
Pharmacist | READ, William Raymond |
Pharmacist | THOMAS, William Lemen |
Photographer | KELLY, Hon Norman (Norm) John Patrick |
Plumber and businessperson | CLYDESDALE, Alexander McAllister |
Police officer | COWPER, Mr Murray John |
Police officer | FOLKARD, Mr Mark James |
Police officer | GRILLS, Hon Dave |
Police officer | KUCERA, Mr Robert (Bob) Charles |
Police officer | O'DONNELL, Mr Kyran Martin |
Police officer | SMITH, Hon Charles Leonard |
Police officer | SMITH, Matthew Skinner |
Police officer | SMITH, Mr Wayde Shannon |
Police officer and commission agent | MANN, Henry Willoughby |
Police officer and youth justice officer | URBAN, Mr Barry |
Police officer, builder, farmer, businessperson and auctioneer | SPENCER, William |
Policy adviser | FARAGHER, Hon Donna Evelyn Mary |
Policy Adviser | IRWIN, Hon Elise Maxine |
Policy adviser and manager | SAFFIOTI, Ms Rita |
Policy officer | BAKER, Mr Geoffrey (Geoff) |
Political party organiser | HAWKE, Albert Redvers George* |
Postal manager and businessperson | WATSON, Hon Peter Bruce |
Postal officer and storekeeper | HALL, Edmund Henry Hartley |
Postal officer and telegraphist | FRASER, Gilbert |
Postmaster | MUBARAKAI, Mr Yaz |
Priest, businessperson and consul | TRAYLEN, William |
Printer | SAMPSON, Richard Stanley |
Printer and union secretary | HOLMAN, Edward Joseph Frederick |
Project planner | STOJKOVSKI, Mrs Jessica Mary Christine |
Prospector | ISDELL, James |
Prospector | MCDONALD, John James |
Prospector and barman | COWAN, Peter Ernest |
Prospector and union secretary | GRIFFITHS, James Baillie (Bailey) [Watts] |
Psychologist and paramedic | MUNDAY, Ms Lisa Anne |
Public relations officer and human resources officer | MAY, Donald George, Sr |
Public servant | BARLEE, Frederick Palgrave |
Public servant | BURKE, Mr Terence Joseph |
Public servant | DAGLISH, Henry |
Public servant | EDWARDS, Hon Graham John |
Public servant | FOSTER, Hon Peter |
Public servant | JAMES, John Charles Horsey |
Public servant | RIEBELING, Mr Fredrick (Fred) |
Public servant | ROCKE, Samuel Mat(t)hew |
Public servant | WADDELL, Mr Andrew John |
Public servant and electorate officer | HILL, Mr Shane Robin |
Public servant, accountant and lawyer | HUGHES, Thomas John "Diver" |
Public servant, clerk, businessperson and auctioneer | HALL, Henry Lyall |
Public servant, electorate officer and businessperson | READ, Keith John |
Public servant, postmaster and businessperson | MOORE, Samuel Joseph Fortescue |
Publican | BOYLE, Mr Ignatius George |
Publican | GLOWREY, John Thomas |
Publican | O'BRIEN, Bartholomew Cornelius* (Con) |
Publican | QUINLAN, Timothy Francis |
Publican | SHAVE, Mr Douglas (Doug) James |
Publican | SMITH, John Henry (Kilkar) |
Publican, labourer and journalist | GARDINER, Joseph Peter |
Railway conductor | BENNETTS, Hon George |
Railway engineer | SWAN, Herbert Graham |
Railway manager | SPEIGHT, Richard |
Railway worker | DAVIES, Evan Morris |
Railway worker | DAVIES, Joseph Thomas |
Railway worker | GILL, Frederick |
Railway worker | KENNEALLY, James Joseph |
Railway worker | KENNEDY, Maurice John |
Railway worker | LEWIS, Charles Joseph Moore |
Railway worker | WANSBROUGH, Arthur William |
Railway worker and carriage builder | DOOLEY, Bronterre Washington |
Railway worker, miner and farmer | WANSBROUGH, Charles Prangle |
Real estate agent | BREBBER, Mr James |
Real estate agent | CARTER, Lionel Lewin |
