‘Making our prisons work’: An Inquiry into the efficiency and effectiveness of prisoner education, training and employment strategies. | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
2015/16 Budget Estimates Hearings | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2016-17 Budget Estimates Hearings | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2018-19 Budget Estimates hearings | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2019-20 Budget Estimates hearings | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2020-21 Annual Reports | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2021-22 Annual Reports | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2021-22 Budget Estimates | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
2022-23 Annual reports | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
A Petition into the Proposed Marina at Point Peron | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Acts Amendment (Consent to Medical Treatment) Bill 2006 | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Administrative Practices and Procedures and Parliamentary Processes Involving Treaties Entered into, or proposed to be entered into, by the Commonwealth (Treaties) | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Alcoa Alumina Refinery at Wagerup | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
An inquiry into improving educational outcomes for Western Australians of all ages | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
An inquiry into public sector procurement of goods and services and its vulnerability to corrupt practice | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2017 - 2021) | Joint | Government Response |
An inquiry into sexual harassment against women in the FIFO mining industry | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
An Inquiry into the adequacy and future directions of social housing in Western Australia | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
An Inquiry into the Monitoring and Enforcing of Child Safe Standards | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2017 - 2021) | Joint | Government Response |
An inquiry into the options available to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Western Australia who are seeking justice | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
An inquiry into the options available to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Western Australia who are seeking justice | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Approvals and Related Reforms (No.1) (Environment) Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Bell Group Companies (Finalisation of Matters and Distribution of Proceeds) Bill 2015 | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Chemical use by the Agriculture Protection Board | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Child Exploitation Material and Classification Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Child Welfare Amendment Bill 2001 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
City of Armadale - Signs Amendment Local Law 2008 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
City of Joondalup Cats Local Law 2008 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
City of Melville - Local Law relating to Signs, Hoardings & Billposting | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
City of Perth Code of Conduct Local Law | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Act 1996: Consumer Credit (Firefighter's Benefit Fund) Amendment Regulation (No 1) 2005 (Qld) | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Criminal Investigation Amendment Bill 2009 | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Criminal Investigations (Exceptional Powers) and Fortification Removal Bill 2001 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Deep Sewerage in the Cockburn Area | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Department of Education and Training | Department of Education and Training Select Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Electricity Transmission and Distribution Management by Western Power and Horizon Power | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2009 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Amendment Bill 2017 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Bill 2010 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Hospital Trust Accounts | Public Accounts Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Impact of State Government Actions and Processes on the Use and Enjoyment of Freehold and Leasehold Land in Western Australia | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into 2011 Kimberley Ultramarathon Event | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into a Systemic Issue arising out of Nine Court and Tribunal Fee Instruments | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into access to Australian Standards adopted in delegated legislation | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into Accommodation and Intensive Family Support Funding for People with Disabilities | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into alternate approaches to reducing illicit drug use and its effects on the community | Select Committee into alternate approaches to reducing illicit drug use and its effects on the community | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Amendments to the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) | Public Accounts Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Cannabis and Hemp | Select Committee into Cannabis and Hemp | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Child Development Services | Select Committee into Child Development Services | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Child Development Services | Select Committee into Child Development Services | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into children and young people on the Sex Offenders Register - is mandatory registration appropriate? | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Custodial Arrangements in Police Lock-Ups | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into digital innovation in secondary education | Education and Health Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Domestic Gas Prices | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Education Support for Students on 457 Visas in Western Australia | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Elder Abuse | Select Committee into Elder Abuse | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Government Payments to Ms Tirzah Bell | Public Accounts Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into how the Western Australian Government’s progress towards achieving Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) outcomes is assisting to secure international investment | Public Accounts Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into improving the working relationship between the Corruption and Crime Commission and the Western Australia Police | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2013 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into innovation in Western Australia | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Ironbridge Holdings Pty Ltd and Other Matters Regarding Residential Land and Property Developments | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry Into Karrinyup Lakes Lifestyle Village | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Local Government | Select Committee into Local Government | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into mental health impacts of FIFO work arrangements | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Microgrids and Associated Technologies in WA | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Mining on Pinjin Station | Select Committee into Mining on Pinjin Station | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Municipal Waste Management in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into organ and tissue donation in Western Australia | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Palliative Care in Western Australia | Joint Select Committee on Palliative Care in Western Australia | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into past forced adoptive