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  • The Legislative Assembly meets on 08/04/2025 (11:00 AM)
    Assembly sit 08/04/2025
  • The Legislative Council meets on 08/04/2025 (02:45 PM)
    Council sit 08/04/2025

Browse Hansard and broadcasts

Video Archives

To view the LC and LA video archives for the 41st Parliament, please follow these links:

LC Video Gallery

LA Video Gallery

The content below contains Hansard dating back to 2000 and broadcasts from the 40th Parliament from May 2017.

To view the Hansard or broadcast recording, click on the + sign to expand the dates. A PDF of the Hansard is listed under each sitting day. Click on these links to open the file.

Hansard and broadcasts are available:
Red circle with horizontal white line progressive Hansard – updated regularly during the sitting
Red diamond uncorrected Hansard – available about 3 hours after the house rises
    finalised Hansard – available 2-3 working days following the sitting
Blue circle with white right facing arrow head broadcast - available the morning following the sitting