Real estate agent | DUNN, Kenneth Wathen |
Real estate agent | HARDWICK, John Edward |
Real estate agent | HIGHAM, John Joseph |
Real estate agent | ILLINGWORTH, Frederick |
Real estate agent | MAZZA, Hon Ricky (Rick) John |
Real estate agent | SHEARN, Harry Vivian |
Real estate agent | SOMMERS, Charles |
Real estate agent and auctioneer | RAINSFORD, George Henry |
Real estate agent and farmer | MALEY, Wesley |
Real estate agent and manager | WALDRON, Mr Terrence (Terry) Keith |
Receptionist, research officer and policy adviser
Marketing and communications consultant | DAVIES, Ms Mia Jane |
Refrigeration fitter | SULC, Hon Paul |
Research officer | MICHAEL, Mr David Robert |
Research officer | PHAM, Hon Batong Vu |
Research officer | STEPHENS, Mr Thomas (Tom) Gregory |
Research officer and coordinator | CHAPPLE, Hon Robin Howard |
Research officer and manager | DUNCAN, Ms Wendy Maxine |
Research officer and teacher | ROBERTS, Mrs Michelle Hopkins |
Researcher, lecturer and social worker | STRATTON, Dr Katrina |
Rigger | HELM, Hon Thomas (Tom) Richard |
Salesperson | NAIRN, William Ralph |
Salesperson | OLDFIELD, Edward Peate |
Salesperson and accountant | LANGSFORD, Joseph Wood |
Salesperson and businessperson | MCNEIL, Thomas |
Salesperson and farmer | LOCKYER, Hon Philip Harry |
Salesperson, businessperson and priest | BRITZA, Mr Ian Maxwell |
Salesperson, welfare officer and manager | YATES, George Henry |
Seaman and salesperson | NICHOLLS, Mr Roger Keith |
Seaman, businessperson and consul | FERGUSON, John Maxwell |
Seaman, clerk and businessperson | MURPHY, William Alfred |
Seaman, salesperson, storeman and electorate officer | MACLEAN, Mr Iain Douglas |
Secretary | ELLIOTT, Lyla Daphne |
Secretary | O'BRIEN, Everard McDonnell |
Secretary, receptionist and childcare worker | WATKINS, Jacqueline Patricia |
Secretary/auditor and farmer | REYNOLDS, Alfred George |
Self employed | HUGHES, Mrs Judith (Judy) |
Semi-retired | GRAHAM, Hon Laurie William |
Senator, teacher, librarian, lobbyist | MARGETTS, Hon Diane (Dee) Elizabeth |
Shearer | LAMOND, Alfred |
Shearer and driver | SEWELL, William Hawkins |
Shearer and farmer | SMITH, Hon Gregory (Greg) David |
Shearer and prospector | TAYLOR, George |
Shire clerk | DELLAR, Stanley James |
Shire clerk | RIDGE, Keith Alan |
Social worker | COWAN, Edith Dircksey |
Social worker | HALLAHAN, Mrs Elsie (Kay) Kay |
Social worker and consultant | VAUGHAN, Grace Sydney |
Social worker and counsellor | DONOVAN, Francis Anthony |
Social worker, counsellor, state secretary, manager and businessperson | HALDEN, Hon Stanley (John) John |
Soldier | DAVIES, Reginald (Reg) Elliott |
Soldier | GIFFORD, Edric Frederick |
Soldier | GOLDSWORTHY, Roger Tuckfield |
Soldier | WISDOM, Evan Alexander |
Soldier, electrical fitter and union official | GRAHAM, Mr Larry |
Solicitor | PURKISS, William Morton, Sr |
Solicitor | WHITCOMBE, Frederic |
Sportsperson, coach and businessperson | MARSHALL, Mr Arthur Dix |
State secretary, university lecturer and musician | TALBOT, Hon Sally Elizabeth |
Stock and station agent | ANGELO, Mr Edward Houghton |
Stock and station agent | MORRISON, James |
Stock inspector | BARKER, Hon Charles William Donald |
Stockbroker | TAYLOR, John Howard |
Stockbroker, businessperson and consul | SIMPSON, George Thomas |
Stockman, linesman, manager and public servant | RHATIGAN, John Joseph |