policies and practices | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Pastoral Leases in Western Australia | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Policy Implications of an Ageing Community | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Private Property Rights | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into public sector contract management practices | Public Accounts Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Public Sector Expenditure | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into regional airfares in Western Australia | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Shack Sites in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Short-Stay Accommodation | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry Into Successful Initiatives in Remote Aboriginal Communities | Education and Health Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into support for autistic children and young people in schools | Education and Health Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into support for children and young people who have been directly or indirectly exposed to trauma associated with migration to Australia due to humanitarian crises | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2021 - 2025) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into technological and service innovation in Western Australia | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the management and oversight of the Perth Children’s Hospital project | Public Accounts Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Adequacy and Appropriateness of Prevention and Treatment Services for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Problems in Western Australia | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Adequacy and Appropriateness of Prevention and Treatment Services for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Problems in Western Australia | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Adequacy and Appropriateness of Prevention and Treatment Services for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Problems in Western Australia | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Adequacy of Services to Meet the Developmental Needs of Western Australia's Children | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Administration and Management of the 2017 State General Election | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Cause and Extent of Lead Pollution in the Esperance Area | Education and Health Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Child Exploitation Material and Classification Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the decision to award Serco Australia the contract for the provision of non-clinical services at Fiona Stanley Hospital | Public Accounts Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the delivery of ambulance services in Western Australia | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the delivery of the Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) program | Education and Health Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Department of Education's Independent Public Schools Initiative | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into The Department of Environment and Conservation’s Management of Former Pastoral Leases. | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Department of Health's response to the challenges associated with the commissioning of Fiona Stanley Hospital | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Economic Implications of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Operations | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Esther Foundation and unregulated private health facilities | Education and Health Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the financial administration of homelessness services in Western Australia | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Form and Content of the Statute Book | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Form and Content of the Statute Book | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Franchising Bill 2010 | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the functions, roles and responsibilities of the CCC and the Parliamentary Inspector as they pertain to each other | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2008 - 2013) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into the General Health Screening of Children at Pre-Primary and Primary School Level | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Government’s Local Projects Local Jobs Program | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Implications for Western Australia of Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Gas | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Implications of the New Structure and Functions of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and the Public Sector Commission | Public Accounts Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Magistrates Court of Western Australia's management of matters involving family and domestic violence | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Management of Asbestos Containing Materials in Western Australian State Schools | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Management of Western Australia’s Freight Rail Network | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Memorandum of Understanding between Balga Senior High School and Manufacturing Industry Training Services Pty Ltd | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Memorandum of Understanding between Balga Senior High School and Manufacturing Industry Training Services Pty Ltd | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the methods employed by WA Police to evaluate performance | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the methods employed by WA Police to evaluate performance | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the methods employed by WA Police to evaluate performance | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the most effective ways for Western Australia to address food insecurity for children and young people affected by poverty | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2021 - 2025) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the potential environmental contribution of recreational hunting systems | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Production and Marketing of Foodstuffs | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Production and Marketing of Foodstuffs | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Prosecution of Assaults and Sexual Offences | Community Development and Justice Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Protection of Crowded Places from Terrorist Acts | Community Development and Justice Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Provision, Use and Regulation of Caravan Parks (and Camping Grounds) in Western Australia | Economics and Industry Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Acts | Committee on the Review of the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Acts (2008 - 2013) | Joint | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Rail Safety Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Removal of Senior School Allocation Funding for Year 11 and 12 Courses at District High Schools | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the response of Western Australian schools to climate change | Education and Health Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the role of diet in type 2 diabetes prevention and management | Education and Health Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Royalties for Regions Policy | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Sandalwood Industry in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the State Government's Role in Developing and Promoting Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Western Australia | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Statute Book | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Student Transport Assistance Policy framework | Public Accounts Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Bill 2008 | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the