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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Parliamentary Questions

Question Without Notice No. 225 asked in the Legislative Council on 20 March 2024 by Hon Dr Brad Pettitt

Parliament: 41 Session: 1


225. Hon Dr BRAD PETTITT to the minister representing the Minister for Transport:

I refer to the Transperth bus fleet and the government commitment.

(1) How many buses are currently in the Transperth bus fleet, and of these how many are —

(a) diesel;

(b) gas; and

(c) electric?

(2) How many diesel or gas buses have been purchased in the —

(a) 2022–23 financial year; and

(b) 2023–24 financial year to date?

(3) How many electric buses have been purchased in the —

(a) 2022–23 financial year; and

(b) 2023–24 financial year to date?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following answer has been provided to me by the Minister for Transport.

(1)–(3) There are currently 1 371 diesel-powered buses, 297 compressed natural gas–powered buses and four electric-powered buses in the Transperth fleet. Works are underway to install charging infrastructure at key locations, allowing the further rollout of electric buses, including the full electrification of the Perth CAT bus fleet by mid-2025. The Transperth bus fleet leads the nation in meeting high emission standards, with a significant number of buses achieving Euro 6 standards.