Stonemason | LANDER, Titus (Peter) |
Storekeeper | BAKER, Mr William Leonard |
Storekeeper | BARNARD, Mr George William |
Storekeeper | BRAND, Sir David |
Storekeeper | CLARKE, Hon Ephraim Mayo |
Storekeeper | KENNY, Henry Edward |
Storekeeper | MCDONALD, Francis |
Storekeeper | MILES, George James Gallop Warden |
Storekeeper | RASON, Cornthwaite Hector (William James) |
Storekeeper | SMITH, Edmund Horace |
Storekeeper | TEESDALE, Frederick William |
Storekeeper | WALLACE, Francis Patrick |
Storekeeper and auctioneer | EDDY, William Tresize |
Storekeeper and businessperson | BARNETT, Mr Edward Charles |
Storekeeper and butcher | HAY, David Alexander |
Storekeeper and farmer | TELFER, William Francis |
Storekeeper and publican | TUCKEY, Hobart |
Storekeeper and salesperson | ANDREW, Mr Hugh David |
Storekeeper and salesperson | COYNE, Peter Joseph Aloysius |
Storekeeper, accountant and manager | WATSON, Henry Keith |
Storekeeper, businessperson and real estate agent | DAVIES, Edward William |
Storekeeper, draper and mining agent | ALEXANDER, Hon William |
Surveyor | CAREY, Thomas Campbell |
Surveyor | EWING, John |
Surveyor | FORREST, John |
Surveyor | FRASER, Malcolm |
Surveyor | MOORE, Newton James |
Surveyor and businessperson | FORREST, Alexander |
Surveyor, engineer and businessperson | BELLINGHAM, Hon George Henry John |
Tailor | DOLAND, James Alfred |
Tailor | STUBBS, Bartholomew James |
Tailor | WARE, Francis John |
Taxation officer | KRSTICEVIC, Mr Antonio (Tony) |
Teacher | ANDREWS, Mr Paul William |
Teacher | BRIGGS, Hon Henry |
Teacher | BRYCE, Mr Malcolm John |
Teacher | CADBY, Hon Alan Alfred |
Teacher | CARR, Hon Sandra Anne |
Teacher | CARR, Mr Jeffrey Phillip |
Teacher | CLAUGHTON, Roy Frederick |
Teacher | COLLIER, Hon Peter Charles |
Teacher | COLLINS, Ms Caitlin Mary |
Teacher | DOLAN, John (Jerry) |
Teacher | EVANS, Hywel David |
Teacher | HANNS, Ms Jodie Louise |
Teacher | HATTON, Mr Christopher (Chris) David |
Teacher | HEALY, Mr Terence (Terry) James |
Teacher | HENDERSON, Ms Yvonne Daphne |
Teacher | HUGHES, Mr Matthew |
Teacher | HUTCHINSON, Ross |
Teacher | KELLY, Garry Kenneth |
Teacher | KOBELKE, Mr John Charles |
Teacher | LILBURNE, Mr Paul Robert |
Teacher | MORTON, Mr Nathan Wray |
Teacher | O'NEIL, Desmond Henry |
Teacher | PEARCE, Robert John |
Teacher | PRATT, Ian George |
Teacher | READ, John Bell |
Teacher | SHALDERS, Richard Steele |
Teacher | SMITH, Philip John |
Teacher | STRICKLAND, Mr George Joseph |
Teacher | TONKIN, Arthur Raymond |
Teacher | TONKIN, John Trezise |
Teacher | TUBBY, Mr Frederick (Fred) Charles |
Teacher | TURVEY, Philip Joseph |
Teacher | VAN DE KLASHORST, Mrs June Dorothy |
Teacher | WHITELY, Mr Martin Paul |
Teacher | WHITE, Frederick Richard |
Teacher | WINTON, Ms Sabine Elisabeth |
Teacher and businessperson | DEAN, Mr Anthony (Tony) James |
Teacher and businessperson | GRAYDEN, David |
Teacher and businessperson | REDMAN, Mr Donald (Terry) Terrence |
Teacher and consultant | BENSON-LIDHOLM, Hon Matthew (Matt) Francis |
Teacher and fashion buyer | SCOTT, Hon Barbara Mary |
Teacher and lawyer | EVANS, Thomas Daniel |
Teacher and lawyer | HARTREY, Thomas Augustine |
Teacher and lawyer | SUTHERLAND, Mr Michael William |
Teacher and manager | LAURANCE, Ian James |
Teacher and priest | WILSON, Keith James |
Teacher and principal | MOORE, Hon Norman Frederick |
Teacher and television presenter | EVANGEL, Ms Eleni |
