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Mr Shane Love MLA

Leader of The Nationals WA; Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Transport; Jobs & Trade; Finance; Federal-State Relations; Climate Action; Commerce; Public Sector Management; Government Accountability

Leader of the Opposition


Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

LOVE, Ronald (Shane) Shane, MLA
Member for Mid-West
The Nationals WA


Elected to the Thirty-Ninth Parliament for Moore on 9 March 2013, in succession to Grant Allen Woodhams (retired).
Re-elected 2017, 2021. Electorate abolished in the redistribution of 2023.
Elected to the Forty Second Parliament for Mid-West (new seat) on the general election of 8 March 2025.

Parliamentary Appointments

Acting Speaker of the Legislative Assembly from 24 May 2017 to 11 March 2020.
Parliamentary Superannuation Board from 24 June 2021.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development from 8 December 2014 to 11 March 2017.

Shadow Ministerial Appointments

Shadow Minister for Transport; Mines & Petroleum; Climate Action from 19 April 2021 to 29 March 2022.
Shadow Minister for Transport; Mines & Petroleum; Climate Action; Local Government from 29 March 2022 to 7 February 2023.
Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Transport; Jobs & Trade; Climate Action; Finance; Federal-State Relations; Public Sector Management; Government Accountability from 7 February 2023 to 2 October 2023.
Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Transport; Jobs & Trade; Finance; Federal-State Relations; Public Sector Management; Government Accountability from 2 October 2023 to 22 July 2024
Shadow Minister for Regional Development; Transport; Jobs & Trade; Finance; Federal-State Relations; Climate Action; Commerce; Public Sector Management; Government Accountability from 22 July 2024.

Standing Committees

Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 15 August 2013 to 14 May 2015.
Member, Education and Health Standing Committee from 23 May 2017 to 13 August 2020.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission from 26 May 2021 to 21 February 2023.

Select Committees

Member, Joint Select Committee on Palliative Care in Western Australia from 28 May 2020 to 19 November 2020.

Parliamentary Party Appointments

The Nationals WA Whip from 11 March 2017 to 17 March 2020.
Deputy Leader of The Nationals WA from 10 March 2020 to 30 January 2023.
Deputy Leader of the Opposition from 14 April 2021 to 30 January 2023.
Manager of Opposition Business from 14 April 2021 to 30 January 2023.

Leader of The Nationals WA from 30 January 2023.
Leader of the Opposition from 30 January 2023.



Born 30 August 1961, Kerang, Victoria.
Arrived in Western Australia 1974.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament



The electorate of Mid-West includes all or parts of the Shire of Carnamah, Shire of Carnarvon, Shire of Chittering, Shire of Coorow, Shire of Cue , Shire of Dalwallinu, Shire of Dandaragan, Shire of Gingin, Shire of Irwin ,Shire of Meekatharra, Shire of Menzies, Shire of Mingenew, Shire of Moora, Shire of Morawa, Shire of Mount Magnet, Shire of Murchison, Shire of Perenjori, Shire of Sandstone, Shire of Shark Bay, Shire of Three Springs, Shire of Upper Gascoyne and the Shire of Yalgoo.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Allanooka, Angelo River, Arrino, Arrowsmith, Arrowsmith East, Babbage Island, Badgingarra, Bambun, Barberton, Beermullah, Berkshire Valley, Bindi Bindi, Bindoon, Bonniefield, Bookara, Boonanarring, Boothendarra, Bowgada, Breera, Breton Bay, Brockman, Brown Range, Bundanoon, Bunjil, Buntine, Canna, Capricorn, Caraban, Carbla, Carnamah, Carnarvon, Carrarang, Cataby, Cervantes, Chittering, Coburn, Cooladar Hill, Cooljarloo, Coomberdale, Coonabidgee, Coorow, Coral Bay, Cowalla, Cue, Cullalla, Daggar Hills, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Denham, Dirk Hartog, Dongara, Dudawa, East Carnarvon, East Damboring, East Lyons River, East Murchison, Eganu, Eneabba, Francois Peron Nat Pk, Gabalong, Gabbadah, Gascoyne Junction, Gascoyne River, Gingin, Ginginup, Goodlands, Granville, Green Head, Grey, Greys Plain, Guilderton, Gunyidi, Gutha, Hamelin Pool, Hill River, Holmwood, Ikewa, Inggarda, Irwin, Jibberding, Jurien Bay, Kadathinni, Kalannie, Karakin, Karalundi, Kennedy Range, Kingsford, Koojan, Koolanooka, Kumarina, Lake Austin, Lancelin, Latham, Ledge Point, Leeman, Lennard Brook, Lockier, Lower Chittering, Lyndon, Macleod, Marchagee, Marne, Massey Bay, Maya, Meadow, Meekatharra, Merkanooka, Miamoon, Miling, Milo, Mimegarra, Mindarra, Mingenew, Minilya, Monkey Mia, Mooliabeenee, Moondah, Moora, Mooriary, Morawa, Morgantown, Mt Adams, Mt Budd, Mt Horner, Mt Magnet, Muchea, Muckenburra, Murchison, Namban, Nambung, Nanga, Nangetty, Neergabby, Nerren Nerren, Nilgen, North Plantations, Nugadong, Orange Springs, Paynes Find, Paynesville, Peak Hill, Perenjori, Petrudor, Pintharuka, Pithara, Port Denison, Red Gully, Reedy, Regans Ford, Rothsay, Sandstone, Seabird, South Carnarvon, South Murchison, South Plantations, Springfield, Talisker, Tamala, Three Springs, Ularring , Useless Loop, Waddy Forest, Walebing, Wanerie, Wannamal, Warradarge, Watheroo, Wedge Island, Weld Range, West Lyons River, Wilbinga, Womarden, Woodleigh, Woodridge, Woolgorong, Wooramel, Wubin, Xantippe, Yalardy, Yalgoo, Yandanooka, Yandoo Creek, Yardarino, Yarragadee and Yathroo.

Enrolment - 24,392 (2025)
Area - 423,508 km²

Further Biographical Details for Mr Ronald (Shane) Shane Love