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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 790 asked in the Legislative Assembly on 21 June 2017 by Ms L. Mettam

Question Directed to the: Minister representing the Minister for Agriculture and Food
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


I refer to the Department of Agriculture and Food’s Vasse Research Station in Kalgup, and I ask:
(a) for how long has the lease been extended after 30 April 2017;
(b) what is the current status of the proposed sale of the Vasse Research Station;
(c) what is the estimated time line for disposal of the Vasse Research Station;
(d) since 2013 have any valuations have been conducted for this site by either the Department of Food and Agriculture or the Department of Lands and on what dates;
(e) what was the estimated value on each occasion; and
(f) who conducted each valuation?

Answered on 8 August 2017

(a)        On advice from the Department of Lands, the Department of Agriculture and Food extended its lease to Steneless Pastoral Company for a further 12 month period. The lease expires at COB on 30 April 2018. There will be no further extensions made.

(b)        The current status is that the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Agriculture and Food Division, will relinquish the reservation tender to the property with management transferring to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), effective COB on 30 April 2018.

(c)        Once transfer of the property to the DPLH is complete (30 April 2018) DPIRD will have no further involvement. Questions regarding its sale should be directed to DPLH.

(d)       Yes. 1 July 2016

(e)        The current use land value was valued at $5,120,000 as at the 1 July 2016

(f)        Landgate