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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025

Parliamentary Questions

Question On Notice No. 488 asked in the Legislative Council on 1 November 2017 by Hon Diane Evers

Question Directed to the: Minister for Regional Development representing the Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade
Parliament: 40 Session: 1


(1) I refer to Alcoa of Australia Ltd’s mining and refining activities under three State Agreements and ask, will the Minister please list by item, the current members and terms of the Mining and Management Program Liaison Group?

(2) If no to (1), why not?
(3) Will the Minister please table documents containing the agreement between the State Government and Alcoa which has allowed Alcoa to export up to 2.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of raw bauxite from the State?
(4) If no to (3), why not?
(5) In relation to (3), have there been discussions between Alcoa and the Government regarding increasing Alcoa’s shipments of raw bauxite above to 2.5mtpa, including up to five million tonnes per annum?
(6) If yes to (5), will the Minister please give details?
(7) What are the projected annual royalties from Alcoa's raw bauxite exports, in dollars per year?
(8) How many direct FTE jobs in Western Australia are the exports of up to 2.5mtpa of raw bauxite expected to generate over and above jobs in Alcoa’s existing operations?
Answered on 6 December 2017

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation advises:

(1) The function of the Mining and Management Program Liaison Group (MMPLG) is outlined in Procedure 4 of Ministerial Statement No. 728. The MMPLG is chaired by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation and has representatives from the Departments of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, and Water and Environmental Regulation and other agencies as required.

(2) Not applicable.

(3)-(4) Under clause 9(8) of the Alumina Refinery Agreement Act 1961 (State Agreement) on 15 December 2016 the then Minister for State Development approved the export up to 2.5 million tonnes per year of bauxite through the Kwinana Bulk Terminal (KBT) for up to five years commencing from 5 December 2016 and subject to Alcoa securing appropriate export slots. On 21 July 2017 under clause 9(8) of the State Agreement I approved Alcoa the use of Berth 8 at the Port of Bunbury, in addition to the KBT, for a period of two years commencing from 21 July 2017. The State Agreement is available on the State Law Publisher website.

(5) Alcoa has flagged with the State possible further requests for approval to export bauxite beyond the current approved five year period. Each such request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

(6) See (5) above.

(7) Alcoa will pay royalties at 7.5% as set out under the Mining Regulations 1981 for all bauxite it exports.

(8) Alcoa has advised that approximately 100 construction jobs and 100 jobs related to fabrication and supply of equipment and building materials in Western Australia will be created.