Teacher and university lecturer | CONSTABLE, Dr Elizabeth |
Teacher and youth education officer | HOUSE, Hon Barry John |
Teacher and youth education officer | TAYLOR, Alexander Donald |
Teacher, actor and entertainer | TEMPLEMAN, Mr David Alan |
Teacher, businessperson and farmer | STUBBS, Sydney |
Teacher, lawyer and university lecturer | BUTI, Dr Antonio (Tony) De Paulo |
Teacher, lecturer, businessperson and public servant | PARKER, Mrs Rhonda Kathleen |
Teacher, manager and farmer | OSBORNE, Mr Ian Frederick |
Teacher, policy officer and director | RAVLICH, Hon Ljiljanna Maria |
Teacher, political adviser and union secretary | DERMER, Hon Edmund (Ed) Rupert Joseph |
Teacher, research officer, lawyer, state secretary, university lecturer and manager | HILL, Gordon Leslie |
Teacher, union official and ministerial adviser | RIPPER, Mr Eric Stephen |
Teacher, university lecturer and lobbyist | CLARKO, Mr James George |
Underground electrical technician | AUBREY, Mr Stuart Neil |
Telecommunications technician and businessperson | WENN, Hon Douglas William |
Telecommunications technician and consultant | TROY, Gavan John |
Telegraphist, magistrate and viticulturist | PIESSE, Alfred Napoleon |
Television producer | HAYWARD, Mr James |
Timber worker | JONES, Dennis (Joseph) |
Timber worker and miner | O'LOGHLEN, Peter Laurence |
Trainer, counsellor and consultant | MARTIN, Mrs Carol Anne |
Undertaker and cabinet maker | DAVIES, Arthur Elvin |
Union official | BAGLIN, Hon Frederick Arthur |
Union official | BROWN, Mr Clive Morris |
Union official | COLLIER, Philip |
Union official | DOUST, Hon Catherine (Kate) Esther |
Union official | HAMMAT, Ms Meredith |
Union official | HARPER, Hon Lorna |
Union official | HOAR, Ernest Knight |
Union official | HOLMAN, Mary (May) Alice |
Union official | HUGHES, Clive Matthew |
Union official | JOHNSTON, Mr William (Bill) Joseph |
Union official | KELLY, Mr David (Dave) Joseph |
Union official | LAVERY, Frederick Richard Hugh |
Union official | MCGINN, Hon Kyle Owen |
Union official | MCGURK, Ms Simone Frances |
Union official | PIANTADOSI, Hon Samuel Mathew |
Union official | PRICE, Mr Stephen James |
Union official | PRITCHARD, Hon Martin Brian |
Union official | SANDERSON, Amber-Jade |
Union official and businessperson | PARKER, David Charles |
Union official and mechanic | LOGAN, Hon Francis (Fran) Michael |
Union official, newspaper editor and owner, and orchardist | DAVIS, Frederick |
Union secretary | BRADY, Mr John Joseph |
Union secretary | BUTLER, Hon Thomas George |
Union secretary | DANS, Desmond Keith |
Union secretary | DAVIES, Ronald |
Union secretary | DODD, Jabez Edward |
Union secretary | FERGUSON, Hon John (Jock) Kilday |
Union secretary | FOX, Thomas |
Union secretary | HALL, Jack |
Union secretary | HEGNEY, William |
Union secretary | JONES, Thomas Henry |
Union secretary | MAY, Henry (Harry) Thomas |
Union secretary | MCGINTY, Mr James (Jim) Andrew |
Union secretary | MCKENZIE, Fred Evan |
Union secretary | OLIVER, Cecil Thompson |
Union secretary | ROWE, Francis James |
Union secretary | SKIDMORE, John Edward |
Union secretary and ministerial adviser | THOMAS, Mr William (Bill) Ian |
Union secretary and policy officer | FREEMAN, Ms Janine Marie |
Union secretary, meatworker, miner, manager and businessperson | COOK, Wyndham Truran |
Union secretary, newspaper editor and owner | SIMONS, John Joseph |