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Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 2102 asked in the Legislative Assembly on 23 February 2010 by Mr M.P. Murray

Question Directed to the: Minister for Education
Parliament: 38 Session: 1

(1) How does the Education Department determine if a child has an intellectual disability?
(2) What role does the Disability Services Commission have in working with the Department of Education and Training to determine if a child has an intellectual disability?

(3) What role does Schools Plus have in the determination of a child with an intellectual disability?

(4) Does Schools Plus engage in its own testing to determine if a child has an intellectual disability; and

(a) if so, is it true that children will have to undergo testing twice (once from the Disability Services Commission and again by the Education Department)?

(5) How does the Education Department determine if an intellectually disabled child requires specialised aide time?

(6) How does the Education Department determine if an intellectually disabled child requires specialised classes?

Answered on 20 April 2010

(1) Intellectual disability may be diagnosed by a school psychologist or privately by a registered psychologist.  The Department of Education school psychologists diagnose intellectual disability according to professionally recognised standards, as detailed in the Department of Education Professional Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Reporting of Intellectual Disability

(2) In so far as this questions relates to the Department of Education, the Disability Services Commission has a process for identifying intellectual disability. With the parent's permission a report can be sent to the school to support an application for Schools Plus funding. Matters concerning the Department of Training and Workforce Development should be referred the Minister for Training and Workforce Development.

(3) & (4) The School Plus team does not determine intellectual disability.

(4)(a) Not applicable.

(5) The level of resources is determined by consideration of the support required for the student to access the curriculum and the degree to which the teaching and learning program needs to be adapted. This may include the provision of education assistant time, visiting teacher or other specialist services.

(6) This is done on a case by case basis at the local level in consultation with the parents, school staff and district student services team that includes the school psychologist. Decision making is further guided by the relevant State and Commonwealth laws and the Department's 'Framework for Eligibility Criteria and Enrolment Processes in Education Support Schools and Centres.'
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