transition and operation of services at Fiona Stanley Hospital | Education and Health Standing Committee (2013 - 2017) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into the transport of persons in custody in Western Australia | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the Transportation of Detained Persons | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into the “Inside Australia” project at Lake Ballard (Menzies) | Community Development and Justice Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Uniform Legislation and Supporting Documentation | Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Committee (2002 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into use of State funding by the Western Australian Football Commission | Public Accounts Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into WA’s Automotive Smash Repair Industry | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2017 - 2021) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Water Licensing and Services | Economics and Industry Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Western Australia’s bilateral trade relationship with the Republic of Indonesia | Economics and Industry Standing Committee (2021 - 2025) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Western Australia's Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements | Community Development and Justice Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Inquiry into Western Australian Strata Managers | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into Western Australian Tourism Commission’s Involvement in Major Tourism Events | Estimates and Financial Operations Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry into WorkSafe | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Inquiry on Personal Choice and Community Safety | Select Committee on Personal Choice and Community Safety | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Jurisdiction and Operation of the State Administrative Tribunal | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Liquor Control Amendment Regulations (No. 10) 2011 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Local Government Accountability in Western Australia | Public Accounts Committee (2005 - 2008) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Local Government Act 1995 | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Local Government Rating System and Distribution of Funds | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Local Laws Regulating Signs and Advertising Devices | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Management of Deliberate Self Harm in Young People | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petition Objecting to the Proposal to Establish a Sewage Pumping Station at Heseltine Park, Glenleigh Road, Busselton | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petition on the provision of mental health services in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petition on the upgrade of the Albany Residential College | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petition on Western Power's Underground Power Policy | Public Administration and Finance Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petition requesting an immediate stay on all expansion works at the Gnarabup Waste Water Treatment Site and an investigation into the siting of the sewerage plant based on thorough research | Environment and Public Affairs Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Petroleum and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Powers of Entry | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Preventing the Entry and Establishment of Cane Toads in Western Australia | Environment and Public Affairs Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Professional Standards Amendment Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Recreation Activities within Public Drinking Water Source Areas | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2011 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Review of the Auditor General Act 2006 | Joint Audit Committee (2013 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Review of the Financial Management Act 2006 | Joint Audit Committee (2013 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Review of the functions exercised by the Commissioner for Children and Young People | Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People (2013 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Review of WA's Current and Future Hospital and Community Health Care Services | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Review of WA's Current and Future Hospital and Community Health Care Services | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Review of WA's Current and Future Hospital and Community Health Care Services | Education and Health Committee (2008 - 2013) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Second Review of the Financial Management Act 2006 | Joint Audit Committee (2017 - 2021) | Joint | Government Response |
Select Committee into the Police Raid on The Sunday Times | Select Committee into the Police Raid on The Sunday Times | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Select Committee on Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 | Select Committee on Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Select Committee on the Adequacy of Foster Care Assessment Procedures by the Department for Community Development | Select Committee on the Adequacy of Foster Care Assessment Procedures by the Department for Community Development | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Sentencing Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2002 & Sentence Administration Bill 2002 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Shire of Koorda Cemeteries Amendment Local Law 2010 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Statutory Office Holders | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Statutory Office Holders' Grievance Procedures | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Statutory Office Holders hearings (2022) | Public Administration Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Strata Management Industry in Western Australia. | Economics and Industry Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Western Australia | Economics and Industry Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Assembly | Government Response |
Tabling of Subsidiary Legislation in the Legislative Council | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Taxation Administration Bill 2001, Taxation Administration (Consequential Provisions) (Taxing) Bill 2001 and Taxation Administration (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 | Legislation Committee (2001 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
The current use of the exceptional powers provisions of the CCC Act 2003 | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2013 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Town of Bassendean Repeal Local Law 2010 and Town of Bassendean Dust and Sand Local Law 2011 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Town of Kwinana Extractive Industries Local Law 2011 | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Bill 2005 | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Trustee Companies (Commonwealth Regulation) Amendment Bill 2010 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Unauthorised Disclosure of Confidential Committee Correspondence by the City of Joondalup | Delegated Legislation Committee (2001 - 2017) | Joint | Government Response |
Unclaimed Money (Superannuation and RSA Providers) Bill 2002 | Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Committee (2002 - 2005) | Legislative Council | Government Response |
What happens next? Beyond a finding of serious misconduct | Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission (2021 - 2025) | Joint | Government Response |
Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 | Legislation Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |
Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Amendment Bill 2009 | Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee | Legislative Council | Government Response |