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Shadow Ministers

The Shadow Ministry is composed of senior Members of the Opposition in the Parliament who occupy the Opposition front benches in either the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council. They are allocated ‘shadow’ portfolios to match those of the Government.

A Shadow Minister’s role is to scrutinise, appraise and criticise policies and actions of a particular Government Minister and government departments under his or her responsibility. Shadow Ministry members are the Opposition’s main spokespeople in Parliament and to the public through the media. Unlike Ministers, Shadow Ministers may also serve on Parliamentary Committees.

In the Western Australian Parliament ‘Shadow Ministries’ date back to 1974 but they do not have official status. Only party Leaders, Deputy Leaders and party Whips receive an extra salary allowance for their roles.

Mr Shane Love MLA

Leader of The Nationals WA; Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Transport; Jobs & Trade; Finance; Federal-State Relations; Climate Action; Commerce; Public Sector Management; Government Accountability

Mr Peter Rundle MLA

Deputy Leader of The Nationals WA; Shadow Minister for Education; Training; International Education; Sport & Recreation; Racing & Gaming; Tourism

Hon. Colin de Grussa MLC

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Food; Fisheries; Ports; Veterans Issues; Regional Communications

Hon. Martin Aldridge MLC

Shadow Minister for Emergency Services; Regional Health; Road Safety; Local Government; Volunteering; Regional Cities

Ms Libby Mettam MLA

Leader of the WA Liberal Party; Shadow Minister for Health; Mental Health; Prevention of Family & Domestic Violence

Hon. Steven Martin MLC

Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party; Shadow Treasurer; Shadow Minister for Housing, Forestry

Hon. Peter Collier MLC

Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Police; Corrective Services; Culture and the Arts

Hon. Neil Thomson MLC

Shadow Minister for Environment; Planning and Lands

Hon. Tjorn Sibma MLC

Shadow Minister for Justice; Defence Industry; Metronet; Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs

Hon. Donna Faragher MLC

Shadow Minister for Community Services; Early Childhood Education; Youth; Seniors and Ageing

Hon. Dr Steve Thomas MLC

Shadow Minister for Energy; Industrial Relations

Hon. Nick Goiran MLC

Shadow Attorney General; Shadow Minister for Child Protection